Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 360

Err, the system actually got me a parallel world person into the group.

However, in the next moment, it was as if Ling Yu thought of something important.

Ling Yu: "@Long Ao Tian, I want to ask, do you have a Crash 3 handheld game there?"

Long Ao Tian: "Huh? You know about Crash 3, Group Master Big Brother?"

Ling Yu: "I also like to play in my previous life, but this world now has no server."

Long Ao Tian: "Hard ...... not to become a group master you are a legendary traveler?!"

Long Ao Tian was surprised.

Ling Yu: "Yeah, what's up?"

Long Ao Tian: "What's wrong! It's a time traveler! I've dreamed of crossing over, but God just won't give me that chance. But I'm content to see people from my hometown in this huge group chat."

Ling Yu: "Ew."

Actually, the group is all Earthlings except for a few, okay.

Scarlet: "Meow~"

Midori-To: "I see, we're all supposed to be characters from the anime. But, Group Master, why isn't there anything about my world."

Otto briefly learns about the group and asks.

Long Ao Tian: "Wait, you're Otto? And ...... that Queen of Crash you call her the Second Lawgiver?"

Ling Yu: "@Greento, that's because I didn't finish Crash."

Greento: "I didn't realize anyone knew my Otto's name at any other time."

Greento: "...... Okay."

The dragon's expression got weird.

The Second Lawgiver and Otto were now on the same group chat, what would happen to the Grasshopper?

Long Ao Tian corrects to, "No, you're Green Tor."

Green Tor: "......"

Otto's mouth is twitching right now, and if he didn't have enough points right now, he'd want to go through and punch him in the face.

The Greatest Chief: "After a period of diving, the old group members and I have concluded two points. The first point: the world that Long Ao Tian came from is similar to the world before the group leader, and the second point is that Long Ao Tian might have also read our anime and novels."

Long Aotian: "That, what kind of character are you, Da Da?"

After a short time together, he had completely understood that these so-called group members were basically characters that existed in virtual reality.

The Greatest Rich: "Holy shit, I'm finally here, the third wave, and someone finally asked me my name."

Tony was left in tears of excitement.

Motherhood Saves the World: "......"

The Strongest Man on the Ocean: "......"

Black Tigers: "As for that?"

Long Ao Tian: "My God, there's still a black tiger here?! Childhood villains, ah."

Stellar Fortunes: "......"

Long Ao Tian: "Even the Sailor of Light?"

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "......"

Long Ao Tian: "I go, I'm not dreaming, I've dreamed of seeing a secondary dimension that actually exists, this life has no regrets."

At the moment, the dragon head is like grandma Liu entering the compound, excited adrenaline production, looking at a wall of hand-me-downs on the side.

Bah, where is the hand-me-down better than the real person.

Nan Xiaobird: "Is this newcomer too excited."

Ling Yu: "Normal, for some people who love anime, entering the world of the second dimension is a lifelong dream."

Great Chief: "??"

Do I have to introduce myself or not?

Lord of the Air: "Ahem, @Long Ao Tian, it's good to be happy, but one thing I want to tell you is that the women in the group chat are basically the women of the group master."

Long Aotian: "Eh"

Long Ao Tian stagnated, at first he thought his spring had come, but the next moment he was splashed with cold water.

Long Ao Tian: "It's okay, I have many women, for me to enter the world of the second dimension is already satisfied, I don't expect anything more."

Suzuki Goku: "......"

Suzuki Goh: "Oh shit? He's speaking human language? What do you mean I have a lot of women?!!!"

Sister-sama: "Although I'm shocked at this group chat, you men are still filthy stinkers in my eyes of luring the night to Meijiu. But seeing as there are so many girls in the group, I'll reluctantly join you guys in the same group chat for now."

Suzaku Goh: "I'll go, who are you to be so arrogant?"

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the "sister lord", but the second thing you need to do is to get rid of the "sister lord".

The next moment, Long Aotian chatted with him privately.

I'm not sure if I've ever had a problem with it, but I'm not sure if I've ever had a problem with it," he said.

Ling Yu took a look and burst into tears, we've only known each other for less than half a day how come you've become my little fan brother.

Ling Yu: "What's the matter?"

Long Ao Tian: "Ling Yu Dada, let me ask a question, if the people in this group chat are telling the truth, then this Autumn Moon Ally, is it ......?"

Ling Yu: "Really."

Long Ao Tian: "Sheesh! So awesome? ** All of them?!"

Long Tian is completely shocked, this group chat is too non-vegetarian.

Ling Yu: "Not to mention that, can you give me a phone that has Crash 3? The initial number will do, it's been a long time since I've played. It'll teleport you through the bonus feature."

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