Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 303.

Teruyuki's brow furrowed after hearing that, if Ling Yu hadn't stopped her, she would have given this person an eighty divine air strike.

After teaching the soldier, Paslin's gaze returned to Ling Yu, "Then how did this medal appear in your hands?"

Ling Yu spread his hands, "Who knows? Somehow it's in my hands, and by the way, whoever has the medal doesn't have to be the one who stole it, right? What if it's a frame-up? You look like a top-notch knight, so it wouldn't be good if your career as a knight is tainted by catching the wrong person."

"Then don't bother worrying about it." White Knight Paslin pondered, he wasn't a fool, if the enemy was really that easy to catch, why would the United Sacred Kingdom send someone of his level to catch him?

One had to know that this Blue Dragon medal was a reward from His Majesty the King to the Duke who had died in battle in a different realm.

The duke's house was heavily guarded and even a holy knight like him would have to spend a whole day to break through it, but the other party was able to steal it without anyone noticing, so his strength wouldn't be lower than his.

Thinking about it this way, is it too easy to catch the person who stole the medallion so easily.

"Even so, but you need to be invited to the temple." Paslin said after thinking about it.

Ling Yu's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Go for what?"

"We need to understand the process by which you got this medal, and if you really didn't steal it you'll naturally be let go."

"I'm sorry, I don't have any extra time to play with you guys, I only have one afternoon, and I'll have to leave when that time is up." Ling Yu said flatly, not taking Paslin's words to heart at all.

"Yeah? Sorry about that!" Paslin's gaze was cold, a white is sword light instantly waved out.

Sensing the danger coming, Ling Yu subconsciously stretched out his hand.

The arm that had been strengthened through the system easily pinched the flying light blade into starlight and dissipated it.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the soldiers looking at Ling Yu and the others changed instantly, a shield was erected in front of them, and the iron lances that emitted a deep cold light were aligned, looking at Ling Yu vigilantly.

"Hey, hey, hey, a word or two." Ling Yu put up a very innocent expression.

"The matter of the Blue Dragon Medallion is of great importance, so please cooperate, or we don't mind using force!" Paslin said solemnly.

Suddenly, Ling Yu showed a very puzzled expression and pointed to the sky to, "Yes? Are you sure you don't need to worry about your own safety first? You seem to be a bit inadequate as a knight, others want to wipe you out and you end up slandering innocent people here."

"What?" Paslin froze and looked up towards the sky to see a huge magic circle that had somehow been carved.

"This is! Destruction of the Department of Celestial Position Magic!" In an instant, Paslin's pupils shrank.

As the head of the sixth regiment of one of the thirteen holy knights of the kingdom, his magic naturally had to pass the test. His horizons were also wide enough. At once, he recognized the harm that would be caused by this huge magic.

The soldiers under his command and the surrounding populace couldn't help but panic as well.

After all, the soldiers were simply city guards, while the general public, not to mention the general public, usually seeing a small magic formation was already good enough, when had they seen such a large one.

Instead, the several four Paladins belonging to the Sixth Legion that followed him out were pale, but not in the slightest bit panicked, quietly waiting for orders from their leader, Knight Commander Paslin Xustigon!

After taking a glance at Ling Yu, and after looking around at the panicked villagers, without the slightest hesitation, he drew his sword and shouted, "Jedi Domain!"


Hearing the order five white knights immediately turned their horses over and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, a faint semi-circular mask of light lit up in the four directions of the city. The white stallions that remained in place also sensed it in an instant and each ran towards those five directions.

"Count yourselves lucky!" Paslin took one look at Ling Yu and rode off towards the center of the city.

"This?" The five of the Knights left, and the remaining defenders suddenly panicked, but they had seen with their own eyes how easily Ling Yu had crushed Paslin's light blade.

They didn't think they could stop Ling Yu.

"Brother Ling Yu?"

"A group leader?"

"Let's go." Ling Yu looked in the direction Paslin had left and took the initiative to take the bird's hand.

Tyrannical Tyranny!

All of the surrounding soldiers who were still hesitating were shocked out of their wits at once.

"Brother Ling Yu." The little bird blushed and allowed Ling Yu to hold it.

So much like brother Ling Yu. (Author: yes, like me, like me!)

As the three of Ling Yu strolled along this deserted street, the magic array in the sky was moving rapidly.

In the next moment, four small magic arrays fell from the huge magic formation in a hierarchical progression from large to small order.

In an instant, terrifying energy gathered from the atmosphere and compressed into a white ball of light that contained an air of destruction.

"It's coming!"

The thick voice penetrated the entire city.

Emerald green shields rose from the earth, linking the four surrounding shields to form a huge protective fortress.

At the same time, the white mass of light in the sky that had been brewing for a long time directly penetrated the four magical formations into a pillar of light that blasted straight through the center of the city.

"Brother Ling Yu, do you think he can stop it?" The little bird asked curiously.

Ling Yu looked up at the flickering sky and smiled slightly, "Who knows."

"Group Master, do you need me to go and bring the one who framed us?" Terra spoke up.

"No need." Ling Yu said and walked towards the outside of the town.

There was no point in staying in this town.

Besides, Ling Yu looked at the sun, there wasn't much time left for a visit, so let's not keep doing those silly things.

People? Just kill it in passing.

When the three of Ling Yu were completely out of the city, a gentle wave was given.

Terra Nova's eyes snapped open, and the six hooked jade reincarnation eyes replaced the reincarnation eyes.

Heaven's Hindrance shook the stars!

Countless meteorites began to fall from space. Smashing the city into ruins.

In the next second, the icy cold instantly froze the ruins of the city that still had remnants of fire.

He had no sympathy for the group of people who had been accomplices from the moment they decided to invade the main world!

When the three of Ling Yu had completely disappeared, countless people crawled out of the underground shelter, their eyes blankly looking at the frozen city ruins around them.

Only the only people who died were the group of holy knights and the people who framed him. Until the end, Ling Yu did not even have a hard heart.

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