Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 211.

Celine frowned at the kebab in front of her and slowly held out her hand, while the Infinite Tower Himeko also, in a flash, climbed over the back of the carriage to get the fiery Godfall Sword.

"Celine, get away from Lady Lem!"

However, Celine didn't look at her throughout, taking a small bite of the roast in Rem's hand, her nose wrinkling slightly.

Huh? It tasted good.

Celine looked at the roast in her hand in surprise, it was the first time she had ever eaten it.


But it was such a small bite that the stern Himeko was confused, yes, she was confused.

Was this still the same Crash Queen she knew who considered humans to be ants? The painting looks a little off.

The Lawgiver is eating human food? You're telling me that the Air Ruler, who has been trying to destroy human civilization all day, is eating human food?

I seem to have seen the fake Ruler of the Air oh.

"So what the hell is going on here! This inexplicable woman, who looks exactly like me, is eating my barbecue! That's mine! No one is to eat it but Meiko!"

The grass tracker who had been so confused was straight up annoyed.

"Stupid Kiana."

Bronia spat out on the spot, she was also speechless at Kiana, still thinking about food by now, how single-celled are you really?

"Ah! Bronia don't call me stupid!"

"What exactly do you want to do? Answer me, Celine!"

"Nothing." Celine, who was eating the roast meat, didn't even look at Himeko, but in the next moment, Himeko felt her neck go cold.

A white hand had hooked her snowy neck. The hand was knife-shaped, and Himeko knew very well that such a small, fresh hand could yet

"No disrespect to the Queen!" Bella said seriously.

This scent, it's a collapsing beast!

Infinite Tower Himeko only felt powerless for a moment, and the God Meteoric Sword slowly fell from her hand.

"Let go of Major Himeko!" Next to her, Bronia maneuvered the heavy bunny directly to hit Bella.

Bella also had no intention of harming the Infinite Tower Himeko and just let go, wings unfurling behind her back and flying to Ritsukona's side.

"Remy's still so good at it, but I still like the last cookie better."

Celine said after a little contemplation.

"That's so, okay, I understand."

Amidst the surprised gazes of the others, Rem and Celine were talking as if they were friends.

It was hard for everyone to understand, how did Rem, who never went out (grocery shopping was Ram), make friends with Cillin in front of everyone's eyes?


The blue imaginary number space opened and Ling Yu appeared with a card with the crowd.

Ling Yu looked at it with a staccato.

Uh, almost forgot, Celine and the Hubrian members were on opposite sides of the fence. But it didn't look like there was supposed to be a fight.

"That ----- yo-, everyone's here."

Everyone rolled their eyes, where could they go if they weren't there in the middle of the night?

"Ling Yu! I need an explanation!" Infinite Tachiko stood up with a heavy bunny brace and looked at Ling Yu with a glare.

"Explain? Explain what? How dare Grylls question the strong?" Celine mocked directly.

Infinite Tachiko took a deep breath: "Why didn't you kill Celine."

Ling Yu: "Celine's nature isn't bad, she just craves care."

Celine: "Get out!"

Ling Yu: "Ahem. I'm telling the truth, okay? Like you especially want motherhood?"

Well, Cecilia's motherly love.

Celine: "Ling Yu, if you say that again, do you believe I'll stab you to death right now?" The imaginary number space opened and a subspace spear appeared.

Icarus quickly shielded Ling Yu, his eyes instantly turning red, his tone indifferent, "No harm to Master!"

Celine: "------"

With a fierce glare at Ling Yu, he put away the Subspace Spear.

Fine, count you tough!

And on the side of the grass crawler pestered Meiko to let tell what she knew, the character was already gentle Meiko and then Kiana's soft-heartedness finally agreed, under Meiko's explanation, Kiana gradually understood the course of events, the expression from the beginning of the muddle became angry.

Quickly arriving in front of Celine, she pointed at her to, "Why did you hurt Meiko and kill the squad leader?!"

"Ben's a person I hate her though! But you had absolutely no right to kill her!"

Chapter 156 Why is Otto called the First Lawgiver?

"Sarge? You mean the little girl who can't free her power?" After Xilin contemplated, that young girl in black armor appeared in his mind.

Ling Yu listened with an odd face, people Fu Hua lived for fifty-five thousand years, you a vitality fourteen years then killed, we plus the thirteen years you died, how can we call the upper fairy little girl ah.

"What liberation or not, I don't know! Even if I'm an idiot!"

I go, maiden, you're talking righteously.

"I didn't kill her."

Just as Kiana was holding back her anger and ready to let it out, Cillin's words were like a bucket of cold water being poured over her head.

"That's impossible! It wasn't you who killed Immortal Fu Hua!" Infinite Tachiko immediately denied to.

Celine glanced at him faintly, "For the Gryphons, you are not qualified to make me lie."

The female Valkyries didn't feel angry at Celine's words because they all understood Celine's personality.

The Infinite Tower Himeko also fell silent for a moment, she didn't know the cause of Fu Hua's death, she was only told from above that it was killed by the Second Lawgiver and nothing else.

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