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In the case of Juliet’s strong request, Arthur temporarily learned the foot fetishism skills, but he also has a bottom line, there is no licking, just touch, otherwise Juliet does not give a snap, it is really strange, why Juliet will Do you have this strange hobby?

But in the end, Arthur and the soul of Yu Liye completed the homology resonance, just as he was preparing to use the Samsara Wheel of Life and Death, their combined soul exuded a powerful force …

Both parties with double-edged swords are expecting the other to be freed. This kind of power for each other has merged while building a bridge between their souls …

This force took 2 people out of the stage of the ‘Heckar of Hades’ to the outside world.

“Yes, I didn’t expect you to be able to come back from that world, but some are so far, no matter how you are, the result is what it is now. The real Ming Sect is about to come on this World. “

Shadru released Arthur and Juliet from the purple sun, pointing to the island that had been swallowed and smiling triumphantly.

“Indeed, even now that I and Yeuliye can contend with your strength, it can’t save everything from collapsing, but ah, isn’t the best card to be turned out at the end?

I forgot to tell you, I haven’t used the first-level reward automatically!

If Julie and I are in the same soul, it 鈥檚 [鈪, then ascending again is–

[鈪! ! ! Although it 鈥檚 not real [鈪, you can show her strength with Yuliye … “

Arthur smiled at the corner of his mouth as well. He achieved [鈪 by his own strength, but Shadru used the reward to increase to [鈪 after reaching [鈪, and Arthur did not increase to [鈪 at [鈪. ], But want to achieve [鈪 through some means, but then evolve into [鈪! !

“Using the rank to increase authority, promote Level鈪? the second-class Holy Spirit Lucifer!”

Unprecedented power filled Arthur’s body. Compared with the black and white prohibition, he seemed to be able to adjudicate everything in this World.

Extremely dark darkness, extremely bright and bright, black and white wings spread behind Arthur, absolutely different as heaven and earth from the previous breath, both evil and noble breath emanated from Arthur’s body.

“You can really hold back, but you just hold it until now, it seems that I underestimate your Mattribute, and endure until now you are really insidious …”

Shadru 10000 10000 Unexpectedly, Arthur has kept the right to promote the ranks. The situation that was previously bullied by her is completely Arthur’s hard work. In order to convince her, he began to design all this at at first …

“I don’t call it M, it’s a conspiracy to decide. Although I thought I would be able to compete with you when I improved to 鈪? however, under the same condition of 鈪? my chance of success is only one of 20%.

So I have been using it for the last time, Shadru, this is the result of the overbearing you set before, let me wreak havoc on you now, if I have been suppressed, I will reach the limit! “

Arthur’s speed was approaching a limit, only to see the beautiful feathers fluttering, he came to Shadru’s front, the strength of the hands gathered the strong strikes on Shadru’s body and flew her out …


“Although I am surprised, I have to beat your confidence. When did I say that my rank sublimation has been used, even if I said it, must it be correct?

I am also in the rank of 鈪? In this case, I should be able to fight a battle between the same level, but I sublimated after reaching [鈪, and now you are only temporarily borrowing the power of soul fusion to reach [ 鈪 Simultaneously sublimate towards [鈪. In the end, can your strength really beat me? “

Shadru’s ability has been improved again, the entire space has undergone a qualitative change, and a large number of soul guards rushed out of the purple sun moved towards Arthur to attack in the past-

“Human sea tactics are very good, I see when you can support!”


Arthur couldn’t help but be surprised. Shadru originally planned to sublimate after [鈪, so he couldn’t underestimate her, but he still has his own, because the real hole card not at all showed up.

This is a battle of ingenuity. The two sides frustrate their opponents through intelligent battles. As long as they hold a card in their hands, the game can continue.

Now there should be no cards in Shadru’s hands, but Arthur still has the last card. Thanks to Shadru for speaking of which. Without her foreshadowing, how can you use it …

“You Liye, be my wing !!”

Ashera took the hand of Juliet, and Juliet changed from a human form into a dazzling silver light arrow鈥斺€?/p>

“Martial Goddess of Great God Odin, in response to the call of the hero, turned into a silver moon wolf, in the Ming Sect, divide the world into two–

The blade of rune * breaks you and me until death (Br眉nnhilde Romantia)! ! ! “

“Useless … your strength is not enough to defeat me at the same or higher level in split second …”

Shadru constructs each and everyone Barrier in space to resist Arthur’s silver meteor arrow.

However, the fact is not as beautiful as she imagined. The Meteor Arrows transformed by Yuliye penetrated all the barriers and resistances, and arrived at Shadru in the second split, from the silver meteor arrows to the petite girl 鈥檚 body. Liye, holding a double-edged blade, gave Shadru a real blow–

! !

“pu! !!!”

The blood burst out, and Yuliye defeated [鈪 Shadru of rank [鈪.

“We are a double-edged sword. Two people, indeed, my abilities are sealed, but as long as the soul can be connected, you can let Juliet use my abilities to break you in a short split second, thanks to you. The space of the Hades Moon, without that space, may be difficult to realize the connection of the soul?

This is the power that I and Juliet have in common, the power I get from Odin Great God, Odin 鈥檚 crow and Silver Wolf can summon Odin 鈥檚 incarnation as long as the will merges 鈥斺€?/p>


Coupled with the Nordic must-break rune, you will eventually fall under the oath of me and Juliet! ! ~ “

The Certain Kill Skill that Arthur and Youliye learned after completing the soul homology鈥?/p>

Eternal Spear * Gungnir, Arthur as the incarnation of the crow, and Juliet of the Silver Wolf incarnation, the union of the will is the will of Great God Odin, this will is the gun of the meteor Gungnir.

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