Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 175.

Koizumi Hanayo felt like she had seen an angel, no! It looks like Angel is here too!

When they were out, the Lord of the Air said.

"If it was an attack, we'd have been found out here by now."

"The rest is easy, just like playing a game," Suzaku Goh said.

Ling Yu also laughed, "Once upon a time, it was always us who took the initiative to attack, so let's experience a city defense battle this time."

"Surprisingly, if it's a city defense, then leave it to me." Suzaku Goh's lips rose.

He had absolute experience with defending the city.

In front of the girls' marvelous gazes, hands waved towards the ground, arcs of light from magic arrays rose up, and countless magic arrays constructed staircases appeared before one's eyes.

"Appeared! It's really happening! Magic?!" Nicole stared at Suzaku Goh, who was wrapped in a magic circle, incredulously.

"It's been a long time since I've used it, but I guess I can still help." Voban threw his arm and his hand as well, and the sevenfold magical array instantly spread out from his arm outwards.


The earth began to shake once more. The terrain around the auditorium began to change drastically.

High walls that were structured like the Leaning Tower of Pisa slowly rose from the earth around the auditorium, literally an inverted Nazarick's Tomb.

"Supernatural Magic: Heaven's Army descends!"

"Supernatural Magic: Demon King Burst!"

Suzaku Goh coldly drank. Numerous angelic demons slowly loomed out of the void.

[Powers! Stormy winds and furious waves!

[Power! Dead Servant's Cage!

Woban, who was wearing a black coat, had a windless robe.


Thunder flashed in the sky, rain poured down, and the wind raged.

Angels, demons, and wizards guarded the entire auditorium.

A whole nocturnal city!

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth twitched after checking a bit through his divine power, "Hey, hey, make it too big, this is going to affect Birdie's world."

"Do you think that after what happened today, the world's government won't know?" Celine said faintly.

"It's fine if you used to think that Birdie's world was an everyday world, but now that you know that it's an integrated world, it's good to recognize the differences in the world early on instead." Whitebeard calmly analyzed to.

"On the other hand, giving a strong enough yes deterrent in such a dangerous world is the only way to keep the little bird safe."

"According to me, a move of Earth Blast Skystar solves it." Teruyuki spoke up.

Minami instantly cold sweats, "That way, the RB will sink, right."

"Minami-san, who the hell are these friends of yours! Did I just hear our world? Are they from some other world?" Tojohi whispered.

"Off-world invasion?!" Starry Rin guessed.

Chapter 129 - The Final Copy - The Godhead!

"Another earthquake? Fortunately not to any great extent." On the overcrowded highway, heavy boulders fell from people's hearts as they looked at the earth that wasn't cracked open.

A driver leaned back in his car seat, lit a cigarette, and listened with dull eyes to the sirens of the surrounding cars.

He had gotten used to this ever-changing life, from a teenager who wanted to be a hot-blooded fighter at first, to an uncle who was now looking down on the world.

"Wait, what's that!"

Lazy eyes grew dull and shocked as they looked ahead at the huge fortress that rose from Eeyore.

"There doesn't seem to be this fortress on the road before, right?!"

Unconsciously, the cigarette fell out of my mouth.

"Hey! It hurts!"

The sparks from the cigarette burned a hole in the pants.

"These are the pants I just bought last week!" The driver wailed.


Just as the driver was 'hurting', there was a loud crash on the roof of the car, and the entire shell deflated at once.

"Fuck! What asshole ...... ah ......" the driver got a heart attack when he looked at the iron protruding from his head, and quickly rolled down the window, choking up as he tried to explode his pent-up anger.

"Huh?" The cold, murderous gaze at once made the driver fall into the ice cellar.

The face of the visitor could not be seen under the black sky, but the scarlet gaze was filled with hostility, and the six scarlet glowing hekkoes behind him were constantly dancing in the air, and on four of them were each holding a girl.

"Gulp." The driver swallowed hard and subconsciously greeted to, "Hi ......"


After the sound of breaking wind, Chen Yu a figure crossed out and proceeded to jump onto the hood of another car.

In situ, only a headless corpse was left lying in a pool of blood ......

Soon, panic instantly swept across the highway.

Cheng Kai and Undead, who arrived from behind, frowned at the noises around them, "Undead, tell them all to shut up."

"No problem." The black magic book appeared in the undead's skeletal hand, the page scrolled, and black fog drifted away.

In the next moment, the noisy highway became instantly quiet ......

Inomizaka Gakuin

(onom.) patter

Nakano Shiba, who was listening to the bird talk, fell to the ground in one fell swoop, his hands clasped tightly to his chest, his eyes dull and his small face white.

"Shiba-san, what do you think." Nanotori was shocked and immediately ran to Four Leaves' side, but the moment she touched the body, she felt that it was trembling violently, as if she had seen something terrifying.

As if he hadn't heard, Four Leaves' hands were clutching the clothes on his chest in a death grip.

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