Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 174

The young girls trembled as they listened to the cold voice.

The rest of the group members were also cold-eyed, releasing a terrifying murderous aura that made a group of well-bred little girls go pale.

Tian Yuan Haiwei sweatdropped low, swallowing hard, his eyes firm as he recalled the past images of the three in his mind.

"Since you already want the little bird, don't hobnob with other women, pay your responsibilities properly ah!"

A loud voice echoed throughout the auditorium for a long time.


For an instant, the entire auditorium was stunned.

"Ha~"The little bird turned directly into a steam hime. Fortunately, it was held by the face code, or it would have fallen straight to the ground.

"Nikki Nikki Nikki!" Nicole sold out in shock.

"Pfft, haha. Interesting, so interesting. The group leader isn't us forcing you to make a choice now." Suzaku Goku laughed right out loud.

Voban's mouth quirked up, apparently he was interested in this sort of thing as well.

Celine's eyes also turned to Ling Yu's side.

"Master of the group, we can all see the little bird's feelings for you, so just go along with it." The Lord of the Air joked to.

"As a master, I need to think about Little Bird's happiness." Silvia nodded her head.

"Uh ......" the corner of Ling Yu's mouth smacked, you guys are forcing me!

What can I do about it? Of course I've chosen to forgive you and accept your coercion.

"Birdie, I ......"


However, at this moment, the entire church began to tremble violently. A crack actually appeared in the ground.

The young girls trembled and hugged together in fear at the sudden occurrence.

"Ika! What's going on?" Ling Yu's eyes narrowed, and everyone instantly returned to normalcy.

"Absolute Defense Circle!" Icarus said softly, and in the next moment, the entire auditorium was enveloped by a huge white circle of light.

Chapter 128 - The Nocturnal City Standing on the Auditorium

"Cheng Kai, look at what I got today, how do you think I'm going to torture them better? They have such foxy faces, or quadruplets, hehehe, this is something to play with." The woman with the hot body manipulated the six hideous heko behind her back to wrap four identical looking girls around her and said to the skinny man beside her.

The man known as Cheng Kai rolled over the mission interface and said, "I don't care how you want to play, but there's an interesting incident here."

"What incident?" The hot woman asked.

"See for yourself." Cheng Kai slid the page towards the void and an auditorium protected by a transparent aperture appeared in front of them.

"Oh, that's interesting." The hot woman licked her red lips and let out a squeal.

But those who heard it would shake all over, and everyone knew this guy was a pervert.

Not only did he like to be abused, but he also liked to abuse others.

"Chen Yu, take it easy." Cheng Kai instructed, "This is a dimensional battlefield, the enemy that can survive the magic of the undead should not be low in strength."

As the captain, Cheng Kai mentioned his glasses and said.

"I see, but it's strange that that guy from the Subdimensional Lord would set the Subdimensional Battlefield in such an everyday world."

"The dimensional battlefield is originally a place where collisions between dimensions arise, in such a world all sorts of things will happen, there is no lack of people who already have strange powers existing, in this chaotic dimensional battlefield only if we defeat these people who have strange powers in the local world, we will have a chance to gain more powerful power, Chen Yu, be careful The ship is sailing."

"Aye, aye, I know, Lord Captain!" With a cruel smile, Chen Yu directly turned into a storm and shot out.

This guy! Cheng Kai's brow furrowed.

"Undead, connect to that auditorium through your magic, we'll go there as fast as we can." Dark robes attached to Cheng Kai's body from the air, and a dark sword gradually transformed from void to void.

"I got it." A skeletal man next to him nodded and said, the magic array connecting the entire city under his feet lit up


"Group Master, the underground is filled with magic circles covering the entire city." Suzaku Goh opened his eyes and said in a condensed voice.

"Say worst case scenario." Ling Yu to.

"The entire city will completely disappear in an instant!" Voban chimed in.

"Ah! What are we going to do? Groupie!" Birdie was shocked and looked at Ling Yu nervously.

"Is it the reincarnation or the time traveler guys?" Celine trailed off.

"Can't deny that. But if this guy is here, maybe it's not as simple as reincarnation and crossing over." Ryuu looked at Nakano Shiba in a deep voice.

"Hey? Me? What's wrong with me." Nakano Shiba tilted his head in confusion.

"Integrated world." The party that had been silent spoke out.

"Just calculated the mass of this planet, overweight! It won't be solved in a short time, but I can still stop this planet's rotation for five minutes if I'm given the time!"

Oh, my God! What is this monster!

The young girls who listened to the indifferent words of one side of the pass almost had their little hearts burst.

Stop the earth's rotation for five minutes! This is a fucking man's job?

"Since it's a composite world, it is indeed possible that it's not a traveler or a reincarnation." Tony to.

"In any case, let's gather information first." Tony opened his system space, and in an instant, more than fifty Iron Mans flew out of it.


"Group Master, I'm going to go out first then."

Just as Tony tried to get out, Ling Yu called out to him.


Ling Yu thought for a moment and then arrived, "Party, you go with him."

"Got it." At this point the party passes without playing games, nods, takes the vector control, and just flies anti-Newton as everyone looks on!

Right! It's flying!

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