Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 337.

As expected, Maito Dirty Yangyan could clearly feel Sakura's trembling fierce stiffness as soon as she spoke.

Unbelief appeared in her eyes.

She didn't want to believe it, but she had to, she couldn't believe that her father wouldn't know about the Mamoru family's magic.

And still sent her here despite knowing ......

For a moment, Sakura's rigid pupils became hollow once again.

The feeling of being betrayed by a loved one made her heart really hurt.

"I no longer have a father, a mother, a sister, or a family ......" soft murmurs echoed in the darkened area.

"Oh? Interesting, has the whole thing fallen into the abyss?" Mamoru Dirty Yama looked at Sakura with interest.

Oh, Osamu Osamu, you would never have thought what a foolish decision you made today.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mamoru Dirty Inkstone lifted Mamoru Sakura up with one hand, without the slightest intention of pity, and threw her straight down towards the insect nest.

Chapter 253 - Halfway to Ritsuka Na...

In those cloudy purple pupils, there were countless writhing engraved worms reflected in them.

A normal person would feel incredibly disgusted, but no ripples could be seen in the pupils of this 12-year-old girl, whose entire body seemed to have died.

The moment Sakura's tiny body began to fall because it was detached from the pale arm of Mamoru Dirty Inkstone, a golden flame suddenly gasped in midair.

"What man!"

Filled with joy, Mamiya Dirty Yama looked at the suddenly appearing flame with a furrowed brow and snorted.

But the golden flame didn't even have the slightest intention of taking care of him, and fell directly into the carved insect nest below.


The golden flame instantly spread the moment it fell into the insect nest, as if it had transformed into a devouring Vulcan and burned the disgusting insects to the ground.


Icy cold air spread from the void, and a thick layer of basaltic ice quickly formed above the golden flames, and a very young man held it in his hands, just as the princess held Sakura who had fallen from above.

At the same time, four women appeared beside the man.

"How come you're the first one to make a move? This is the true legacy of this Interlude family." Ling Yu looked at Fang Wanxin in amusement.

A touch of embarrassment surfaced on Fang Wanxin's angry pretty face.

Maybe she didn't understand these magician's legacies before, but today when she saw that so-called magic of the Maitreya family she couldn't help it completely.

Throwing a little girl into one of those disgusting bugs made her feel sick to her stomach just thinking about it.

For the first time in decades she was hit in the face by her own words.

Her heart was suffocating.

And Sakura, who had been picked up by Ling Yu in her arms, after feeling herself enter an incredibly warm embrace, her stiff body loosened up and a glimmer of light appeared in her empty eyes.

Perhaps catching the last glimmer of light revealed in the mind, those small white hands subconsciously clutched at Ling Yu's chest.

Feeling the movements of the young girl in his arms, Ling Yu gently stroked her hair and said softly, "It's okay."

However, the little girl in her bosom did not let go because of Ling Yu's words, perhaps because the words had already left her without the slightest sense of trust, only something that was truly grasped in her hands would make her feel somewhat at ease.

Looking at the young girl in his arms like this, Ling Yu's heart couldn't help but ache, gently patting her back.

From the original knew that Sakura was a bitter child, other magician's children with this powerful magic talent which is not as a family treasure, and the Endosaka family is different, had to send Sakura to such a dirty place.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you're aware of the fact that you're going to be able to get a good deal of money for your own money.

The only thing she doesn't want to think about is how old she is, how could Ling Yu coax her like a child again.

The flames were still burning, and in less than a moment, all the insects underneath Ling Yu's feet were burned to the ground.

When the flames were extinguished, Maito Dirty Yan's pair of eerie eyes stared at Ling Yu and the others, although some of the engraved insects were nothing to him, but at any rate, after raising them for so many years, he was still distressed to be burned to ashes in a matter of moments.

"I don't know who a few of you are and why you are blocking my Mantong family heir from receiving the magic legacy." The two dark eyes of Maito's dirty inkstone narrowed.

"Bah, just this kind of disgusting thing also deserves to be called a magic inheritance? Fuck, I've lived for so many years and this is the first time I've seen such a shameless old man like you." Before Ling Yu spoke, Fang Wanxin, who had been holding her anger, couldn't help it.

"Oh, for me, as long as I can have a lifespan that is close to the root, the other ways don't really matter." Maito Dirty Yan said with a smile.

"Mantong Sakura is the most talented magician of my Mantong family, please put it down." Maito Dirty Yangyan faintly spoke.

"Then what if I don't put it down?" Feeling the girl in his arms roll up next time, Ling Yu said flatly.

Maito's dirty black crutch heaved towards the ground, enough to suffocate the air with a horrible black mist.

"That's a pity, you'll just be waiting to become nourishment for my insects."

Countless red dots of light flashed in the black fog, these were bug after bug!

Under the control of Maito Dirty Yangyan, these insects were madly surging towards Ling Yu and the others.

"Grylls." Seeing the countless insects flying towards him, Ling Yu snorted coldly.

Holding his sister in his bosom, more than a dozen imaginary number spaces behind him opened up, opening up a posture like a god.

The golden divine power transformed into countless sun fires.

As if a meteor had fallen to the ground, countless pillars of fire sprayed out from the imaginary number space.

The moment the red sunfire collided with the black mist, it destroyed all the functions of these insects, leaving behind an extremely unpleasant smell.

After automatically detecting the air quality, Icarus' wings spread out behind him, creating a gale that fanned the surrounding gas directly towards Manticore Dirty Inkstone.

Maito Dirty Inkstone's gaze was gloomy to the extreme, not expecting the other party to be so difficult to deal with.

Even the insects he had carefully cultivated for years were wiped out in an instant.

"Hehe, no wonder you dared to barge in here with only one body, you're a bit capable." Mantong Dirty Yan Yan sneered a few times as countless insects poured out of the attic of the room amidst the pattering sounds.

Densely stacked on top of each other, they formed a giant yin worm.

"Enjoy the rest of your time." As if Maito Dirty Yan had already seen the dead posture of the five people, an oozing smile appeared on his pale face.

The yin worm, a terrifying insect that I won't introduce here, everyone understands its function.

It's an insect that can make you let go of yourself after you're initially disgusted. Only after you let go of it, you're almost dead.

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