Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 173.

"Fell asleep here because I helped! I'm so sorry. Also, my name is Nakano Shiba! Please teach me more!"

Chapter 127 - A Sudden Situation

"Ritsuka na."

Sirenton glared at Ling Yu, "Don't call me by that name! My name is Celine!"

"Okay, Ritsukona."

Celine: "......"

Celine sighed helplessly, stretched out her right hand, and snapped her fingers in the void.


A black hole appeared beneath the feet of the few girls who were hiding behind them, pulling them down.


In an instant, six shouts of surprise rang out.

As for some of the other onlookers, they were sent out of the school, making them think the show was over and walk out themselves.

Six dark spaces appeared over Ling Yu and the others, and the six girls fell down from it together.

"Hey! Ouch!"

"It hurts~"

At the same moment, the six girls were rubbing their hips, their expressions pupil bitter.

On the other hand, Eri and Tojohi, the two best hime friends, were shivering as they held each other tightly.

"Oh! What's this? Magic!" However the energetic Nakano Shiba, who had discovered a new continent in general, looked at the six people who sat paralyzed on the ground in amazement.

"Magic, that kind of garbage?" Celine said scornfully.

"What, despise magic?" Suzaku Goh instantly felt displeased, I use magic.

"Magic is fine, as long as the system has something in it for the eyes. How else could it be recognized by heaven and earth?" Tony said.

"Like I also rely on magic to kill the gods, and while it's true that the spell level is a few blocks off magic, there's no denying that magic may not be able to compete with divine power." Voban said after contemplating.

"Okay, okay, you guys are right okay." Celine said casually as she spread her hands.

The merchant king looked to with a grin, "There's still a chance you guys will dislike it, I'm overwhelmingly relying on force,"

"Husband, it's okay, I can teach you divine power." Heart Moon Fox comforted.

"Again with the dog food." Suzaku Goku's mouth twitched.

Ling Yu laughed at the side, "What? I don't think you need to envy us either, I remember that you can have a Shatya who loves you to madness."

Speaking of Shatya, Suzuki Goh's face fell bitterly, "Group Master, please spare me."

Shatya is cute, but the ontology ...... is unbearable!

"Haha." When he saw his son's bitter and shriveled appearance, Whitebeard couldn't help but laugh.

However, as the group members were discussing, Kotori also helped the six girls up.

"Kotori, these friends of yours are not cosplayers!"Tien Haiwei's eyes looked at Minami Kotori in horror and fear.

What did she just see, space being torn apart?! Six familiar classmates fell from above!

Nima, this is the everyday world?

"I didn't say it was." Birdie said, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Ah! So, they're all really looking like that now?!" Koizumi Hanayo whispered fearfully pointing her index finger at the group members.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Minami Kotori asked without knowing why.

"Not much yet ...... "Tian Yuan Haiwei seems to know the bird for the first time, is this still the quiet and shy bird that we usually know? Is it being switched.

"Hey hey hey, let me get in on this." Sesshomaru jumped out from the side, startling the nine girls.

"Ahem, Minami Kotori-san, I'd like to ask how you know these people." Gorgeous Eri, who was the student council president, faked a cough to hide her inner tension.

"And, this student, you don't seem to be from our school, right." Said Gorgeous Set Eri looking to Nakano Shiba.

"I was invited here by a friend to help out! I was just too tired, so I slept anywhere! Hehe." Four Leaves said, adorably hammering his little head.

"...... "The crowd was speechless, you're really casual, kid.

"How do I know them, I was brought to a place by them and then at first it was all kinds of frightening, but after getting to know them and getting deeper. I realized that everyone is a great bunch of people and today is the first concert of the Muse, so I invited them to come." Birdie said after a moment of contemplation.

"Deeper!" Tojohi was surprised.

"Will that do that to us, too!" Koizumi Hanayo was so nervous that she was about to cry.

"Kotori, did you already!" Takaban Enaigo looked angrily at Ling Yu and the others.

"Ugh, no, you guys are mistaken!" The little bird instantly reacted to the problem in his statement and waved his hand with a red face, but his eyes were uninterruptedly seconds towards Ling Yu.


Noticing the bird's gaze Ling Yu turned her head and smiled at her.


All of a sudden, the redness rose up from under the bird's neck.

Takaban Emi Nago and Tanenkai Umi looked at each other, nodded, and walked towards Ling Yu.

"Ugh! What are you doing!" Gorgeous Eri looked at the two who walked out and shouted nervously.

What do you two want now that everything is unknown about the enemy and they have such unscientific abilities!

Ling Yu looked at the two people walking over unsure of what was going on and asked, "What is it?"

Suddenly Icarus's eyes flashed and instantly raised his hands, blocking Ling Yu's sides.


The crisp sound hit Icarus' arm.

The turquoise pupils instantly transformed into scarlet and looked indifferently at Tien Haiwei: "What are you trying to do! If you dare to harm Master, erase!"

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