Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 271

In the next moment, the ground sank with a bang, like waves of steam erupting from underground.

Ling Yu's eyes narrowed, and the White Dragon Emperor's light wings appeared behind him, and his divine power directly bounced off the jets of debris, and his entire body exploded into the interior of the moon.

"I throw!" Even Otto couldn't help but curse, manipulating the Void Manzo to create a flying machine and lifting himself up.

As for Fuuka he took it along with him.

Ling Yu went down, yet Celine didn't go down.

Her eyes were complicated as she looked at the Belenus that was dying at the side.

Slowly walked up to it. Reaching out her hand to touch its head.

Perhaps because it was too badly injured, it didn't resist Celine's touch.

The huge dragon's eyes stared at the white-haired woman in front of it. For some reason, a hint of a very familiar and friendly scent could be felt on her body.

Instead of following Ling Yu, Celine sat next to Bellerose and gently leaned on the cold scales.

Gently stroking the scales of Belenus, looking at the familiar scenery around her.

Otto was looking down at Celine in the sky with a complicated face, he couldn't understand why this woman, why was she so close to the dragon on the collapse side, wasn't she afraid that this Judgment Level Dragon Avalanche Beast would bite back?

"She's strong, strong enough that I'm no match for her, but strong enough to hide a fragile mind on the other side." Fuwa said suddenly, turning his attention to Otto.

"Perhaps, but before that, we need to deal with another enemy." Otto turned his head to look at the Crash Beasts that were gradually emerging from the ground.

Chariot-class, emperor-class Avalanche Beasts abounded.

They were densely packed all around the moon.

The proposed twin spear, the Heavenly Fire Sacred Crop, appeared in Otto's hands, and the powerful body that had been cultivated for a long time could allow it to come and go on the battlefield with ease.

Whether it was speed or combat power, it had completely surpassed the S Valkyrie.

Countless rays of light shot out from the Anthropomorphic Heavenly Fire Sacred Tailor, piercing through one crashing beast after another, and Fu Hua also punched one at a time, so much so that he didn't even make a move to use the Taixu Sword.

"I want to follow my own will." Wan Yuri, who was in a muddle between his mission and his own thoughts, finally chose the latter.

Looking at the densely packed collapsing beasts in the distance, the red pupils flashed with a thunderous recklessness.

The four wings at the back unfurled, and a large sphere of chaos also unfurled its metallic wings.

Icarus silently took out the flame-like bow and arrow, scarlet eyes locked onto the center, pink like ribbon wings linking the void, making it a lean against the recoil, and the arrow as black as hellfire aimed at this distance murmured softly, "Apollon."

"That?" Far away from the battlefield, Fu Hua saw the black arrows flying down from the original sky, and his red pupils shrank.

Danger! A mortal danger repeatedly pulsed through her beaten nerves.

"Otto! Back up!" Shouting, the whole thing turned into a fiery red Seer and flew into the sky, landing again out of the battlefield.

"Oath of Judas! First power rating!" When he heard the words of Fuhua Otto did not dare to prop it up, and directly proposed the oath of Judas, a golden chain directly inertia through the battlefield, with Otto's whole person instantly out of the battlefield.

I have to say a word, it's really convenient!


The black arrows fell gradually between the two pupils towards the collapsing beast.

Instantly a terrifying flame spread overwhelmingly to the surroundings.

The fiery red flames instantly flooded everything in the shocked eyes of the three of them, whether it was the countless collapsing armies or the debris from the moon, they all turned into a sea of fire in an instant.

This terrifying power was already comparable to or beyond the God's Key rated power, right!

The first time Otto had witnessed such terrifying power, even on the Judgmental Crash Beast Bella and the Lawgiver hadn't left his back drenched in sweat!

He sweated, for the first time in the presence of such great power.

But they had far underestimated Apollon's power, and in less than two seconds, the flames were spreading towards them.

But in a good moment, a transparent defensive shield enveloped it, allowing the incomparably terrifying blast to only vent towards the ground.

This venting blew up the two Ling Yu.

The White Dragon Emperor's light wings fixed the void, silently looking at the little Celine in front who had inherited four cores.

Only the person controlling it was the disintegrating remnant soul.

"Since it's already sealed, hand over the power properly and you can continue to sleep, it's not good if you die." Ling Yu raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Filthy human." Opposite Little Celine's golden eyes flashed with intense disgust.

But at the same time she also scrupulously looked at Icarus, had human technology already advanced to this point?

"Can't keep you!" Little Celine shouted harshly, a purple thunder whip condensed out from its fingertips and flung it at Ling Yu all at once.

Faced with the incoming thunder whip, Ling Yu did not dodge in the slightest, his light wings behind him flickering twice.

"What!" In little Celine's surprised voice, the thunder whip in her hand disappeared?

Then all of a sudden her body softened.

Despite her desperate attempts to destroy the power of the Lawgiver Core, it was as if the Lawgiver Core had been drained, but it was charging up?

The Lawgiver drained the Lawgiver's core, and this was the first time in history that had ever happened!

"What did you do to me?!" Little Celine looked at Ling Yu in horror, at this moment she could be said to be a little girl who could bully even ordinary people, apart from her flying ability.

"The revolution hasn't succeeded yet, comrade, you need to work hard ah." In the midst of Little Cillin's horror, a large hand patted on its soft shoulder, scaring Little Cillin a lot.

"You! A mere Grylls, how dare you touch the body of God!"

Ling Yu's face darkened, "Although I know that you are the Will of Collapse, why do I always feel that this character is exactly the same as little Cillin?"

Ling Yu directly backhanded little Celine down.

"You! Human! What are you trying to do!" The disintegrating will that had attached itself to Siren's body also tainted a bit of Siren's personality.

"Nothing to do." Ling Yu said softly.


A crisp sound rang out.

And so on the moon, there was such an eye-opening scene.

In the void, Ling Yu was sitting in the void, with Little Celine lying on his thighs, Ling Yu smacked Little Celine's pi gu, and Little Celine struggled hard with an angry but not shy face.

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