Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 237.

"Luna-sama! How can you ask these unknown people, or come back with us! The patriarch can't see that you'd be worried,"

The male elf scrupulously looked at Ling Wei, the palpable power was definitely not something he could fight against.

The only thing he could do now was to take the clan leader's daughter, Lord Luna, and flee the area, lest he be discovered by the red dragon.

"Hey!" As curious as it was but being moved out of the clan leader, she weakened.

Daughters are still generally afraid of their fathers.

The barren land.

A pattern like a clock surfaced and three people fell down from it.

"Ahh pain pain pain!" A man with pale yellow hair stood up from the ground, holding his head in pain.

"Ugh! Where are we? Monthly readings, Gates, you know?"

Suddenly, the man froze, looking at the incredibly unfamiliar scenery around him.

"Huh? King of Time! What kind of silly things are you talking about, eh?!" The man in the sweatshirt who was questioned was about to retort, and froze when he saw the surrounding scenery.

Where was this place?

"It's not like we're the world or the timeline here." Moon Read who was holding the Knight Watch phone said calmly.

"So it's a temporal dislocation? But it's not right, how can a parallel world be so desolate, like, the world is destroyed ------"

Afterwards, Gates was silent, wasn't it the same with their world?

"Hey! Gates, read the moon. Look, you guys, the dragon! It's a dragon hey!"

Suddenly Tsuban Shogo yelled out.

"Huh? What are you talking about stupid, how in the world could there be dragons ......" said Gates with a frown, but in the next moment, he and Moon Reader were equally stunned.

"Fuck! It's really a dragon!" It was the first time Gates had ever popped his head. Eyes glared at the distant red dragon fanning its wings and flying fast.

"Wait, Shogo, Gates! There's a life response in that place!" The moon reading looked at the tablet in his hand and said nervously.

There were several thermal reactions in front of the Red Dragon's flight.

In the distance

The sky suddenly changed abruptly, silk lightning flashed in the clouds, huge black holes caved in the sky, and a blonde girl with four huge feathered wings behind her slowly flew out of the chaotic space.

Slowly opening her eyes that were large enough to topple all beings, she took a confused look around.

In a voice as soft as cherry blossoms brushing her face, she murmured, "Here, where is it?"

"That's -----" Suddenly the blonde girl was looking at the distant fire with a frown on her face.

The human town

A teenager suddenly lifted his head, his brow furrowed.


The teenager shouted, and a cute little man with cat ears flew out from behind him.

He looked like he was basically the Q-form of a teenager.

"On it!"

"Go and see. I feel danger coming."

An ice master was extending out from the barren earth at a very high speed.

There were two people standing on the icicle.

In the distance, looking at the approaching icicles, the red dragon's eyes narrowed and its terrifying vertical pupils shrank slightly, giving people a chilling sensation.

A spear with cold ice constructs appeared in his hand, and his ice-blue eyes narrowed.

Just as Ling Wei was about to throw it, she saw a modern excellent fly out of the side and knock the red dragon down once.

"Hiss Guy! Gates, look! I defeated the Red Dragon!" Tsuban Shogo inside the Time Demon Machine excitedly grabbed Gates' shoulder to.

"Fine fine~" the dizzyingly shaken Gates perfunctorily arrived.

"Gates, Shogo watch out, it's starting to attack!" A white-skirted moon read shouted in a magic machine in another dimension.

"What!" Gates and Shogo were stunned.

Then they were blown away by the roar of flames.

"Ah!" The sky resounded with the screams of two people, and Moon Read helplessly caressed his forehead.

What a shame really!

"There are reincarnators in this world too?" Xiao Yu and Ling Wei stared blankly at being that one dragon and two armor.

"Ah! Fucking Red Dragon! How dare you destroy my Time Demon Machine!" Gates, who jumped out from inside the Time Demon Machine, angrily looked at the red dragon flying in the sky, yet it was the simple flying that looked like a mockery in Gates' eyes.

With a cold snort, he directly took out his summoner and knight watch.


The electronic synthesizer sounded.

Changpan Shogo also took out his summoner after looking at it.


After two fancy transformations, the two appeared in full leather jackets.

"Masked knights? Is it something like with Armor Moo?" Rain said with a tilt of her head.

After all, their lock species was from the armor-wielding world, and it was normal to know about knights.

"Whatever, just don't get in the way of my mission." With that said, Ling Wei continued to maneuver the icicles flying beneath her feet.


"Gates, look out!" The Time King split its red dragon's claws with a sword, splashing a spark.

"Hiss~ That's hard!" The Time King shook his numb hand to.

Gates under the mask gave him a complicated look, grunted, and turned his belt.

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