Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 361.

Long Ao Tian: "But you don't have a server there."

Ling Yu: "It's fine, cross-border networking is still possible."

Ling Yu's words shocked Long Tian, this crossover hometown seems to be a bit awesome. Connecting servers across the world?

Chapter 272: Tony Doesn't Panic, I'll Make You a Father

Soon, Ling Yu received a red envelope from Long Ao Tian.

A brand new transformed into a mobile phone appeared in the hand, coming with a headphone charger all of them.

"Hm? Skywing 5G? awesome, it's 5G." Ling Yu looked slightly shocked at the network on it and said to the system.

"System." Ling Yu mouthed.

System: "What for?"

Ling Yu: "Come on, show your tail."

System: "------"

Ling Yu: "What are you looking at, connect the internet."

The system was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Alright, connect it."

"Don't need points?" Ling Yu asked tentatively.

"----- Host what do you think is the biggest difference between me and the other systems?"

"Hands-off? Gave me a group chat and then went off on his own to have fun somewhere." Ling Yu said.

System: "###"

In an instant, the net that had just been connected instantly broke off.

Seeing the system disconnected Ling Yu was busy saying, "Hey hey hey, your best feature is that you don't have kryptonite, give freedom to the host, and don't post quests that are wiped out and forced at every turn."

System: "En, what else?"

Ling Yu: "------"

And you're thinking about fart eating.

Ling Yu's heart silently belly discussed a sentence, but his face was still piled with smiles: "There is also the system greatly takes care of me often, other systems need points for any problems, but you are telling me directly, just like today's cross-border connection network, not even charging me points, isn't this not a proper small stove for me?"

System: "Children can be taught."

Ling Yu: Bah!

Maybe the system was in a good mood, but the net on Ling Yu's phone was back up, and as soon as the system disappeared, Ling Yu couldn't wait to tap on the only game on his phone - Avalanche!

And Rem also curiously walked to Ling Yu, the moon also did Ling Yu's arms.

Looking at the familiar ship, but that wasn't what attracted Ling Yu the most, what attracted Ling Yu the most was the 30,000 crystals on it!


Ling Yu secretly gave Long Ao Tian a thumbs up: brother, understand me.

"Is the expansion now Blackheath?"

"Good, today I'll experience the life of a Kryptonian big brother."

Instantly Ling Yu clicked down the tenth company.

"Huh? The true spirit? It's not bad, the beginning is a guarantee, but it's all small potatoes in front of 30,000 crystals."

But Ling Yu didn't know that the further down he drew, the more desperate he became.

"Strange, what's going on? Can't draw yet?"

Time slowly passed, and finally, nine rounds and ten companies passed, and when the crystal was still 4800 left, Ling Yu's face completely changed.

"Yu, why aren't you smoking? Yanba is almost SS." Moon saw that Ling Yu was slow to draw and said somewhat anxiously.

It's just eight slices away, and that lovely Yanba will be able to sss.

It is not surprising that Yue's crisp words fell on Ling Yu's ears, but they were like sharp thorns that deeply hurt the heart.

For a time, looking at the pattern of the bottom ten companies and black hills on the expansion, Ling Yu couldn't help but think of a quote from his previous life.

'Hale doesn't want to be drawn by the captain!'

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth twitched, "Let's just keep the bottom line, who made me fit for it?"

Eventually, a black Greek finally came out under Ling Yu's gnashing of teeth.

After drawing the prize, Ling Yu also didn't want to play, today was really too tired.

Alas, the heart was tired.

Holding Lem in one hand and Moon in the other, Ling Yu fell asleep.

The next day.

early morning

Upon opening her eyes, she found that Rem on her right had disappeared, but instead Moon, the little girl, had been staring at her with those ruby eyes.

The two smiled at each other, "Morning, Moon."

"Morning, Yu."

After saying that, Ling Yu continued to close his eyes, and Yue also lay quietly on Ling Yu's chest, staring at his jaws, letting out a silver bell-like laugh from time to time.

Lingyu: "I go, you guys didn't sleep all night last night, talking so much?"

As soon as he entered the group chat, Ling Yu was shocked by the overwhelming news.

The strongest man on the ocean: "Tony this kid is very curious about the world where Long Ao Tian is located, chasing people to ask questions all night."

Black Tigers: "The key is still because Dragon Ao Tian's world is similar to the original world of the group leader, we want to know more about the anime."

Ling Yu: "So you guys were taken and hi-jacked all night?"

Ling Yu was slightly speechless, so much so?

Greento: "After a night of diving, I've discovered a lot of interesting things, and things like chakra and aura are really quite amazing. These are just like collapse energy, they are unexplainable by science."

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