Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 238.

"The end moment!"

Gates quickly leapt up, numerous golden Gei-Z's lined up in the sky, and kicked his right foot up towards the pile of letters.

"Time Blast!"

However, looking at the flying kick coming from Gates, the red dragon's eyes flashed a human mockery, and deflected slightly to the right towards the direction of Gates' knight kick, well, just ten centimeters.

Gates' knight kick then gloriously missed the red dragon, and came all the way around the world.

"Nani!" Gates' pupils shrank, incredulous, and he quickly dashed towards the ground.

Just as one person and one dragon passed by, the red dragon resolutely raised a middle claw and humanely flashed a touch of disdain.


Gates's knight kick blasted into the land, and all at once his entire right leg was so deep that he couldn't pull it out.

"How could it be! I can't believe my knight's kick missed!" For a moment, Gates was in deep confusion.

The red dragon incited the winged waste atop Gates' head and gave a middle finger in contempt.

"Idiot, your skills are there, you're a fool not to hide."

Time King: "-------"

Monthly reading: "-------"

For a moment, they were both silent. Right oh, your skills are all over the place, and people who don't dodge when they see them are real idiots, right.

"Ah! No, you can even talk!"

For a moment, Changpan Shogo quickly recovered from his shock.

"Che, what's so abnormal about a dragon being able to talk? People can still talk, so why not dragons?"

Changpan Shogo: "-------"

Fuck, you're so right, I can't believe I can't argue with that!

No. 176 Teaming up to make copies (2)

Red Dragon - Augustus, whose real name was Yoshida Murakami, died suddenly in the middle of the night while watching a CD he bought, and woke up having traveled back in time and turned into a red dragon!

A dragon! Such an opening is undoubtedly representative of the pinnacle of battle, but do you try it for hundreds or thousands of years?

You can't transform! Watching that disgusting dragon make eyes at you every day! Trying to find humans, but that thing is too big for humans to handle!

So, it's desperate. Being an RB! Sterilization! Holy shit, it's like an old man's life.

So he had developed a very sick habit of torturing beautiful women, stripping them naked, and then eating them.

It made him feel a little better inside, and he'd found that by doing so his strength increased, not sure if it was because of his bloodline or if it was a hangout, but he was on a path of no return that was envied but loathed by all geeks.

But today he was happy, and what did he see?

The Masked Rider! Shit! Isn't this a feature film? Why is it real?

But when you think about it, if I can travel through TM why don't other worlds exist?

So it popped into my head, and I've found it very silly to shoot since before, so why does the monster have to stand still and behave? mad, I'll play with it today.

"That, the guy in the holster, hippie?" Augustus said, pointing to the side of the Tokio.

"In a holster? Hey! Me!!!"

Changpan Shogo said in shock.

"Nonsense, if not you or who else! It's rare for Ben to be happy today, so I'll play with you."

I'm the standard set of masked knight's spin, okay, I'm obviously very handsome to say.

All of a sudden, Shogo's face declined.

Wings spread out, raising a cloud of dust, and Augustus flew into the sky.

"Huh? Boy, why don't you come up here!" Auguras asked curiously.

The Time King scratched his helmet in embarrassment and said, "That, I don't know how to fly ------"

Augustus: "-------"

Monthly reading: "------"

For a moment, the whole scene was quiet.

Augustus: Uh, almost forgot that not all masked knights can fly.


As Augustus tried to fly down, an ice gun burst in the distance.

Augustus quickly turned back and dodged the fatal damage, but because it was too sudden, the ice gun still hit its wings.

For a moment, ice crystals blossomed and cold ice quickly covered its wings.


The red dragon roared angrily, flames boiling in its mouth, a stream of flaming dragon's breath spraying towards its wings, which transformed back into their original shape.

"Roar! Who!" With a growl of rage, Augustus saw the woman he'd been looking at earlier, pointing a bow and arrow made of ice at him.


Still to the point of twisting his heart, Augustus growled and leapt towards Ling Wei.

"Wait!" The Time King was shocked and quickly switched his speed watch to chase after him.

He couldn't watch the Red Dragon kill innocents indiscriminately.

"Shogo!" Moon Read was also shocked and yelled out, but seeing Gates still stuck in the land, he decided to save Gates first, as the two had a better chance of winning after all.

"Here we go." Vivian said, and with a small leap Rain landed on one knee from the icicle to the ground, but the icicle didn't stop extending.

Augustus' vertical pupils shrank, and he glided sideways against the icicle.

The corner of her mouth hooked, and instantly, countless ice arrows burst out on its icicle, leaving Augustus in a good mess.

But there was nothing to be done by relying on the hardness of its thick skin.

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