Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 122.

Mission Reward: 100,000 points

Number of persons: five

Mission required: mission traversal, paid for by group chat.

Accepted or not: yes/no?

Oldest Demon King: "The rewards are a bit high this time."

The Strongest Man on the Ocean: "Gooooo la la la, is it 20,000 points each this time? That's awfully high."

Great Chief: "There are more points, but there aren't enough places."

Ling Yu: "Let the high ranking warriors go this time, after all, a traveler who can criss-cross the world of fire and live to the end, I'm guessing he's already gained the reincarnation eye."

One-Pass: "Boredom is finally over!"

Southern Bird: "The reincarnated eye that can make the moon?!"

I'm not an expert: "Make the moon?"

What the hell are these guys? Can even the moon be made?

Queen of Ice: "It's kind of a shame we can't go."

Estes knew that since she was a high level warrior, there must be nothing for her to do.

Ling Yu: "You guys don't have to feel pity, there will be so much time in the future, there will definitely be more quests, and it's not a bad one."

Oldest Demon King: "Let's go, Group Master, I can't wait!"

As the quests were taken, the final candidates to go were Ling Yu, Voban, One Side Pass, and the Queen of the Air.

Wait, did I forget someone else in the eight steps?

Well, forget about it. I don't think I'm a good person to forget about.

Open the dimensional channel or not!

The young girl in a certain space stomped her feet in anger when she saw that Ling Yu and the others had just forgotten her.

Chapter 92 - Fire Shadow World Crossing.

Fireworld (TV series)

Uchiha Zaidou has finally become a human pillar force and is fighting Naruto and Sasuke.

Suddenly, Zaidou's powerful force pushes the two back towards the ninja alliance and says loudly, "Come on! Look! I've finally gained invincibility."

"Oh, yeah?" A bland but sarcastic laugh came from the ninja alliance, and everyone automatically moved out of the way, and from the path that was vacated by the crowd, a handsome man slowly walked on it.

A pair of scarlet writhe eyes revealed his identity.

"Brother Lookout, you've finally chosen our side after all!" Naruto said excitedly as he saw the figure that appeared.

"Sensei!" Sasuke's tone was also a bit uneven.

Ukyou mocked with a faintly smiling glance at the banded earth in the sky.

What ignorance, it was just a pawn all along.

"Naruto, Sasuke, you guys get out of the way." Ukyou shifted his hands towards the two, his eyes changing abruptly, six outlines slowly replacing his three dark hooked jades.

"It's been fourteen years since I came to this world." Ukyou looked around with a slight sigh.

Finally, I've gained the power to have dominion over this world!

As long as I defeat Otsuka Teruyuki, this world will be completely mine.

A touch of madness appeared in Utsurigi's eyes.

He was a time-traveler and a member of the Red Eye, and having read many of his Naruto counterparts in his previous life, he naturally knew how to quickly increase his strength, and it didn't disappoint him that he had a system.

It was called the Domination System, and from the introduction it seemed to allow him to become the ruler of the heavens, which was something that had excited him for a long time at first.

Looking at the only unfinished task displayed in the system panel.

Defeat (subdue) Otsutsuki Teruyuki, gain half a million points, reward a world fragment, and open the Reincarnation Wheel Writing Eye.

He just got excited.

In Utsurigiwang's view, he was completely and properly treated as a protagonist, and he had learned a different point from many travelers, obscene development, always playing the role of a passerby, harem is zero, in his view only his future strength is strong, those women are not all subject to capture? Up until the time of Uchiha's extermination, the unassuming one also easily avoided investigation. It wasn't until he opened his Kaleidoscope Writing Eye that he openly exposed his strength.

Only by then there was no one to stop him.

And what followed was a variety of hangings that allowed him to rapidly increase his strength through system quests, so much so that he was now the number one combatant in the Shinobi world.

"Otsutsuki Teruyuki, defeat? The devil will defeat it. I'll take her! Let her be my RBQ!"

"Only, what the hell is Uchiha-turned-Otatsuki Teruyuki? So gross." Ukyou looked on with a wicked chill at the thought of the way Otsutsuki Teruyuki had appeared in the original.

"Ukyouwang! I will pay back all the humiliation I have suffered before!" Bandai's gaze was dark as he looked at the faintly smiling man, and the spear in his hand, which was as dark as a DNA list, instantly burst towards Ukyou.

"Hey, hey, what's with that awful line?" Uchiha laughed and the whole thing disappeared in an instant.

"Where is it?!" Uchiha's pupils shrank.

"Trying to beat me? You're too early, Immortal Law Oversized Jade Spiral Pill!"

The dark figure instantly appeared behind the banded earth, and a huge ball of light appeared with a bang.

"Don't you know that Immortal Arts can restrain the Ten-Tailed Human Pillar Force?" Doubtful voices rang out, and in the next moment, Uchiha felt as if his back was going to be churned, and his entire body was crushed into the earth by a huge spiral pill.

"Worthy of being a lookout brother!" Naruto said excitedly.

"Of course, don't you see who it is?" Sasuke looked over at Naruto and said proudly.

"This rather quality chakra may be as, no, perhaps more powerful than big brother!" Chibi's forehead showed a drop of sweat as he saw the intense fairy power in the spiral pill.

"Damn it!" Belt Earth whispered, spewing powerful shockwaves around his body, smoothing out the edges of the rocks.

"A futile struggle." Uchiha scoffed.

"Immortal Law Wood Escape True Thousands of Hands!" Uchiha shouted, and a hundred-meter Buddha with thousands of hands stood in the void.

Numerous wooden hands extended and struck the earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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