Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 336.

"Oh, the pedantic man that is Tokimatsu Enzaka, it's really cheap of me to let me get such a good vessel for nothing."


A black sedan came from afar and parked in front of Mamoru's house.

The moment he saw the car, Mamoru Dirty Yan mocked Enzaka in his heart, but his face was piled with smiles.

A man wearing a red suit and short brown hair got out of the sedan.

After straightening his favorite suit, he bowed slightly towards Mamoru Dirty Yanshin.

Although he was the head of the Enzaka family, his round seniority was still quite a bit lower than the old head of the Maito family in front of him.

The two of them briefly exchanged courtesies, and the Enzaka Tokiya brought down a little girl with short purple hair from the car.

"Master Mamoru, as you know of our family's situation, there can only be one heir to the magic in the House of Endosaka, and I have already chosen Rin as my heir, while Sakura ......"

In the middle of the sentence, Enzaka Toki stopped, but Maito Dirty Yan naturally understood what he was saying.

"Don't worry, I'll cultivate her and make her the next head of the Maito family."

With just a light sweep, Maito Dirty Yanshu felt the smooth magic circuit in Sakura's body, what a rare magic genius it was, and an old face as ugly as an old chrysanthemum smiled at once.

Hearing the words of Mamoru Dirty Yan Yan Yan Endaka Tokimatsu's face, "That's wonderful, I thank you for Sakura he."

The distant Osaka Tokimatsu pushed the somewhat trembling Sakura from behind himself to the front of Maito Dirty Yan.

"Sakura, from now on you will be called Mamoru Sakura, learn magic from Mamoru's master and don't disgrace me."

Chapter 252 - Carving Insects

The words of Tokiomi Endosaka were still very majestic in Sakura's weak mind, and even though she was scared in her heart, she would still promise to do so.

"Yes, Father-sama."

With a soft murmur, she walked in front of Maito's incomparably hot gaze.

For a moment, Sakura felt like her entire body was exposed to the hungry wolf if she had been stripped bare like a lamb, especially with those oozing eyes, watching Sakura's body subconsciously tremble.

However, Mamoru Dirty Yan and Enzaka Tokiatsu wouldn't have cared if Sakura was afraid or not, there was only the vessel and the supreme honor of being a magician in their eyes.

"Come, Sakura to grandpa." Mamoru Dirty Yan said, and a pair of pale old hands swiftly grabbed towards Sakura's small, white jade arms.

In just a daze Maito Dirty Yan's hands left five red marks on Sakura's soft skin.

The pain stimulated the nerves, causing Sakura's pupils to swell with tears, and she looked helplessly at the far-side Tokio, expecting her father to save her.

In Sakura's weak and fragile mind, her father was the whole sky, but today, that sky shattered.

The oblivious gaze of the timekeeper from Osaka left Sakura's heart dead.

"Then, Sakura will leave Sakura to the old master of Mamoru, and Toki will take his leave." After saying that, the Enzaka Tokio saluted towards Mamoru Dirty Yama and got into the limousine. Without even looking at Sakura.

Looking at the vehicle that was already completely away, tears glistened in her purple pupils, but she didn't cry out, even though she was young, she was clear that even if she shouted that person now, she wouldn't come back.

A scar that would never be erased was scratched into that incredibly young mind.

"Let's go, Sakura, from today onwards you'll be a member of our Mamoru family, and Grandpa will make you the best magician of all time." It was as if he was disdainful of the desperate nature of the Enzaka Tokimatsu, and happy that he had picked up a bargain for nothing.

Maito Dirty砚's heart was filled with joy right now.

Sakura didn't say a word, her eyes empty, like a doll being led by Maito Dirty Yangyan into the Maito house.

Next, this little girl needed to be carved with some marks that belonged only to the Maito family.

The corner of Mamoru Dirty Yan's mouth curled up in a wry smile.

When the two of them entered the room, the party appeared at the entrance of Mamoru's house.

"No matter in which world, these magicians are all the same virtuous, for the sake of the so-called magic bloodline, and powerful magic talent and glory, they are really capable of doing some cruel things." Fang Wanxin's gaze was flat as she looked at the door of the Mantle House.

Apparently this was not the first time she had seen such things, the Sunset Empire in Europe was the world of magicians.

As a king she had gone to a few world level meetings of kings, and she had heard a bit about how some magicians would pass on their offspring to some magic families that didn't have any magical talent in their offspring.

Those families would also accept the children of families with high magical talent in order to prevent their magic from declining.

In this world, if Rin Endosaka was the main family, then Sakura would definitely be the split family.

And while the Osaka Tokimatsu had decided to let Osaka Rin inherit his position, Sakura, who also had a super high magic talent, naturally couldn't waste it, so the Osaka Tokimatsu had chosen the Mamoru family, an ancient family with no powerful magic offspring.

"But even that's normal, right? Moreover, this, Sakura's girl and her father were only parted for a short period of time, after which she was trained by the resources of the entire Mamoru family, and under the training of an ancient magic family may not necessarily become a top magician in the future. This is not only no harm but also a great opportunity. Why do you want to ruin someone's chance?" Fang Wanxin said with some doubts.

Ling Yu laughed, not caring about Fang Wanxin's words, "Let's go in first and take a look, if you can still say something that has nothing to do with you then it's really hopeless."

"Eh?" Fang Wanxin was stunned, but when she regained consciousness she found that Ling Yu and the others had already gone in, and her childishness came to a head.

Stomping her feet in place, she grunted and went in as well.

Sakura was led through the dark passageway by Mamoru Dirty Yama to the door of a dark basement.

"Next you will be receiving our Mamoru family's inheritance, are you ready?" Although Mamoru Dirty Yama had asked with his mouth, he had opened the door to reveal a flight of stairs leading downwards.

Only the moment she walked down the stairs, Sakura's empty eyes fluctuated.

An instant of clarity was restored, and looking within the stone wall below, her young heart began to beat violently.

On that delicate little face, the blood quickly faded away, revealing a pale white.

"What's wrong? Go down and receive the legacy of our Maito family." Mamoru Dirty Yan said in a shady manner, looking at Sakura's pale face was like seeing the most delicious food in the world, and couldn't help but lick his parched lips.

Sakura's pupils shrank up, trembling and retreating backwards, but in the next moment, her legs seemed to be completely unable to move out of fear, and her upper body lost its center of gravity causing her to suddenly sit on the ground.

The pupils were overflowing with fear.

Below, there were densely packed countless carved insects constantly writhing within the walls below.

The insects were the magic of the various types of "insects" that the Maitori family had mastered, and could be used to expand magic circuits, modify magic properties, and directly suck life force to create magic power in a short period of time. A little can be said to replace the magic circuit. Since the worms themselves were controlled by the wielder, it could also be interpreted as a kind of enchantment, and the person who was implanted with the engraved worms naturally became the wielder's puppet.

Right now, let alone a little girl, even an adult would run away in fear at the sight of so many insects, right?

"Don't- don't- don't!" Because of extreme fear, a stream of fresh water flowed out from between the legs, Sakura's hands tightly held her white legs, the weak body as if the depths of the icy sky, unceasingly trembling.

Mantong Dirty Yan looked at Sakura paralyzed on the ground with interest, "Oh? Scared to death of incontinence? Unfortunately, my bugs love to change that flavor."

"Sakura! You really are the best heir to our Mamoru family!"

"Sakura, it's the wish of the Tokiyo Enzaka, you wouldn't disobey your father, would you." Mitsuru Dirty Yama spoke grudgingly.

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