Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 223.

Down below the beast felt insulted and growled in anger, pink magic appearing in the middle of the horns.

A blue arc of electricity flashed directly in the direction where the budgie was.

"Playing with electricity in front of me? Aren't you being ridiculous."

Ling Yu touched his nose, it seems like Meiko's personality is a bit radical after becoming a lawgiver, but I don't see that happening to Bronia either, could it be that she's being affected by her previous personality?

Looking at the blue lightning that quickly came to her, Meiko's eyes didn't even blink and gently probed her hand.

Only to see the blue arc of lightning suddenly become well-behaved, beating happily in Meiko's hand.

"She actually received the Behemoth Behemoth's magic head-on!" Captain Mel felt a little unreal.

The Behemoth Behemoth, a terrifying existence that stood at the bottom of the Labyrinth's current human Raiders, was taking its attacks easily!

Even when he was facing a boss of this class, he had to fight with all his might to block a blow, but it was as easy as this.

Was it really the upper world's summoner lord!

Meiko gently beckoned, splitting a section of the thunderwing behind it.

Plain eyes seemed to bring silent thunder to the world.

"Turn into atoms, mongrel."

Meiko's disdainful voice rang out, only to see her jade hand slowly move forward.

In the next moment, the knuckle-splitting electric blade burst out like a glow that ran through the world.


In the instant of the bombardment, the endless violet electricity made people unable to open their eyes.

Ling Yu looked down at the flickering arcs of electricity below, bombarding the stone bricks on the ground with a crackling sound.

"Not enough, not enough!"

The explosion of the electric arc seemed to trigger a certain wire in Meiko's heart, and all of a sudden she began to laugh wildly.

With her hands spread out, the countless thunder wings behind her transformed, all turning into energy violet lightning, and with Meiko's wave of her hand, the dense violet lightning that covered the sky poured down like a torrential rain.

Between the collisions, the entire labyrinth began to tremble violently.

For a time, all the demons, whether at the bottom or the top, began to tremble.

This power was just too violent and full of destruction!

In particular, the thunder that was imported into the ground from the perimeter made the beasts feel the fear of the expulsion force.

Nefall Abyss

A young girl with long, beautiful, golden hair, like a demon, was set in a huge stone block with her entire body naked, with only the first half of her life exposed.

In this dark and silent palace, she slowly opened her scarlet eyes.

The empty palace echoed with her tiny voice

"Somebody ------ somebody help me!"

"Yes! How horrible!"

Desperately covering his head with both hands, the timid Nan Yun始 trembled in the thunder that was enough to shake both ears out of hearing.

That god-like posture and that arrogant smile deeply shook his weak mind.

'This kind of terrifying existence, does it really need me to protect it?'

Unlike Nanyun Beginning, Heaven's River Glow was somewhat dumbfounded as she looked at the young girl in front of her who was hidden by the black mist but still in the limelight.

The pair of wings hooked by thunder, the purple dress floating in the void, she stood in the air, the silent thunder surrendered for it, standing above the lightning, she was like the queen of that lightning.

Divine and majestic!

(Well, if she didn't have disdain in her eyes.)

When the dust cleared, everyone took a deep breath, and the Behemoth of Belmont disappeared, replaced by the 67th floor that could be clearly seen! 68th floor! 69th floor! Wait, dozens of strata of sight!

This hitherto unconquered maze of mankind had been blown through 20 layers of barriers! And the representation is that mankind arrived at the 80th floor!

Purple arcs of electricity leapt on each layer of rocky soil.

"Tsk, hasn't the power been fully mastered yet?"

Raylou is very, very unhappy!

This maze, which in her heyday had been destroyed in a single move, was now causing only a small amount of damage!

That's right, little destruction.

"But never mind, I'll leave it to you next." Lei Ritsu murmured, gradually closing his eyes, and when he opened them again, the eyes that despised everything before became gentle, and a line of tears slowly flowed out.

Ling Yu knew that it was Meiko's return, and as for Lei Luo, he should have disappeared as well.

How did Ling Yu know that? Of course he asked Celine who had been talking to him.

Ling Yu sensed something was wrong at the beginning of the Sprouted Rulerization, and went to ask Celine, who told her that it was just the last trace of consciousness contained in that gem, and that the purpose was only to open the shackles of evolving into a Ruler.

To become a Lawgiver, a huge amount of collapse energy was essential, but in this world there wasn't that much collapse energy that could support Budgie's Lawgiverization, so the only way to become a Lawgiver was to liberate the gem's own collapse power.

And when this power is used up, the Gem's consciousness will disappear completely, and the Conquest Gem will truly become a thing of the Meiko.

Although Ling Yu also asked if the words would be gemstone seizing, Celine was very disingenuous and said, "What does that want you to do here? Watching the show?"

Cough cough! I actually do enjoy the show. Ling Yu said in his heart.

"Thank you, and I'll have to bother you at the end. Sorry!" Meiko murmured with her hands gently cupping the pale purple glowing gemstone on her chest.

But there was no one to answer.

Meiko maneuvered her body to slowly land on the ground, crouched down, and gently touched the stone bricks on the ground, only to have the black bricks turn into a pile of black powder foam in an instant.

Meiko's pupils shrank, then eased up.

"Is this the power I have over her?"

Chapter 165 - Emperor Level Avalanche Beast - Mel!

"Is this the power I have over her?!"

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