Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 270

War Law Witch: "So that means you admit you have a kidney problem?"

The oldest devil: "Kidneys fail at a young age, tsk ......"

Most Ancient Village Chief: "Don't ever tell the outside world that we spoke, I can't afford to lose this face."

Nishigong Whistle: "That, kidney deficiency is nothing, just take some kidney tonic medicine, probably ......"

What do you probably mean by that!

Motherhood saves the world: "The point is that his kidneys have to be mendable! There's no use mending it if it's already broken."

Empty Dude: "...... Shut up, old woman!"

Mother Love Saves the World: "How dare you call me grandmother? Good grandson."

The Greatest Chief: "I've never seen such a shameless one, pretending to be young even though he's so old."

Motherhood Saves the World: "......"

Stellar Sachi: "Wait everyone, stop arguing for now, the enemy is out! Wow, it's a dragon ugh!"

People are determined to win: "District Xiaolong, with Estes' current strength fighting is crushing."

One Way Pass: "Press it to the ground and rub it."

On the screen, Estes stepped out of the boundary and looked at the black dragon flying over.

Adding down the cold ice plucked up, a blue icicle flew up with Estes.

With a light grip, the blue ice sword quickly condensed in space.

Standing lightly on tiptoe, in the gale, Estes' entire body flew away from the icicle towards the black dragon.

"Roar!" On the opposite side, the black dragon roared and spread its wings, flipping a hint of white light on its wings.


The mid-air Estes smiled a cruel smile, emitting a hint of blue light on its legs, and the moment the black dragon arrived, his body turned slightly and spun around with his right hand attached to its leader.

In the next moment, the right leg boomed and kicked at the black dragon's body.

With a powerful force, directly in a huge boom, the Black Dragon's entire body was blown to the ground, raising the dust of the explosive class.

"That Green Pheasant guy's attack has really given me a lot of good inspiration."

Estes, who was quickly descending downwards, suddenly raised his mouth and opened his hands.

The demonic essence at its collarbone emitted a red light.

"Ice Weight - Double Heavenly Dance."

Two Dragonwalking Dangerous Seeds made of Ice Weight condensed out from her hands.

The twin dragons probed down at the same time, toppling the black dragon in the dust.

"Texas Smash!" Olmet shouted from afar, seeing the opportunity

The powerful fist wind tore a huge gash in the surrounding stone brick paved ground.


The poor black dragon's entire dragon body was blown into the rocks under the black blood that spilled into the air.

At this moment, the black dragon had countless MMPs in its heart.

Shit! Is it rare for Labor to come out for an easy game?!

The others dumbfoundedly watched the falling debris and the wolf smoke rising from the rocks sobbing.

Everyone grew up their mouths and were about to stuff down a bite of egg.

This damned well wasn't a dimension at all anymore!

How on earth do you know these monsters, Nan Wan Shi, anyway!

Even if the current Lingyu Meiko is fine, how come there are two more now! How many of these monsters are there?


In the midst of everyone's intolerance, the two ice dragons, controlled by Estes, directly bombarded the rocks and rocks where the black dragon had been bombarded with pinpoint accuracy.

Hiss ......

Seeing the crowd's eyelids jump.

For some reason, Heaven's River Glory and the others actually felt some sympathy for this dragon that hadn't appeared for more than five seconds.

Chapter 198 - Angry Crumbling Will

There was something wrong with Otto's face in space.

Was this really around the Earth? It seems a little - a little too clean! The surrounding area was so clean that there wasn't even a speck of dust.

This made Otto, who was in Ritsukhana's protective circle, recall the rainbow-like lightsaber that Ling Yu no Chien had cast.

Couldn't that be the kind of weapon that did that, right! That's terrible, too! It was estimated that a city, no, a province would all be destroyed in an instant.

Ling Yu and the others quickly arrived at the back of the moon, and at once they saw the remains from the last era.

At the moment, Belenus was dying on the ground, while little Celine was nowhere to be seen.

Ling Yu walked up along the altar and gently touched the dust on this ground.

Slightly closing his eyes, a terrifying wave of divine power directly swept half the moon.

"Found it." Ling Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

The powerful flesh allowed Ling Yu to aim a punch at the ground below.


The entire lunar ground trembled violently.


In the horrified eyes of Otto and Fu Hua, the ground cracked open, and there was more than one crack.

Dense and countless cracks gradually spread from the ground beneath Ling Yu's fist, and all of a sudden cracks like cobwebs appeared.

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