Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 348.

A wasted no time in exclaiming himself, this teenager had given himself far too much surprise.

"Now, that group in the Sunken Empire is probably going to go crazy." Number A sat down with a smile on his face, but the others looked dumbfounded.

"Chief, what's so special about this Ling Yu?" Night Sky asked.

He had been curious before, a man who had almost awkwardly embarrassed the King's Council, and A didn't even have any intention of blaming him.

"I can't tell you his peculiarities for a moment, but I guess I can force all his power out on the exotic battlefield." Number A smiled and said in a very mysterious manner.

The moment the holy sword appeared, all the holy knights opened their eyes, and the long sword inscribed with the holy light rune in their hands trembled faintly.

It was a pulsation that only occurred when they encountered a high-grade holy sword.

And the last time their holy swords produced fluctuations was when they met the Knight King.

It was said that the glory of the holy sword was the highest glory of their holy knight.

The entire square was silent, all immersed in this golden ocean.

Countless people reached out to touch the golden points of light that rose up, but they instantly dissipated as if they were touching the air.

"This kind of light, there's no mistaking it." A holy knight looked excitedly at the golden glow that was suspended on the right side of the Holy Sword of Destruction.

"This kind of glow that represents the supreme glory ------ "This holy knight had had the honor of seeing with his own eyes that their knight king, holding the Oath Sacred Sword, had cleaved an hereditary light like the stars in the darkness, annihilating the gods of a foreign land in glory.

But in the next moment, he wondered how the sword belonging to Lord Knight King could appear in the hands of a Red Countryman. Moreover, Lord Knight King was now guarding the spatial rift ah, the holy sword was even more with him, and there was no such thing as losing it or anything like that.


The Sacred Sword of Destruction was trembling, a kind of fear in the face of a higher level power.

Ling Yu repositioned his hand on His sword hilt and spoke, "Now, do you want to continue to resist?"

the words fall out

The body of the Holy Sword of Destruction began to tremble violently, instantly transforming into a silver sword arc that flew out from the earth and was suspended in front of Ling Yu.

The holy sword had a spirit, this kind of spirit was simply impossible in the era where it was not allowed to become a spirit after the founding of the country, but now that the aura was revived, it was not impossible for this holy sword to be born with a little vague consciousness.

If people could cultivate it, why couldn't other creatures or dead things.

"Now a shocking finish is needed." Ling Yu looked at the holy sword in front of him and heart to.

"Really, pull it out." Tormentor Mengqi, who was laughing at Night Bat Cloud a second ago, froze, her small mouth pursed, and looked at Night Bat Cloud with a very hard expression.

As if scared by this ghostly look, Night Bat Cloud helplessly waved his hand, "Poke it, poke it, who let it be you."

"Hehehe, Yun Yun is the best to me."

Getting Night Bat Cloud's return, Tormentor Mengqi re-bloomed that smile that was enough to darken the surrounding space for a time.

After saying that, she proceeded to do it.

The Red Country's brightest and strongest generation was now being constantly poked in the face by a woman, a scene that was absolutely impossible for the strong, but appearing to these two was not only not weird but also very warm.

The strong are lonely, with the increase in strength, some of the former closest people will also inadvertently raise you up and fight for your opinion, to put it nicely is the main heart, to put it badly is to pull away, the two are no longer the same level, weak people stand in front of the strong inevitably some inferiority, so the night bat clouds cherish the people in front of them.

Because they didn't alienate themselves because of their strength and background, and that was why Ling Yu liked to joke around with the group members.

Otherwise the group would be suppressed by a bunch of bigots, and the weak ones wouldn't dare to speak up, it wouldn't be a deadly situation.

But the good thing was that there were a few living treasures like Tony, plus the guideline of not hurting each other among the group members would make them let loose even more.

A red universal card flew from Ling Yu's cuff to the palm of his hand.

Ling Yu didn't hide anything and directly threw the card in his hand towards the sky.

"What did he do?"

"Throwing a card?"

People who had been a bit stunned suddenly reacted when they saw Ling Yu's action.

"Old woman, didn't you want to meet? Now here's your chance." Ling Wei suddenly spoke towards Fang Wanxin beside her.

"What?" Fang Wanxin was a little confused by the sudden question, but the next moment she knew what Ling Wei was talking about.


It was as if a roar from the ancient gods, as if a roar from the sky descending in judgment.

Countless clouds shrouded this azure sky.

The roar that shook the earth for miles made people's hearts and minds begin to tremble.

Numerous test crystal balls at the headquarters of the Transcendent Alliance instantly exploded, and the terrifying aura was as sticky as water droplets, twisting the clouds in the sky in the form of a typhoon and creating a huge cavity.

Silken thunder flashed in the cavity.

The great richest man: "It "s the moment of truth!"

"It's, like, a change of scenery!"

"Has the exotic gods descended?!"

People were terrified of the unknown, and the purple Transcendent Power spread from the Night Bat Cloud, removing the pressure from Little Bean and Tormentor Munchkin.

"Is it finally coming? This kid can really drag it out, until today!" There was no fear in the A. There was a hint of excitement.

He felt it, He had grown stronger! Becoming more powerful than the last time they appeared!

Although it was unclear how Ling Yu did it, this was undoubtedly an incredibly fortunate event for the entire Red Country, and for all of the Yanhuang descendants.

Although the riot of aura appeared in the Red Country, the satellites of the various countries in the universe noticed the intense riot of aura in an instant.

Free Federation.

the Pentagon

The Minister of Defense's throat was like a stranglehold, and his pupils were deeply incredulous as he looked at the terrifying body looming out of the clouds.

"He ------ He's back!"

central pool

Eleven national leaders, looking at the screen, sighed, "Is the myth that belongs to China finally coming?"

"The more terrifying it is, the longer it takes to descend, how can this five thousand year long civilization really be as bad as that group of people in the Federation say it is." A national leader sneered.

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