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After sealing the past part again, Arthur took a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the memory filled not at all erased or compressed the current memory.

His illusory and pure nature is actually because many emotional memories have been stripped.

He is now only after he peeled off many ‘shells’ in the past.

After peeling off all the shells, the rest is equivalent to [Root sex]. In this “None” state, there is no emotion, all inclusive.

Why peel off the shell and regenerate?

Arthur didn’t understand it before, but now he understands it.

He possesses Root nature, and then when he was born with consciousness, some incorrect ‘consciousness’ was mixed into it, causing his consciousness to be manipulated, so the consciousness that wraps Rootness collapsed at the last critical moment.

Therefore, in order to make the consciousness that wraps the root sex correct, we must re-peel and then gather the consciousness again.

Root is the law of cause and effect that carries all life, that is, tangible things. So it always exists. No matter how many times Root will not change in rebirth, all tangible things can be born in Root.

Will (consciousness) is the soul in a narrow sense, the ultimate of the soul, the intangibles that can reach all the poles of the soul are the will.

To go further, Root is space, consciousness is time, Root is the origin of 10000 things, all roots are created, consciousness is a symbol of evolution, and the intangible ‘material’ accumulated by all tangible things under the time program is consciousness .

Therefore, the root of the trinity of Fuxi, Feng Yuchen and Arthur will never change.

Fuxi also stripped of consciousness at the time of reincarnation, and the remaining Root has a new name [Feng Yuchen] in order to allow this new Root to produce a consciousness without any pollution, but unfortunately it is in the consciousness of Feng Yuchen There are things that should not be mixed …

Therefore, Feng Yuchen learned Fuxi to reincarnate again and stripped of consciousness, and the remaining Root also had a new name [Arthur].

But Fuxi and Feng Yuchen are different.

Because Fuxi’s reincarnation is obviously arbitrary, it leads to Fuxi and Feng Yuchen 2 having almost the same personality.

It is for this reason that an existence has acquired Feng Yuchen’s coordinates, and has been polluted from the moment his consciousness began to evolve. As a result, even if the strongest power was obtained, the order could not be reformulated.

So Feng Yuchen did the same and different steps as Fuxi.

The reborn Arthur does have a difference from Feng Yuchen and Fuxi, but the root is correct and the consciousness is clear.

The key point is that Feng Yuchen set up the board himself, rather than entering the board set by others.

It is up to you to monitor yourself, so the consciousness of filling back can confirm that 10000 is all right.

This is the meaning of the existence of Dimensional Tower and this anti-world.

The information was corrected again.

Originally, Arthur’s character was based on the unity and inclusiveness of Root, so he didn’t improve his kindness at all. Until now he only analyzed the purpose of his character. Feng Yuchen’s consciousness of stripping is better than Fuxi More, it can be said that it is completely stripped, so his muddleheaded birth did not have his own subjective opinion at all.

This is also the reason why he never thinks about himself, but only for others. The result of the disengagement of consciousness is too serious, and he harms himself blindly.

In fact, this is not the inclusiveness of Root, it is that Root can tolerate any existence, but Root is unconscious, it just wraps all this, not at all the so-called good intention.

That is to say, Root has no good or evil claims at all, but wraps it all in it.

Arthur misunderstood because he was in an environment where he was adopted as an orphan and wanted to repay the society. As the lowest person, he experienced the most helpless and difficult past, so after he was happy, he felt that this happiness It needs to be repaid, so even if it is the grace of dripping water, it will be rewarded by the spring, even-

Even as long as others show a soft expression to him, he will be moved.

In fact, starting from the world of “Parasyte”, when he was more or less ‘rage away’, in fact these rage is not a real rage, but the real him!

Bing SABER told Arthur before that he is the best at creating, and creating a soul is not a difficult task at all.

So Arthur has been creating this [gentle] Arthur since he was a child. At that time, he already had the talent for creation, creating a gentle image to cover himself.

In fact, this is a kind of [protection], because Feng Yuchen’s stripping is too serious, so he has nothing at all. In order not to hurt and to bear the cut injury, he created this gentle self. It may not be enough to call it gentle. , Should be [Saint Arthur].

So Bing SABER deliberately said that he was Feng Yuchen, and said he deceived himself.

In fact, Arthur is too strong, the soul is so strong that it can be created at will, to create some kind of self to cover up certain things, and even to create a stronger self than himself. This power is destined to him He will become the person who dominates everything, he is born [Root].

With the clarity, Arthur’s own consciousness and [Saint Arthur] gradually separated, and two Arthur appeared in the spiritual world! ! !

“I was separated, that means no more?”

Saint Arthur looked at the real ontology and said to himself, “It’s too great to create a new kind of yourself.”

“How could it make you disappear, anyway, the ‘self’ that has been with me for so long, you will be in this spiritual world, it will always be useful for your day.

And sometimes you will correct me more calmly.

However, the only thing that ca n’t satisfy you is that I may not be so … In short, there will be new developments. After all, Asuna appears, and I have also recovered her memories, and I ca n’t do that without. Carefree teenager, and it ’s very strange to say this. We are the same person, but different consciousness, and you are also one of my components. “

Arthur reached out and put it on Saint Avatar’s shoulder, and his consciousness retreated from Soul Space.

Although it is separate, there is nothing missing in memory and so on, but it just throws away a burden.

“Are you awake? If you are awake, just go and see your baby. Go to Land of Fantasy?”

Asuna looked at her familiar pupils. Her man possessed Mystery-like terrifying, and she knew the creative consciousness.

“Land of Fantasy? The memory there is not at all, sealed, only the memory with you is open, and I obviously have a hunch, there will be no good things after going back, I still do my ‘Arthur’ good …”

Arthur shook his head hard.

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