Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 349.

Chapter 263 - Black Dragon Emerges

The capital of the Red Kingdom was supposed to be the safest place in the Red Kingdom, and normally even if there were any dark clouds, they would be moved to other areas by the Transcendent.

But for the first time, a city that shone under the sun and stood under the moonlight had dark clouds enveloping the weather.

"That divine dragon that appeared over the waters of the forest river last time? I didn't expect it to be in his hands."

Unlike the others, when facing this terrifying gale, Night Bat Cloud was not affected in any way, the faint purple shield seemed to be only a thin piece but possessed the power to block a strike from an ordinary tenth stage Transcendent.

Night Bat Cloud's gaze flickered as he faced the storm and looked at the great body in the sky.

This time, even the normally jumpy Tormentor Mengqi was shocked.

Not only the thousands of people gathered in the square, but also some others who were busy working, the entire Red Country seemed to be inspired and turned their heads in confusion.

After people were surprised and looked at each other face to face, they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

There was an unexplainable feeling in their hearts at the moment, but for some reason, their blood was actually boiling a bit.

"Is this a dragon?!"

The people in the square were startled to see the dragon head that peeked out of the clouds.

The scales that were as black as ink, the hideous dragon horns emitted an incomparably terrifying atmosphere, as if it wanted to poke the void, and a pair of dragon eyes that could not be seen with the majesty of the dragon was enough to make any creature unable to think of confronting it.

Ling Yu looked at the black dragon's stance now with satisfaction, from hundreds of meters to now thousands of meters, it was also much stronger.

It was not in vain to give it the body of the jiao dragon to devour at that time.

Today's Black Dragon had completely entered the eighth stage stance, and was much stronger than when it met the sixth stage in the beginning.

It was only still a bit of a chicken aid compared to Ling Yu.

But it's still good to use it to boost the morale of the Red Country and clear the miscellaneous soldiers as a good luck charm.

Besides, riding out with a dragon as a mount doesn't pull off a sense of style, doesn't it?

Especially the only Eastern dragon species in the entire world.

"Ho!" The roar of a god-like voice broke the last of the people's questions.

A head zap frightened the clouds, and only the occasional flash of lightning could give people a vague glimpse of the great body.

Suddenly an astonished voice rang out, bringing people's consciousness back.

"Fuck, I've seen this dragon before, it's not a western dragon! It's a dragon that belongs in our Red Kingdom mythology!"

"Our Red Kingdom is known as the heir to the dragon, I always thought that the myths in books were made up by the ancients to solidify their imperial power, but I never thought it would be true!"

"Decades! I'm finally seeing the legend that belongs to our Sahara!"

Joy, excitement, incredulity, confusion.

Everyone was excited to see the scene in the sky.

How long had it been? So long that they had almost forgotten about the Huaxia myth completely, but the appearance of the black dragon today had exchanged the long-sunken and incomparably longed-for desire in people's hearts for awakening.

The troops stationed near the capital were also dumbfounded as they looked at the giant dragon in the sky that was several kilometers long. .

Among the overturning clouds, thunder flickered, the wind rose, and torrents of rain fell to the ground.

But each of them did not use their aura to form a shield, allowing the rain to wet their steadfast faces and soak their clothes, they were excited, they were enthralled, as if the will to hold on from before to now was worth it.

"So, the dragon was with your brother all along!" At least a king, the shock returned after a moment and looked at Ling Wei with a shocked face.

Ling Wei inside the aura shield seemed to be satisfied with Fang Wanxin's shock, and quirked her eyebrows to ridicule, "What? Lost? But that's okay, you can't beat the Black Dragon now anyway."

"No wonder you looked disdainful when you first heard me say that you wanted to subdue the Black Dragon, I thought you were jealous, but now it seems that you probably took me for a fool at that time." Fang Wanxin looked grudging, rubbing towards Ling Wei's body like an abandoned little daughter-in-law.

Ling Wei took a step back, distancing herself from this old woman and hiding behind Lem, "Sorry, you are fire and I am ice, we are impossible, you should die of this."

Fang Wanxin was heartbroken: "Oooh, my lovely Vivian doesn't even want me anymore."

Ling Wei's face darkened: "When did I ever want you."

"Ah number A, but you've kept us in the dark enough, emotionally you knew from the beginning that the black dragon belonged to Ling Yu." Night Rinku said.

Number A laughed, "This brat also asked me to keep his identity a secret for him, I don't know what's wrong with him today, but today, the identity of the 22nd King of Huaxia can also be announced."

"This Ling Yu has you very much on your mind."

Night Lingkong saw Number A smile so frequently for the first time, and couldn't help but sigh a little.

Number A smiled and did not speak.

He would be very attentive to even ordinary matters regarding the Huaxia Mythology.

Especially when he knew that Ling Yu had a Sword Immortal behind him who had taken out the King of the Xuan Clan in one second, he, No. A, was even more excited.

He was incomparably convinced that it was not far from the time when the Huaxia Myth would descend.

The most shocking thing in the entire square had to be the six holy knights who came with the holy swords.

Three holy swords, the dragon from the Huaxia Mythology, these fantastic events clashed with each other so much that he felt a little unreal.

Only compared to the Huaxia Mythical Dragon, those three holy swords were instead less important.

"Captain, what should we do if we take over?"

Feeling the oppressive power in the sky a Holy Knight spoke up, at the moment he was trembling a bit, this wasn't cowardice, but a suppression from the life level.

These holy knights were not very strong, and now they were faced with a pure-blooded dragon species with a divine bloodline and the power of faith that was inevitably somewhat unsupportable.

"This matter is no longer something we can handle and needs to be reported to the Holy Temple. It will be decided by the remaining five Holy Sword Ambassadors." The little captain said calmly.

Only, he also knew that even if he reported this matter up to the temple, it wouldn't change anything, at most it would let the world know.

The Red Country one's wrist was big enough to scare the entire empire.

The appearance of this dragon was even more so, making it impossible for that person to have the option of stepping back.

"Dragon-Emperor?" The little captain took a glance towards the Red Kingdom's capital hall and then towards the tumbling dragon in the sky, and sighed in relief.

The dragon that had already soared up was now even more recovered from all of his injuries. The pattern of this world was finally about to change.

The center of the square

The holy sword did not put up any resistance and was just held in Ling Yu's hand.

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