Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 120

Suzuki Goh: "......"

The Oldest Demon King: "Now that we know that there is a division of the world in the heavens and the earth, I wonder if there is a realm."

Voban raised his own question.

His idea was simple, they could rely on points to increase their strength, but although their strength was increased, they didn't know what level they were at, just like Suzaku Goh playing the game, not knowing the level of their opponent, later on if they met a level 100 and he was a 20-something, it would be a fart.

After looking at it, Ling Yu also thought about it.

"System, is there an equal class division of strength at this stage ah?"

Ding! Group chat vulnerability detected, now starting to divide classes (by host world)

Ordinary People: Minami Kotori, Meiko Honma, Iroko, The Greatest Chief, I'm No Master

First Order: Ouyang Xiaofeng

Second order: None

Third Order: Lem, Black Tiger

Fourth Order: Warrior Witch

Fifth Order: Human will prevail over Heaven, Yagi Toshinori, Starry Starry Night

Sixth Order: Queen of Ice

Seventh Order: the strongest man on the sea, who am I really, the messenger of linked illusions, the Lord of the Air, Suzuki Goh (pseudo)

Eighth Order: Side Passage, Queen of the Crash, Ritsukhana, Queen of the Air.

Ninth Order: The Oldest Demon King

Tenth Order: None

Eleventh Order: None

The Twelfth Step: The Poor Sealed Mother

The great richest man: "Why am I an ordinary man?"

Suzuki Goh: "What does it mean to have a pseudo-word at the end? Do you despise me?!"

The poor mother who was sealed: "Saying that you're a water carrier."

Ling Yu: "This ranking is based on your own strength, Iron Man is a foreign object, so of course it doesn't count, but if there's some kind of overall strength list in the future, you should be able to rank a fourth rank."

War Law Witch: "Wouldn't that be the same as me? He's so good at technology!"

Ling Yu: "Can resist a strike of power that destroys the universe, do you think it's powerful."

I'm not an expert: "Awesome!"

Hiccup swallowed his saliva and said.

The strongest man on the ocean: "Gulla la la, after having strengthened my strength through points, I am also a seventh rank strong la!"

Ling Yu: "But what really surprised me was Voban"

Oldest Demon King: "I used points to strengthen the mantra in my body, raising its mystery by a level."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "From the envy of ordinary people."

Suzaku Goku: "Does the pseudo-character represent the power I'll have in the future, ah? After all, if I close my service tonight, I'll be able to inherit all of Flying Rat's abilities in an instant, and it's not impossible for me to reach the seventh rank all at once."

Crash Queen Ritsuka Na: "Why is that Queen of the Air lined up with me."

In the meantime, Ritsukahana's brows were a little unhappy.

Lord of the Air: "You don't really think that alpha is weak, do you?"

The Lord of the Air's brow furrowed.

Queen Ritsukona of the Crash: "Isn't it?"

The incomparably arrogant words at once made the Lord of the Air angry.

Lord of the Air: "Do you really think you're great just because you have some strength? alpha is an artificial angel created by gathering the strongest technology of my Sipunas, saying she's weak, you're simply denying me!"

Icarus stared at the words of the Lord of the Air.

That Minos would even speak for her?

Queen of Crash Ritsukhana: "So what if Sipunas, I am the Queen of Crash, the Lawgiver of the Air would not be afraid of a mere civilization?"

Suzuki Goh: "Called what? Let's fight!"

Lord of the Air: "Fight it and fight it!"

The Great Chief: "@Lord of the Air, I've got Zhenjin here, underestimate civilization? It's just underestimating all the people on the tech side!"

Lord of the Air: "Judging by her tone of voice, she didn't look up to us until now."

Crash Queen Ritsukona: "Heh, Gryphon!"

Ding! The Queen of Crash, Ritsuka Na, the great richest man, the Lord of the Air has been banned for an hour!

Ling Yu: "Alright, what's the noise, @Collapse Queen Rulhuana, if you ever call other group members Gryphons in this group again, don't blame me for kicking you out! If you can meet each other, it's destiny. Can't you help each other? It had to be a mess. So what if it's technology? All of the articles can be proven, and when technology has developed to a certain extent, it's not necessarily weaker than other systems."

Suzaku Goh: "I've never seen such a domineering group leader before!"

Suzuki Goku: "Group Master awesome ~ broken sound!"

Ling Yu: "@Lord of the Air, @Great First Man, you guys should calm down too."

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "This group isn't so calm either."

Ling Yu: "This group is just like a big family, at home couples will inevitably quarrel, let alone here, individuals have their own different adherence to the concept, which is impossible to change, and it's normal to have conflicts with each other."

Link Fantasy Emissary: "Also."

Altaïr nods after thinking about it.

Strongest Man on the Ocean: "Gulla la la, don't take it personally either, the Queen of Crash Ritsukona says so on the surface, but she's coming to save me if she's really hating us groupies?"

Black Tiger: "Just not very honest with his mouth, I guess."

Ling Yu: "A lawgiver, or a girl, in the collapsing world this is even more of a crusade, you say that one day you suddenly become a lawgiver and all your former friends around you become enemies, if you don't cover up your heart with a strong appearance, then that fragile heart will completely collapse."

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