Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 212

"Since you didn't kill her, where is she, Sarge?" Kiana asked.

"Sar, who knows." Celine shrugged her shoulders and made a 'don't know anything' face, but she really didn't know.

"But inside her body I felt a very strong power, with that power she shouldn't die so easily." Celine looked at the girl with a gradual expression in front of her, especially when she saw that somewhat familiar face, her heart softened.


All of a sudden, Kiana was glowing and excited to see Celine.

This was the one thing that Ling Yu had to admire about Kiana, the brain was single-celled, and just now it was a big life and death feud, and all of a sudden it was as if she had forgotten.

"Actually, it's not that I want to disturb you guys."

At the crucial moment, the drama guy, Ling Yu, interjected.

"Stop! Wait a minute, groupie, I know you're not trying to argue or facepalm again?" Celine looked at Ling Yu with an expressionless face, her eyes narrowed in a solemn manner.

The sight of Ling Yu's heart was chilling.

But people Himeko didn't think so ah, she now desperately wanted to know the whereabouts of Fu Hua.

Quickly coming to Ling Yu's side with the assistance of the heavy-duty bunny, she solemnly arrived: "Please be sure to inform!"

You know but Fu Hua gave her the [Gun of Godslayer], otherwise it's still a question whether she can live or not.

Making a provocative wink towards Celine, the latter directly snorted and followed Lem to dinner.

Only Zhu Hao and the rest of the group were probably bursting with gossip and didn't leave. This left Ling Yu a bit speechless, what are you guys getting involved in other people's affairs.

Taking a glance at the expectant looking faces of the Royal Four, Ling Yu slowly said.

"Speaking of how Fuwa died, we have to talk about Otto the man, do you know Otto?"

Bronia three nothing to, "Bishop Chosen, the grandfather of Academy President Delissa Apokalis."

"Um, yeah, and?"

"And?" Bronia looked at Ling Yu in confusion.

"Nothing? Damn, you guys have the nerve to come out with so little knowledge. By the way, is your anti-entropy knowledge base this rubbish?"

Bronia Three Nothing's face blushed slightly to, "Core, can't reach."

Himeko blushed a little, honestly even she didn't know about Bishop Otto, these were secrets, how could they let them, the A-rank Valkyries know.

"Is this Otto very powerful?" Han Weiya asked.

Ling Yu: "The Destiny he rules over is taking up half of the Earth, do you think it's powerful?"

"In their world there's a product called collapse, which is like a virus to be fair, there's a lot of different kinds, like the Black Death, the zombie virus, and the collapse beast. Celine, put a collapse beast out there."

"Siren snapped her fingers and a mutant level collapse beast appeared.

"How cute!"

Just as Han Weiya was about to approach, she was blown away by a divine light from Ling Yu: "This thing isn't something to be touched lightly. It's got a virus, and you'll get infected if you touch it, and you should know that the crashing beast you just thought was cute is actually a mosquito."

"Nima a mosquito that big can suck a person dry, right?"

Cheng Yu shrieked.

"They don't actually suck blood." The gentle sprout said a little awkwardly.

"There are two major organizations in the world, Destiny and Counter Commerce, and Otto Apokaris is the one in charge of Destiny, a human who has lived for five hundred years."

"What! Five hundred years alas, Meiko you hear five hundred years alas!" Kiana shook Meiko's body in shock, and Meiko, who was also a bit shocked, was stunned back into embarrassment.

"Calm down, calm down, if I tell your academy head Deli stupid, er, Delissa is actually a synthetic human made by Otto using the genes of the collapsing beast "Vishnu" and the genes of Caryn Kasrana, number A310, a clone of Caryn."

Well, that went down well by accident.

"Whoa!" Han Weiya opened her small mouth in shock.

What did she hear, Artificial Man ugh!

Kiana was suddenly stunned there, "Auntie she ------ turned out not to be human!"

Kiana said in great shock!

Ling Yu is horrified: I go, that's what you care about?!

Himeko, who was right beside her in deep thought, was also speechless for a moment.

'I don't remember cultivating you so miserably stupid.'

Ling Yu retorted: How is this even necessary to cultivate? Natural born, hopeless.

Zhu Hao saw that Ling Yu was stuck and urged to, "If you know, don't hide it, speak up!"

"Well, I'll continue, and speaking of Otto, he's actually a poor man, known by all as the 'First Green Man'."

"Well?" Now even Celine had turned her head, she seemed to be interested in the word 'Lawgiver'.

However, she didn't feel any Lawgiver's fluctuations in Otto's body ah.

"Bishop-sama is the Lawgiver! This!"

"Uh, not the lawgiver, the green one, the two mean different things."

"Five hundred years ago, Otto fell in love with a maiden named Caryn Caslana and was even willing to sacrifice himself to protect her, they even both had marriages, unfortunately, ah, Caryn ended up in the arms of a maiden named Yaezakura, well, being green the first time; the second time, his granddaughter, Delissa, while killing the anthropomorphic lawgiver at Chibi Academy, accidentally got hit by the anthropomorphic Like the Lawgiver's poison, well, that's when Yaezakura felt a familiar scent appear, as I said before, Delisa is a test subject created by the Crash Beast and the Kareen genes, so Yaezakura saw Kareen's shadow in Delisa's body and gave her his stigmata in order to give her just one, well, the great Otto was green once again. Hahaha isn't that interesting?"

Chu Howe: "------"

Han Weiya: "------"

Crowd: "------"

Is it funny?

Chapter 157 - Red Kite Fairy

Lammert: "This Otto one is actually pretty miserable."

Well, being green twice by the same woman, can it not be miserable?

Kiana: "But what does it matter if this squad leader was killed or not?"

All at once, everyone looked at Kiana in amazement, it was rare that this idiot would ask such a crucial question.

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