Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 222.


Meiko's face rubbed red, the thing about stepping on Walter's replicant was so humiliating to her now! It was attached to the consciousness of the Conquest Gem, but she could easily feel it!

Wow! Why would he know such a thing!

Mmm! Shame on you!

Meiko covered her face, a little girl posture.

"Try it, nothing will happen if I'm here anyway." Ling Yu said.

As for why Ling Yu was so diligent? There are two reasons.

One - he wants to see Ray Law (trash Crash 3 my Ray Law still doesn't come out)

Second, the system has a reward!

Ding! Reward: 6,000 points for helping Meiko perfect her Lawgiver abilities!

There's a reward and you can still complete your past life regrets, so don't come idiot!

"Then I'll try!" Finally, Meiko's gaze was firm.

If this power can help everyone, then I'll try to master it!

"Okay, wait for me to get it up first." Ling Yu placed the budgie he had been holding in his arms on the ground.

Gradually flying back up into the altitude, looking at the Beamon Behemoth that was still burrowing, he snapped his fingers and a huge imaginary number of spaces instantly appeared underneath the Beamon Behemoth's body.

The entire body of the Beamon Behemoth dropped in one fell swoop.

When it appeared again, it was already on the stone bridge.

"Roar?" Discovering that the soil had changed the Behemoth cried out in confusion and looked up, momentarily confused.

What was going on? Wasn't I underground? Why did you come back?

The Behemoth Behemoth suddenly froze, looking at the little girl in front of him who was glowing with purple light, and was furious.

No need to think, it must be this guy who made me appear here!

Well, there was indeed no need to think about it, the enemy was right in front of it, and Ling Yu was above it and couldn't see it at all.


The Behemoth of Behemoth growled angrily and came at the budgie.

"Look out!" The idealist, Tennohe Kouki, was just about to rush over, but was blocked by Yaezumi Shizuku at his side.

"Shizuku!" Heaven's River Glow looked at her in puzzlement.

"That young girl's face didn't show any fear." Yaegashi Shizuku said flatly.

Tennohe Kouki was stunned and fixed her eyes to see that the young girl wasn't even panicking at all.

Meiko, in front of the Behemoth, clenched her chest with one hand.

"Give me a hand if you're still around! I want to control this power and I need it to protect the people I can protect!"

'Really, even if you disappear you're an ungrateful little girl. But this is the last time.'

As Meiko was praying, the helpless voice flickered out.

"'Ah! That voice!" The voice that suddenly appeared in her mind startled Meiko.

In the next moment, a powerful and familiar force appeared within her.

"Thanks." Meiko muttered.

The hand she held on her chest was slowly lowered, her eyes suddenly opened, and her grey pupils were instantly covered in purple arcs.



Purple, tiny currents of electricity emerged from the budgie's body, collided in the void, and then disappeared.

Zing! You have obtained a red packet from the Queen of Crash.

Ling Yu, who was watching the show in the sky, was stunned and clicked on the red envelope, and saw a red taijutsu lying across the system space.

Ling Yu: "This, where did you get it. I remember it seems to be in Delissa's hand, right?"

Queen Avalanche: "I don't know, relying on the Lawgiver Core, found in one of the labs at that St. Freya Academy."

Chapter 164 - Taking Control of the Conquest Gem

Purple arcs of electricity splashed all over Meiko's body, and her jet-black hair was coated in a light purple by degrees.

The clothes on her body also began to change rapidly, gradually changing from the short shirt she was wearing to the trend of a school uniform.

Wait, school uniform.

Ling Yu's eyes gradually became weird, why is it a school uniform? I understand that you used to wear semi-regular school uniforms, but you're wearing casual clothes now!

You ruined the clothes I bought you just so you could wear your school uniform?

(Note: You can't use currency in the main world, only spirit crystals. Naturally, Meiko and the others don't have money to buy clothes.)

Ling Yu's brain was a bit up, and Rem was not around to have to rub it herself.


The roaring impacting Behemoth Beamon saw the sudden change in appearance of Budgie and braked for a moment, he sensed a very dangerous force!

The kind of power that would throb in the heart of a beast!


The atmosphere suddenly quieted, and Meiko slowly stretched out the purple arm that was attached to the Lawgiver's power with a slight shudder.

The purple light on the arm that was wrapped by the Lawgiver's power began to spread, and a snow-white jade hand was re-exposed under the ghost claw, and light wings constructed from lightning spread out from behind her.

Meiko flew up slowly under the purple lightning again.

The purple pupils arced quickly, looking down at the beasts below with disdain.

"Ready to become an atom? Bastards!"

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