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After Arthur got the last fragment of 5-Star apostle Asuna from Nakiri Erina, she was ready to conduct her summon.

The location of summon is naturally in the Hill of Memories of the Flower Garden [Floria] in the Dimensional Tower’s 47th Floor space.

This is the floor managed by the Einzbern family, and the Hill of Memories is near the city of Einzbern.

To ensure that the accident happened, Arthur invited Tohsaka Rin to monitor.

“Onii-chan hasn’t been visiting Illya for a long time, I’m angry!”

Illya also followed Tohsaka Rin to ventilate.

“Sorry, sorry, very busy, so, I’m staying in Zhaiji in this life. Will I make pudding for Illya personally?”

Arthur lowered his body and stroked Illya’s head. It would be nice if she could leave the space. Would Anna have a good childhood with them?

However, as the Magic Power supply for this space, once Illya leaves here, Dimensional Tower’s apostolic system and the like will be strongly affected.

She also bears the same difficult fate, but as long as Arthur can reformulate the order and let everything return, Illya will be relieved, not only Illya, but everyone related to him will be relieved accordingly.

“Really? Very good, Illya wants to use Onii-chan as a pillow …”

Very happy, Illya held Arthur’s neck and pressed it gently on his face.

The moist and soft skin of the young girl made Arthur’s heart rippling, well, now he can’t think about it, Tohsaka Rin is still there. In the face of the guardian, can he do anything wrong, although he didn’t have it Thought about it.

“Okay, Illya, come here and let Arthur concentrate on summon.”

Tohsaka Rin pulled Illya’s over, there was no accident when Shana summon, what about Asuna? The key point is that the emotions of Asuna Na and ‘He’ are very unusual. The crystallization of two people’s love is all there. Unlike Shana, Asuna is a mature beautiful girl, so you should keep your memory?

In short, no one knows all of this, the next step is to witness-

“Yellow daffodils, simple flowers, have wildness, but more of a pure beauty. It is too simple to be close to Gao Jie. A little relaxation will look lively and cheerful, beautiful and pleasant.”

The Magic Power flower used by Arthur is a yellow daffodil. After taking a deep breath, the yellow daffodil and the complete card of the 5-Star apostle Asuna are overlapped for summon ——

“Please give me expectations …”

As Arthur’s call, the card in his hand gradually emits strong rays of light, and a silhouette gradually appears in front of Arthur’s-

The middle-length chestnut-colored long straight hair, with a small goose egg face and a large hazel pupil with dazzling rays of light, under the small and straight nose bridge, the cherry-colored lips add a little style to her beauty The slim body is wrapped in a Knight style combat suit based on white and red, and the elegant silver sword is hung on the white leather sword belt.

The scent of fragrance is gradually flowing into Arthur’s chest, and suddenly, something seems to tear the chest! !

“Yuchen … I’m back …”

Asuna, excited and cowardly, reached out and put Arthur’s warm face on her face. “It’s really hard to let you bear so much alone. I have not only thought about it, but in that space, I pray to be able to meet you again!”

If you do n’t go back, I will commit suicide. In addition to the meaning of not living, I ca n’t forgive myself waiting there. If I want to end, 2 people will end together. I ca n’t be without you … “

“Asuna … I, I … remembered it, I remembered it all !!”

Arthur’s memory, which was dusted in the past, recalled everything about Asuna, he understood his truth.

Although the unblocking is only the memory related to Asuna, it is enough, he has returned!

“No more memories, Arthur … No, Yuchen, your body is breaking down, you will be rejected in this anti-world!”

Tohsaka Rin looked at Arthur’s gradually cracked body, and he couldn’t recover!

“It’s okay if you just keep Asuna’s memory, I will use Magic Power here, don’t forget it, I am the one who developed Innate World Control !!”

Arthur’s corner of his mouth revealed confidence, reaching out to quickly write unknown verses in the void——

“The-Wheel-of-Fortune, X-The-World, XXI-The-Sun, XIX-The-Moon, XVIII-The-Star, XVII-The-Magician, I @ fate wedge in the Above the world, the crown of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the magician under the revolving tower brandish the 4 elements of the creator Holy Artifact!

Scepter of Fire-Right-to-FightI-

Holy Grail of Water-The-Holy-GrailVII-

Sword of Wind-SwordXI-

Earth Star Coin-The-CollectiblesII-

Inspiration for creation-confused choices-legal ruling-fluctuating balance.

In the name of my Yuchen * Fuxi * Scarlet, the blood of Progenitor, awaken now! “

Some obscure spells poured out of Arthur’s mouth, and it seemed that there were 4 kinds of sounds echoing non-stop. He seemed to have 4 mouths. The Magic Power words in his hand were arranged synchronously, each and everyone was like ancient The Greek-like text reflects the entire memory hill brightly.

Then, the entire surrounding space changed, Arthur they seemed to stand above the stars, the sun, the moon, and the Star River circling fast around them at the same time. The four magicians with no appearance, only the large magi’s clothes, held the right The stick, sword, Holy Grail and Gold Coin are separated in 4 parties-

The next moment seems to be back in time, Arthur’s broken body gradually returns to its original state, and the 4 wedges rooted in Arthur’s chest gradually glow …

“Okay, I will make a long story short, although it ca n’t be fully recovered, but it can be partially unsealed. Rin, first of all trouble your efforts. I am now starting to seal my memories other than Asuna, but even after the seal, I have almost returned. Arthur was originally me, and now it is filled with memory.

Basically, I can reach this stage. 910626 ‘I’s dead are worth it. The probability is almost equivalent to 1 in 1 million. Those 6 Undying and Inextinguishable guys must have sensed my breath, but this space is Illya’s Magic Power is covering them, they ca n’t get out of it, and time is running out.

I will temporarily seal the rest of the source and memory. In addition to the things related to Asuna, I will temporarily return to Arthur. “

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