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Arthur and Juliet’s soul resonance harmonized and defeated Shadru. They who completed this first stage did not know whether it was Absolute Duo, but if Absolute Duo existed, should it be like this?

They have reached the limit of a soul, Absolute Duo is the limit of the soul?

The truth is no longer important. For Arthur, the so-called Absolute Duo is that the trust communication between the soul and the soul can achieve the power of the other party, and the power of the other party becomes the other party. It is Absolute Duo.

“Congratulations …”

Lilith looked at Arthur and Juliet, who had fallen together, did she lose all her power to defeat the Underworld?

“It ’s not just congratulations to us, you are too. Although you have n’t been able to complete a real trip with Lilith, you are also my (仮) trip double-edged, Yuliye is my trip double-edged It ’s important to say that without you, I can never complete the challenge of Ming Sect Abyss.

If Yuliye and I are the soul bond, then Lilith, you are the body bond.

You are all my Martial Goddess, leading me into Ming Sect … “

Arthur looks up at the gradually brightening sky and feels the preciousness of life. A person can never go forward in the world. Only by having Bond around him can he have more powerful power if he wants to protect this Bond.

“Is it?”

Lilith sat on the other side of Arthur’s, stroking pale-gold’s hair, looking at the rainbow sun gradually floating from the sea, her inner struggle was gradually flattened, she thought that the appearance of Yuliye, Arthur wouldn’t need her anymore. She also took advantage of the situation, perhaps this result is too satisfying for her?

In fact, she has already confirmed this end many times in her heart. After all, she still has a man’s vision. Although at first is because of Arthur’s soul speciality, he was close to him, but it was only after she seriously considered it. Right?


Juliet was already asleep, clutching Arthur’s corner close to his body.

“be good……”

Arthur caressed Juliet’s head. Although the relationship was awkward, his mood to take care of Juliet was definitely not empty.

“It’s really carefree enough, and it is this simplicity that is cherished by you. Some people can get the best things without any effort.”

Lilith looked at You Liye’s quiet sleeping face and couldn’t help but chuckled. In the end, the person she was fighting was just a simple girl who didn’t know the world. The opponent she set up was just her fantasy role.

“Because of this, there is a need to supplement this flaw of perfection. Nobody in the world will miss you. Lilith, you have filled the unfinished Bond of Juliet in different directions, and you will get along with her in the future …

Arthur stood up, “I haven’t forgotten our agreement, come on, and start our honeymoon journey. Before that, we need to be separated in a short time temporarily, and you will know the reason soon …”

“I look forward, I wait, I will arrange a private yacht for my honeymoon …”

Lilith said nodded on her chest.



After Arthur completed the Main Quest of Abyss Level and level cleared the world of “Absolute Duo”, he completed the promotion of Silver Grade and reached the silver low grade rank. The promotion of the new rank represents the awakening of the new Ougi.

He is already ready for the required species. The next battle, Ougi is very important. It can be said one-sidedly. At the later stage, the battle between King-Type Ability User will rely on Ougi to compete, whose Ougi More powerful, whose Ougi restrains whose Ougi, this is the way to victory.

Arthur’s Ougi seems to be very good, but Bloodthirsty and Ice Spirit are both auxiliary quality Ougi categories, which are physical enhancement Ougi, but there is no direct performance, and it is impossible to release some skills and the like.

Therefore, he urgently needs an Ougi with instantaneous performance. In short, it is the manifestation of ability, such as the will of the dark like Shadru, to blur himself.

After returning from Absolute Duo’s world to ACAD emy City, Arthur started Ougi Awakening.

Both Nunotaba Shinobu and Tohsaka Rin have said that Ougi is not something that can be awakened casually. Some people may not be able to awaken an Ougi throughout their lifetime. Except for the innate skill of Innate, Ougi is only promoted in the rank. There is a chance to awaken, which means a person has only 6 chances of Ougi Awakening in his life.

Dominant species can increase the success rate of Ougi Awakening, but no matter how much it improves, it is impossible that it is 100%. Eating too many dominant species will not be useful.

If a person has no potential, no matter how to increase the success rate, there can only be a way to fail.

In addition to the random Ougi Awakening, there is also a self-directed Ougi Awakening, which is to go to Ougi Awakening according to your own thinking. This requires itself to have an understanding and simple use of Ougi in the usual battle. Usually, I start to hone a skill, and when this skill can reach a stage of reaching a higher-level, it can be self-directed Ougi Awakening.

Arthur this time is not to choose random Ougi, but self-directed Ougi. The Ougi he wants is Stigma. The power of Stigma has long been felt. For so long, he has clearly understood in the mind.

After taking the blue bully, Arthur felt an energy filled with holy power surging on his chest, as if throwing a huge stone into the sea and causing a strong wave, his world It is changed accordingly, the body’s activity is increasing, as if it has infinite power …

“The 3rd Ougi Awakening succeeded …”

“Stigmata Body [(orange) (Ougi) (Level I)]: ?????

“First, 2 Ougi promotion (the awakened Ougi is automatically promoted to the next level after the next Ougi realizes the success and failure) …”

“Bloodthirsty [(orange) (Ougi) (Level III)]: Attack and defense are increased by 140% each, and at the same time 40% of the damage caused to the enemy is turned into blood energy. According to the X100 ratio, the attack and defense are strengthened and the damage to the enemy is 40. % Converted to HP and consumes 40 spirits per second. “

“Ice Spirit [(orange) (Ougi) (Level II)]: Ice Attribute damage is fully immune to normal attacks with Ice Attribute damage bonus, no consumption.

Derivative capacity:

Frost Armor: Weave an extremely thin layer of frost armor on the surface, immune to 10% normal attacks, possess a frost resonance harmonic energy layer, and be immune to a Certain Killing Skill attack. Refilling the frost energy layer requires ten common attacks bear. “

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