Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 257.

For the first time, Ling Yu saw such a gentle Celine.

"System, do you have a way to save your soul?"

"Ding! There!"

"Then - I'm counting on you." Looking at such a sad Xilin, Ling Yu's heart was a bit unbearable and offered his thoughts to the system.

Ling Yu looked at the incomparably sad Xilin who was crying, and then looked at Ximing who was indifferent always smiling and stroking little Xilin, his heart to, "Xilin, I will definitely let you and your mother be together."

Chapter 188 - The Disengaged Timeline.

"Brother Ling Yu! Sister Icarus doesn't play with me!"

A young female voice came from outside the door and a little girl with long purple wavy hair ran in.

"Little Celine, you also know what kind of personality your sister Icarus has, how could she play with you." Ling Yu looked at the little girl who ran over and hugged his thigh in amusement. Patting her little head to.

"Group Master, I want to kill you now!" Ritsuka Na, who was sitting on the side, showed a murderous gaze.

"Haha, never mind." Ling Yu said with a 'haha'.

"Ritsukahana-san, why did you kill brother Ling Yu."

Being asked by little Celine, Celine ran out of words all of a sudden, I can't tell you that I'm you from now on! Being groped on the head by this guy or something, ah! What a shame!

There was also the name Ritsuka Na, she was really powerless to spit out the name, her former self was so clearly in denial, but her childhood self kissed it one bite at a time.

Ling Yu smiled at the non-speaking Celine.

In order to see the Celine who was full of smiles at that time again, Ling Yu had stayed.

The only thing is that the place to live is in the nearest city. Every weekend, Ling Yu would bring Icarus and Celine to this small village to play with little Celine.

Little Cillin's smile grew more and more every day, yet Ling Yu knew through his divine power that Ximing's body was deteriorating day by day.

It wasn't that Ling Yu didn't want to save it, but there were some things that could be broken, but some things couldn't be broken, and if the current result was modified, God knows if Xilin would become a Lawgiver in the future. If you don't become a lawmaker, you might not be able to join the group chat, and by then the sad one will still be yourself, so why bother?

Moreover, Ling Yu has a way to save her.


A dark space.

Time had no effect at all here.

Like a bright moon, the pupil reflected a huge sphere of the Lord's light.

The silvery figure seemed to have surfaced before his eyes across time and space.

Slightly extending his hand, what was ushered in were ruptured fragments.

Above the celestial sea of fire, countless chains entwined, witnessing her disappearance.

A heavy punch struck the main divine light sphere.

The surface of the light sphere that received the heavy blow only shook slightly, yet like a dragonfly, the ripples quickly disappeared.

"I'll see her once, you block once. This time, I'll definitely find the world that you've hidden!"

The two extremes of gentleness and tyranny surfaced in his eyes.

The right hand became a sword, covered in white light, and the white nails slowly grew longer.

A hand was inserted into the white ball of light.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and countless chains actually surfaced in the surrounding empty space, and the object of the chains was indeed Fox Gothic Words.

In the instant that the main divine light sphere shattered, the chains that had wrapped around him also disappeared in a flash of light.

The shattered orb of light turned into countless crystals, and in each piece, a picture of a world was revealed.

Fox Gotham Words fluctuated with his hand, peeling away some of the world's fragments, finally finding a white fragment only the size of his thumb in the depths of space.

Fox Gotham's pupils shrank, as if he had seen the most precious thing in the world, and his hands gently held it as if it was his most cherished possession.

"Finally ------ found you."

The moment the words fell, the shattered fragments of the Lord God actually quickly fused together, re-forming into a huge sphere that radiated white light.

A scarlet lance burst out from the sphere of light.

Fox Gotham Words stared at the pierced shoulder and gritted his teeth, "Can't move! Is it a protection mechanism? Damn the old thing. Even in death it's giving me trouble!"

"Unfortunately, you're dead, so the dead will be quiet!" Fox Gotham Words looked at the spears that were gradually emerging and burst out.

An incomparably terrifying aura erupted, blue aura wrapped around its body, and the nine tails behind it bounced it all off like an ancient divine weapon.

The Lord's Light Sphere shook slightly, and the world it was in instantly changed, changing to a starry sky.

Beautiful galaxies and galaxies illuminated the dark universe in an extremely beautiful scene.

Fox Gotham silently watched the altered space, taking out the bottle without delay, carefully placing the shard in his hand and hanging it around the white quality's neck.

The nine tails at the back were hidden.

The aura, began to boil.

Tyrannical demonic lines were outlined on its face.

In the next moment, one after another, blue swords condensed with aura slowly appeared in the universe.

One, two, three ------

It didn't stop until the billions of long swords were standing in the void.

The place where the blue lightsaber was, from a distance, looked like a galaxy.

The blue light covered the surrounding stars with its brilliance.

"In this world, I will no longer allow you to tweak me."

The turbid air exhaled from Fox Gotham's mouth as he looked at the distant orb of the Lord's light, blue demon lines outlining his murderous eyes.

'World of Collapse'

Ling Yu, Icarus and Celine, befuddled, looked at the completely changed city in front of them.

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