Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 258.

"System, what's going on?!"

It's never wrong to look for the system when you have a problem.

"Ding! Due to the inter-dimensional space vibrations, the host's timeline was jumped. However, please be assured that the interdimensional vibrations have no effect on this system. The host is just in a different timeline, and the time in the main world remains the same."

"Simply because of some unknown change that brought us to a different timeline of the collapsing world?"

"Ding! Yes."

Hearing the system's explanation, Ling Yu let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you know the reason?" Ling Yu asked.

"Ding! There's a battle going on in a higher dimension outside of this world, but it won't affect this world, except that the host is changing because it's an outsider."

"Uh, how terrifying does this battle have to be to affect the timeline." Ling Yu was a bit speechless, this was simply a big brother fighting little brother suffering.

"Then how many years is it now?"

"2000, February 3rd!"

"The second collapse! So it's only one day until Celine becomes the Second Lawgiver? So fast!" Ling Yu asked in shock.

"Lingyu, I felt the reaction of the collapse." Ritsuka Na, who was at the side, frowned and said.

"You guys felt it too." Celine frowned as Ryuu explained the system over again.

"Heh, I didn't realize my world was so fragile." Celine scoffed to herself.

It was surprising that other people's fights would shake their worlds.

"Alright, Celine, don't pay attention to this, everyone's fate changed the moment you joined the group chat, you don't need to care too much, now that you're weak, wouldn't it be fine to complete more quests and gain points to improve your strength? Maybe you can replace Crash and lead the world to advancement?" Ling Yu patted Xilin's back, he wasn't joking when he said that, some people who arrived at a certain height could really drive the world to advance.

"Alright, let's go find Ximing. Then we'll go see little Cillin. I wonder if little Xilin will miss us after not seeing us for so long." Ling Yu looked forward to it for a moment.

"I don't think so." Celine glanced at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu: "------"

Chapter 189 - Tearing the Heart of Mankind

The three of them didn't disturb anyone, and based on the divine attraction, Ling Yu found Ximing's graveyard.

"Is it true that it's already dead?" Celine's eyes fell lonely as she looked at the monolith in front of her.

Slowly walking over, she touched the cold stone monument.

Ximing's gentle and beautiful smile once again appeared in her psyche.

Taking out a bouquet of flowers from the imaginary number space, Xilin silently placed it under the dusty stone monument.

Because Ximing didn't have any relatives either, no one had cleaned it for years, so the tombstone had accumulated a lot of dust compared to the other tombstones.

"Ling Yu, let's go." Silently wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Xilin stood up and said.

However, Ling Yu remained motionless and only slowly stretched out his hand.

"System, it's ready to begin."

"Ding! Does it expend fifty points to save the soul."

"Yes." Ling Yu said without any hesitation at all.

In the next moment, only a white object floated out from the ground.

Instantly, Celine stared at the vapour that was put away by Ling Yu with her pupils wide open in disbelief.

"Ling Yu, that is!"

However, Ling Yu didn't have much to say, and if he did, there would be no surprises to speak of.

"Alright, let's go." After putting away Ximing's soul, Ling Yu took out a pitch-black card and said.

"Those bastards dare to bully my little Xilin? I'm going to make them look good!" Saying that, Ling Yu revealed a cruel smile.

At the side, the ice-cold-faced Celine slightly skimmed her head. One could not see her face.

The Siberian Plain at this moment.

A large group of Avalanche Beasts had revived.

On the snowy plains, Siegfried was carrying two A-rank Valkyries, Sabr Nicholas and Salome Jokanan, who were fighting against the Avalanche Beasts.

"Hey, aren't the weaklings vulnerable even if they gather together?" Dry humping an advancing Avalanche Beast, Sabr grinned.

"Don't be careless, we can't let any of the Crash Beasts get close to Babylon Tower!" Compared to a hot-blooded idiot, Salome was a bit calmer.

However, with the passage of time, even an A-rank Valkyrie's stamina would be depleted.

In the distance with a ponytail, wrapped in a scarf, and a red nose, Tras exhaled a mouthful of white mist and spoke to, "The Chosen Idiots, isn't this completely held back?"

"While they were happily playing with the collapsing beasts, [she] should be absorbing the tower's collapsing energy."

"Lord Ally, time is running out, I suggest sending out the Titan troops and forcing our way into the tower. If Destiny's people stop us ------"

Walter shook his head at Tras' words, "No, you have the Titan forces on standby. I'll go down and talk to the Destiny."

Saying that, Walter flew up. The Ninth God Key Eden Star slowly flew up from his hand.

In the next moment, red and black vortexes like black holes gathered in the air.

In Walter's indifferent gaze, countless arrows of energy light flew out from the God Key.

In one fell swoop, in the shocked eyes of Ziegfeld and the two Valkyries, hundreds of collapsing beasts disappeared.

Seventeen kilometers outside the Babylon Tower.

A young girl with long purple hair sat paralyzed on the ground, sweating profusely, only to cover her forehead and gasp, "Hoo-hoo-hoo- the first time I've done such a long distance teleportation, it feels like all my strength is going to disappear."


Tiny voices sounded beside the girl's ears.

Turning to look, it was a small, advancing class Crash Beast.

"Why, do you have to make me run away? Even if I fight a Valkyrie, I won't lose!"

"Wait, this is!"

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