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When night came again, Arthur once again rejected Cathy’s invitation to sleep (QAQ)-

“I made an appointment with Xi Feng Senpai, and let her guide my Pandora skill tonight, so …”

Arthur looked at Cathy’s gloomy LV + 1 eyes and felt chills. It was normal to refuse on the first day, 2nd day …

If this continues, if Arthur invites Cathy in the future, he will definitely be rejected by a tooth for a tooth?

“I can also guide you on Pandora skill, and the dormitory has a bathroom. When the time comes, I can wash and sleep together.”

How could Cathy easily believe Arthur’s excuses!

“This … elder sister is fine too, but aren’t you the best at Avatar? Xi Feng Senpai is very good in other places …”

Arthur himself does not believe his explanation. As the No.1 of East Jennetics Academy, Cathy Lockhart’s strength is naturally very difficult to deal with. Being good at accelerating does not mean that he is not good at other places.


Cathy pinched her hands, and moved towards Arthur.

“Really? Am I usually too gentle with you, so you do n’t feel my overwhelming strength? Saying I ’m not as good as Xi Feng, I ca n’t treat this as if I have n’t heard it. ‘S partner Pandora true strength, anyway, Arthur-kun’s healing ability is extremely good, and any injuries will be restored, right? “

Hey, hello, where is this thing going …

Do you want to blackening? !

Cathy really has to explode. He can’t stand it.

“No… no!”

Arthur clutched Cathy’s shoulders with both hands, blushing and said, “Because with elder sister, heartbeat will be disordered. In my heart, elder sister is much prettier and more lovely than Xi Feng Senpai, so I will rise to fight you No strength Ah … “

“One … one … what did you say about split second, it’s really impossible to take you, as long as you say this is …”

Cathy’s entire face flushed, her hands intertwine on her chest to reveal a girlish shyness, and she decisively agreed …


Finally solved.

Yay! Emotional Intelligence LV + 1!

But soon Arthur felt a cold, murderous aura, instantly from heaven to hell–


Xi Feng suddenly appeared in the corner of the corridor, his eyes narrowed into a crescent, the right hand instantly huge robot arm lifted Arthur like a pet, moved towards the girl ’s dormitory …

“Xi Feng, Arthur pleased you, it’s too much trouble for you …”

Cathy indulged in a certain field, completely ignoring Arthur’s eyes for help.


After leaving the girls’ dormitory, Arthur found that Xi Feng actually took him to the training ground, and it seemed that he had obtained the right to use it.

“Xi Feng Senpai, I didn’t mean it, I just said rhetoric, just rhetoric, otherwise, there is no way to get rid of Ah …”

Arthur looked at Xi Feng with poor eyes.

“Ah, even so, a creature like a woman is very jealous. Any girl is impossible and doesn’t care that other people will be prettier and more beautiful than herself, so let’s simulate the battle a little bit?”

Xi Feng is completely serious!

“Compared to that, it’s time to start now, and the goal has moved towards that place …”

Shizaki Mania 3 protruded his body from the ceiling.

“It’s a good advanced technique, or is it the first time I saw …”

Xi Feng frowned when he looked up at the position of Shizaki 3, from this angle, only half of Shizaki 3 ’s body was exposed, and the place where the body was in contact with the ceiling had black red material, and the remaining half was completely can not tell.

“Compared to this, I am more interested in your kind of movement … less nonsense, I will use the ability to lead the other party to this space, you are responsible for solving it, there are Yamato and Heiyi monitoring outside, once there is close, Yamato will notify Heiyi, and Heiyi will send a signal, you should pay attention to return to normal …

It’s really troublesome work, if I were to chase the prey to attack … “

Shiqi Mania 3 had twin guns with stardust weapons, a long flintlock, and a short, delicate pistol.

“Well, Arthur does Freezing Domain, the strongest one, and then I strike one strike certain kill!”

Xi Feng nodded, although lamenting the power of Shizaki 3, but it is not the time to consider this kind of thing. Since he can be trusted by Arthur’s, it is impossible to say that the ability of Shizaki 3 is related to Arthur.

“Then the joint hunting begins!”

Shizaki Kuang 3 disappeared into the ceiling and disappeared within a blink of an eye, and a woman with azure hair fell off the ceiling.

The woman with azure hair has not yet understood the state of the breath, but it is too late to think, and the whole body is frozen!

“Power of Ice * Ereinbar * Set–

Freezing Domain is full! “

Arthur reached down and pressed the ground, using the power of Iced Shell.

“Star weapon unfolds–

NOVA * BuMaster (BuMaster)! “

Xi Feng appeared in the body of azure hair woman in an instant, not an acceleration, but an instant!

Huge mechanical arm sharp claw directly azure hair penetrated behind the woman!

“Aaaah !!”

With a wailing wailing, the azure haired woman’s body was torn in two and a half, but soon her tissue regenerated, and even then she could not escape from Arthur’s realm, and she could only do everything in Freezing Slow movement in Domain …


Xi Feng’s huge manipulator blasted the azure hair woman who repaired the tissue, and began to burst out a lot of NOVA crystals. Then, it quickly turned into blood, and finally the head was smashed into pieces. The white brain plasma was mixed with blood Streamed all over …

It really is–


Arthur watching from the side has some scalp tingling, Xi Feng this guy is really the strongest, even without his control, H-NOVA can not escape?


After the treatment, Xi Feng said indifferently to the ceiling, Shi Qimang 3 said that there was no point of sighing. H2’s NOVA was instantly spiked. This is not powerful enough to describe it. Arthur asked H2 to spend some time, but Xi Feng solved an H2 less than a second after entering and fighting.

“This is a normal type of H2, followed by a mutant type. Be careful … if you die, don’t let me not remind you.”

Although Shizaki Kuang 3 said so, it was just a joke. Xi Feng ’s strength should be the most powerful Pandora in the Alaska Institute, and they are not on a level with them! !

“Although it comes, there should be a total of 5 goals, with 4 remaining …”

Xi Feng dumped the blood on the robotic arm and said without expression.

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