Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 302.

She hadn't forgotten that this woman had single-handedly wiped out the entire Night Raid and Revolutionary Headquarters.

At the moment, the Night Raid and Revolutionary Army Headquarters had become a tundra.

Even though it was summer now, there was no sign of the ice melting at all.

Najetan only thought that Estes had a deeper understanding of the emperor's tools, but didn't know that Estes's ice had already completed a qualitative improvement, and it could be said that within ten thousand years, everything that was frozen by Estes wouldn't melt at all.

As she looked at the beautiful woman in front of her with blue hair flying in the wind, and couldn't help but recall that demonic posture in her mind, Nadezhdaan felt her right eye emit a burst of pain.

"Najeshitan, you know what? The enemy we are about to face." Estes looked flatly at the spatial rift that opened on the ocean in the distance.

Nadezhdaan was stunned and asked, "Huh? What do you know, Murphy?"

"I don't know, but the enemy on the other side is strong, but not invincible."

Najethian was stunned by Estes' offhanded words.

The woman was strange, and Najethian had thought she already knew Estes well as a person, but the things she had done in the last few months were just unbelievable.

Killing ministers, casually icing General Bude, becoming the only general in the empire, holding the emperor hostage, and suppressing the revolutionary army.

Making this corrupt empire new and reigning over the entire East.

It was very confusing to Nadezhdaan that such a woman who only knew how to kill showed ambition that no one could match.

What was even more terrifying was that her army was unconditionally obedient to her orders, and the countless victories had already made Estes a god-like presence in the hearts of all her soldiers.

Najixitan closed her eyes, recalling the gesture when Estes had instantly frozen the entire forest.

Labok, Brand, Tazmie, Leonai and all the other members of the Night Raid were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, and the raid came quickly until smiles remained on their faces as they froze.

The sound of high heels rang out in the silence of the night, and it was on that occasion that Najethian truly understood the power of Estes.

"Najethiathan, I fancy you night raids, submit to me. I will show you a different empire."

"Why?" The frozen Najetan strained to ask.

Millions of questions converged into three words.

"Because you have no choice."

Najethiathan opened her eyes and followed Estes' direction, a mountain, which she might not be able to perceive, but Estes could clearly feel the gradual scent emanating from the cracks in the sea.

"Is it already facing shattering?" Estes muttered, his eyes cold, and born, "Depart!"

"All troops depart!"

At a command, the three orcs sitting on their steeds in front of the army led the army towards the sea.

"Exotic enemies, I hope to be able to enjoy myself." Estes took a glance at the piles of points that broke 100,000, and an icy smile curved the corners of her mouth.

These were all points she had saved from hunting dangerous species through quests issued by the system.

For example, hunting the super-dangerous species in the clouds, the Thunder Dragon of Green Lightning, was rewarded with twenty thousand points.

On the other side.

Ling Yu arrived at the legendary novice village of the Western Continent.

Er, it was actually just an ordinary village.

Since Ling Yu's purpose this time was to come over and take a look, he lurked into this world with his breath hidden. Some people with great strength and guarding the spatial rift didn't discover him.

"Group Master, the concentration of aura in this world is quite a bit stronger than your world." Teruyuki said after feeling the power contained in the air.

Although the cultivation system was different, she could still clearly feel the intensity of the aura in the air.

The passersby walking on the street looked curiously at the three Ling Yu in their strange costumes.

Because the spatial rift was the most important of all, ordinary people were not qualified to know about it.

So it caused that even if these villagers had never seen the strange clothes of the three Ling Yu people, they didn't know that the three people came to other worlds, instead they were automatically categorized as the children of someone's great family.

"With such a strong energy, there must be quite a few strong people that can be born, Group Master, I'm a bit curious, how did your world last so long, Group Master?"

Ling Yu: "......"

Who do I ask if you ask me?

I've only been traveling through the world for a few months, and the most important thing is that I'm a geek, okay? Other than the anime and his family, he didn't pay any attention to anything else.

"Am I going to practice and cultivate too, am I too lazy to keep relying on points to break through." Ling Yu fumbled his chin to contemplate.

Only, in the next moment a figure quickly passed by his side.

"Group Master?"

"Brother Ling Yu?" Both Nan Xiaotiao and Teruyuki automatically looked at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu calmly reached into his pocket and took out a badge that was golden all over with a blue dragon head engraved twice.

At a glance, it was something that belonged to a noble.

However, in the next moment, more than a dozen soldiers surrounded the three.

"Drink!" The neatly aligned metal spears were aimed at the three Ling Yu men.

"Heh, this is interesting." Ling Yu swept a glance at the soldiers who wrapped the three of them, tossed the blue and gold medallion in his hand, and then caught it, a smile curling his lips.

"Is this the legendary, people sit at home and misfortune comes from heaven?" The little bird was somewhat curious about it.

Chapter 223 - United Sacred Kingdom Sixth Knight Order


A sound of a horse pulling sounded, and those soldiers surrounding Ling Yu's three immediately gave way as a knight on a white steed dressed in silver armor drove the white horse slowly towards them.

A pair of hawk-like eyes under the heavy helmet swept a glance at the three, and a thick voice rang out, "You're the ones who stole the Kingdom's Blue Dragon Medallion?"

It wasn't hard to imagine him as a powerful knight by the sound of his voice.

"Would you believe me if I said this medallion was slipped to me by someone else?" Ling Yu tossed the blue and gold medallion in his hand full of carelessness and said.

However, this move caused the white knight's brows to furrow.

"Insolent! What is your attitude, the one who is now questioning you is Lord Paslin Hustigan, the leader of the United Holy Kingdom's Thirteen Holy Knights, Sixth Order!" The white knight hadn't spoken yet, and the small soldier on the side couldn't settle down.

"Shut up, are you the one who can interfere when I ask questions?" Paslin snorted, and the soldier on the other side immediately stood up straight and replied loudly, "I'm so sorry!"

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