Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 121.

Suzaku Goku: "Another pride found."

Minami Kotori: "Behind all pride hides a sad memory."

The banned Queen of Crash, Ritsuka Na, sat on her empty throne and listened to the group, a blush gradually appeared on her face, it wasn't shyness, it was being angry.

This group of guys, talking about me like this!

Chapter 91 - Missions to the group

The poor mother who was sealed: "You may not believe it when I tell you. I just found out through the Blackout's perspective that Uchiha Belt Earth is about to become a human pillar force."

Nanotori: "So soon?"

Rem: "The flow rate in our world is different, I guess."

Reimu: "That's true, after all, it's in a different world, so of course the flow rate can't be uniform, but I think the timeline should be uniform when you're on a union mission."

Oldest Demon King: "Indeed, when I returned from the world of Whitebeard and the Merchant King, the time here did not change."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "If the time flow rate is different, does that mean that it's possible that a year has passed since your place and I've grown up?"

Ling Yu: "I forgot you're a child, but I don't think it's a problem, all systems can extend their lifespans by cultivating to a certain point, you can use points to strengthen the pinball genie in your body, there might be unexpected gains."

Suzaku Goh: "Don't worry at all, I'll close my service tonight, in order to deal with today's situation, I've already bought a whole bunch of longevity potions, and I'll have one on hand."

The Greatest Chief: "I didn't expect it, Suzuki Goh, you're unexpectedly useful at this time."

The strongest man on the ocean: "Gulla la la, looks like I can go to my son's place to enjoy my happiness when I'm old."

Minami Kotori: "Longevity Potion? Awesome!"

Ling Yu: "@Poor Mother Sealed, need help?"

Oldest Demon King: "I find that I'm so obsessed with group chat quests, the feeling of going to other worlds and facing stronger creatures to fight is what really suits me!"

War Law Witch: "Are you really an old man?"

Queen of Ice: "Are the gods no longer enough for you?"

The Oldest Demon: "Satisfaction? How can I be satisfied, my current divine authority is completely above them. Even if it's those gods themselves, it's nothing more than that."

Greatest Chief: "Just say it straight these days if you're hungry and thirsty, and you're being so evasive."

The Oldest Demon King: "......"

Poor Mother Sealed: "Needed, I saw a few people I didn't know in this world."

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "No one you don't know, you mean someone who hasn't been in the group's incredible prescience?"

Altaïr still can't get over the fact that there are people in the world who know their future.

Yagi Toshinori: "It's an outsider no mistake."

Ling Yu: "Why are you so late? @ Yagi Toshiyori."

Yagi Toshien: "I'm sorry to say, but the crime rate is suddenly much higher today for some reason, and I'm too busy all of a sudden, so I barely have time to water group."

Toshinori Yagi: "Ah! No, there's been another accident, folks, so I'll go first."

Ling Yu: "...... It's not easy to be a hero these days."

Oldest Demon King: "Then come and be a Demon King? Is the owner considering it? You don't have to do anything and you can do whatever you want."

Lynx: "That sounds heartwarming."

Queen of Air: "No compelling MASTER!"

Suzuki Goh: "How can you call it a compulsion? @Queen of the Air, think about it, does your MASTER stay with you a lot once you're free? Isn't it good to lie in the arms of the group and be happy with our water group?"

Suzaku Goh's voice seemed to have a confusing sound, and Icarus was a little touched.

Ding! We've detected an anomaly in Naruto's world!

The sudden voice in his head caused Icarus to recover instantly.

Ling Yu: "It seems that idle is not idle. Let's just start the old job."

Man settling down: "Did something happen? It's the middle of the night, waking up all of a sudden."

Hoshiyuki: "Dozing off in class, waking up all of a sudden, woo~ The whole class is laughing at me."

Meiko Honma: "It's time to start making things happen!"

Southern Bird: "Are you going to go for the face code? It's dangerous."

Meiko Honma: "I'm just saying, I won't go causing any trouble."

Oldest Demon: "Been waiting for that sound for a long time! The last Merchant King's was a few months ago."

Link Fantasy's Messenger: "Mission? If I miss it once, I won't miss it twice."

War Law Witch: "There's a concert tomorrow ......"

Nan Birdie: "Hey? @War Law Witch, are you an idol?"

War Law Witch: "Well, my full name is Silvia Lunaheim, and I'm the student president of the Kwaienwil Girls Academy."

Ryau: "Also the current ranking number one of this academy. Possessing looks that amaze the world, overwhelming aura. As a part of the academy's strategy, she has attended various business events as an idol, and is known as the supreme 'songstress'."

Minami Kotori: "Amazing!"

War Law Witch: "Ale? Am I being robbed of words?"

Ling Yu: "All little birds you can communicate with this world class idol if you want to become an idol."

War Law Witch: "You are always welcome."

Southern Little Bird: "Really? Great!"

Queen of Ice: "There seems to be something remarkable inside the mission interface."

Suddenly, Estes' words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Ling Yu immediately clicked on the mission interface.

"Ding! Mission release!"

Group Quest: A time traveler appears in the world of fire and resolves it to restore balance to the world.

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