Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 224.

Meiko marveled at the stone bridges that turned to dust around them.

No part of the silent palace was intact.

Broken rocks were everywhere, and for the first time the group of travelers had seen a power that existed only in their dreams.

Although they normally learned magic, the destructive power was more than a little lower compared to this.

"Ah~"Captain Merle's mouth grew wide open in shock, and the guards following him were the same, not with the wonder of the Trekkers, they felt endless fear.

Blowing up more than 20 floors of the labyrinth in an instant! Is this really the realm humans can reach! It's simply the power of the legendary gods!

I'm not sure how much I can do for you, but I'm sure I can do for you. Congratulations on your success in controlling the power of the Lawgiver."

"Yeah." Budgyi nodded gently, but looked a little sad.

After looking at it, Ling Yu touched the head of the pregnant ninny, which made the somewhat distracted Meiko's little face blush and immediately pushed Ling Yu away.

"Don't--don't do that ------"

For the first time, Meiko, who had always been calm and had the attributes of a wife, showed her little womanly posture.

Ling Yu, who was pushed away, touched his nose, but was not embarrassed.

"Excuse me, are you all messengers of the gods!"

Captain Meier swallowed his spittle and went up to the warrior and asked.

Ling Yu's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he said, "I thought I told you! Echtor he's not qualified for that!"

"So, where exactly do the two lords come from and what do they want in the kingdom!"

The address of the Great Labyrinth of Orkus was within the kingdom, so there were some things that he as the head of the kingdom had to clarify.

The battle-terrorist duo, if it was against the kingdom, then the kingdom would have no one to stop them who possessed the power to penetrate the labyrinth!

This is a very scary thing!

"Purpose? To control the power as well as the sealed people underground." Ling Yu's flat voice reached Mel's ears, but it made his pupils shrink.

The sealed people, did they mean the rebels! No, no, no! The rebels should have been killed by the god Echtor-sama long ago in Shinyo!

"Then I can't let you through even if I die!"

Everyone was stunned by Head Merle who suddenly pulled out his sword.

"Head Merle, what are you doing!" The one who was most incomprehensible was Nan Yun Shi, after all, Ling Yu and the others had only come to this world through his call.

Wasn't Captain Mel's current appearance just a slap in his face? This was a little too much for Nan Yun Shi's small pride.

"Kid, you don't want to be involved in this matter!"

Head Mel interrupted him, staring at Ling Yu and the two very seriously.

"I don't know if you were summoned by the upper world or if you came to this world by yourselves! But as long as your aim is rebellion, then I, Merle, will gamble on the honor of knighthood to keep you out!"

Meier said with a ringing voice.

But Ling Yu just resented this kind of person, speaking with complete disregard for the position of the people around him, speaking righteously, what kind of broken knight's honor, I tm still a masked knight!

"Lord Ling Yu!" Being suddenly said this, next to Ling Yu's Meanyi suddenly panicked, facing the Crashing Beast and their Valkyries didn't have the slightest bit of panic, but facing humans, this was the first time Meanyi was being pointed at with a sword.

Ling Yu's eyes narrowed, with that one sentence, he could completely treat everyone including Nan Yun Shi and the others as enemies and erase them!

"A rebel? You guys are kind of pathetic." Ling Yu patted Meir's shoulder, signaling her to take it easy.

Eyes looking at Meir flashed with a hint of killing intent.

This guy dared to point a sword at the budgie cutie!

With a wave of his hand, an imaginary space quietly opened next to Captain Merle's beating heart.

"You shouldn't have pointed your sword at us! So far I've only done it for those who have committed endless crimes and enemies of mankind, but for you, you know? For the first time, I'm up for killing."

"Group Master!" Nan Yun started in shock, although he had never fully understood this unknown group leader, but to be able to connect the ten thousand worlds together was definitely not something ordinary people could fight against.

As they watched Ling Yu slowly raise his hand, the rest of them were shocked and drew their weapons, looking at Ling Yu in horror.

Ling Yu couldn't help but be disappointed at the people who drew their swords, obviously people from the same era, yet they drew their swords at him for this world that they had just crossed for a few days.

"What do you want!" The River of Heaven shines as a brave man.

"Group Master, what exactly are you ------ "At the back of the crowd, Nan Yun始 didn't make a move against Ling Yu like the others, and around him were a group of girls such as Shirozaki Kaori, Yaegashi Shizuku, and Taniguchi Rei who didn't choose to make a move.

"Nanumo-san, do you know them?" Kaori Shirasaki asked.

"Well, but I don't know too much about them." Nagumo began with a nod.

"Let's go help Kouki-kun." The energetic Taniguchi Rei minded to.

However, Ling Yu just looked at them and hooked the budgie in his arms.


The terrifying divine power directly shattered the weapons in the hands of the weak group of traversers.

The powerful pressure at once caused the ground beneath the crowd's feet to fail to support and crumble.

In an instant, all those who had swung their swords at Ling Yu were blasted from the upper class to the lower class, all of them were pressed down onto the rocks like dead dogs, spitting out fresh blood from their guts.

"Poof! How is that possible!"

"That's too strong!"


Finally, Ling Yu's slowly extended hand had its show.

The clear sound reverberated in the ears of the crowd.

The pupils of the angry-looking Head Merle who was lying on the ground were suddenly shrunken and then began to turn fierce, and the intense pain made him desperately want to stand up.

However, the huge gap between the ranks made his pinpricks destined to be meaningless.

"This is your punishment for daring to point your sword at Budgie!"


Gradually encroaching into the imaginary number space in Head Merle's mind, Ling Yu transmitted all of the collapsing energy that Rulhuana had sent before.

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