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After breakfast, Pandora and Limiter have gathered in the swimming pool. Compared with the life in the Academy, Alaska is equivalent to vacation. Without those daily courses, it can be said that almost all time is free.

“It stands to reason that we should enter the actual combat data level now? Obtain the data by officially fighting Pandora and EPandora’s, and Ohara Court Academecian called us here not just to let the outside world see the level gap between Pandora and EPandora. Is EPandora’s feasible to draw outside funding? “

The first to question the voice was Elizabeth of Sitney Ticks, and her words quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

“It shouldn’t be a problem in the short-term capital supply chain. After all, it has been approved by the headquarters of Seubaliye. What is needed should be the public opinion …”

Roxanne shook his head and raised the corners of his mouth. “And it’s right. It’s the EPandora experiment. It’s actually a human experiment. It’s really an epoch-making breakthrough for humans as Shiro rats. Not voluntary, but people with special reasons. Some family members need money for illness, and some are orphans … “

“Even if it is a human experiment, there is no need for mercy, and aren’t all of our Pandora projects also experiments? Sympathy with EPandora, there is no need, we just need to do what we do.”

Xia Lulu said indifferently.

“Although that is the case, this institute does not look so …”

Cathy said angrily, staring at Arthur in the pool. He was teaching Shizaki 3 to swim. Although he was invited, he looked very happy, and almost died in the woman’s hand …

“I’ll get some drinks …”

Xi Feng looked at Elizabeth and the others who were discussing together and left silently.


“Do you want some juice?”

Xi Feng sent juice after one another, and finally sent them to Arthur.

“Xi Feng Senpai has worked hard. Let us do this kind of thing …”

Ashera took the juice and took Shizaki Mania 3 out of the water.

“Well, as Senpai, it is also appropriate to take care of the younger generation … Then, let’s exchange information next.”

Xi Feng believes that Arthur should be the head of the first year student group in West Jenetices, so it ’s okay to exchange information with him, so that conversations during the day will make people around them feel no abnormality, just think they are in Ordinary courtesy greetings.

“Well, okay, do you want to attack at night … Xi Feng Senpai I believe it, then I do n’t reserve it, there are really dangerous things in this base, I can feel that the reaction to Stigma at the world carnival There should be a performance at the time, presumably Ohara Court Academecian’s EPandora plan is just blinding.

The worst consequence is that the humanoid NOVA is staring at these things, and the consequences will be very serious. “

Arthur has no reservations, and since he can confirm that Xi Feng is the same Stigmata Body as him, although there is a gap, at least it can be agreed.

“This is also the reason why I work with you. Other people certainly don’t know ‘that’. Although I want to solve it by myself, you can’t leave you alone if you know it.

In fact, today the EPandora and Pandora’s battle experiment was to be carried out. The reason for the sudden suspension was naturally that the protection system was partially cracked. Ohara’s Court Academecian wanted to use the EPandora plan to gain time.

Moreover, she did not know that it was NOVA. No one could imagine that NOVA would turn into a human and collect intelligence among us. This is the first time in history.

However, we can’t take the initiative to report this matter, so it will definitely be killed and killed. Compared with NOVA, humans who know the details are the real enemies, and humans are the creatures of this kind of thinking. “

Xi Feng said in a tranquil voice, the degree of indifference seemed to make people feel her temperature.

“Has NOVA already taken action? But Ohara Court Academecian knows who wants to get her secrets, and will definitely strengthen vigilance and defense. In this case, we will be in trouble. We can’t do it …”

Arthur frowned.

“Yes, NOVA is lurking in the hidden plot of Court Academecian in Ohara, and we cannot get there forcibly, and fighting will also be observed, when the time comes just give us a name like ****** Can be removed.

This operation has a lot of difficulties, so it is necessary to work out a plan … “

Xi Feng drank the juice, “You guys think of a way first, you come to me at night, in the name of asking for guidance, it is best not to let Cathy discover that ordinary Pandora ca n’t get in there, your team ’s Those three must also make sure they come in handy. “

“I understood, Senpai walk slowly …”

Arthur nodded. Fortunately, he exchanged information with Xi Feng. Otherwise, he would rush into the past and he would definitely be detected by Ohara. Then he would be troubled by giving them a confinement. The key Ohara was also staring at him. The consequences were very serious after being found. .

“If you transfer your opponents to us, give it to me, and use [City of Time] to transfer them. Moving life and objects within the realm of devouring time is also barely possible, although the power is now weakened. , But my Elf strength is good. “

Shizaki Mania 3 grabbed Arthur’s juice and drank it.

“Hey, if you don’t mind, I will also mind. It’s seen by everyone!”

Arthur looked at Kuang 3’s ruddy lips with the straw he had just sucked and felt agitated suddenly. Normal boys would be cranky …

“Oh, I’m just thirsty. Here you are …”

Shizaki Mania 3 returned the juice directly to Arthur.

“This one……”

Arthur looked at the straw in his hand and wanted to suck … or not? If you suck, it’s a real indirect kiss … kiss! The above **** is crazy 3, how does it taste, as Elf, it should taste good, after all, I have eaten the lollipops that Kotori has contained before, and the taste is not bad …

“Come on … you haven’t had enough fun, continue to suck Ah …”

When Shizaki Kuang 3 noticed Cathy ’s gaze, he deliberately approached Arthur ’s skin with only a swimsuit on Arthur ’s chest, reaching for the juice and moving to his mouth …

“Hu … it’s so refreshing!”

Just when Arthur was about to suck, Yamato rushed over and splashed Arthur’s face with water, pressing the juice over and drinking it in one breath!

Yamato, a powerful black teammate, appears again!

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