Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 400

Han Yunxi: "Suddenly I find myself so poor."

Ling Yu: "That's right, who isn't."

All group members: "@Ling Yu, you're the only one who isn't!"

Ling Yu: "------"

Awkwardly touched my nose, I'm really poor, okay, you guys see I don't even have points to strengthen.

Ling Yu: "Woban and I are going to finish the mission first, offline."

Oldest Demon King: "Then I'll be off first."

Said Woban and Ling Yu's group chat avatar went dark.

Suzaku Goku: "People have already left ah."

Man Settled: "Already gone."

The Greatest Chief: "It's time for us to get ready."

Ordinary Alchemist: "I'd like to contribute, if you don't mind."

Salamantini: "Prepare for what?"

The newcomer is a bit confused.

Strongest Man on the Ocean: "Goo-la-la-la, of course I'm helping the group's world fight off strong enemies."

Sister-sama: "???"

Akatsuki Ally: "Are you guys planning to go to the group's world to fight against that ferocious beast world together?!"

Akatsuki Ally said in shock, joining the group chat for some days, she is no longer a white, she already has some understanding of the ranks, the twelfth rank that is able to burst the existence of planets!

She wasn't sure about the strength of the group chat members, but she couldn't blow up the planet by any means! And it's very likely that there is still a supreme existence beyond the twelfth stage in the Vicious Beast World! Isn't that like getting killed?

The strongest man on the ocean: "Gulla la la, how can I stand by while my family's world is being invaded?"

Suzuki Goh: "Good use of the old dad idiom!"

The strongest man on the ocean: "Goo-la-la-la, it's better to be taught by a little bird."

Suzuki Goku: "Sister is awesome!"

Nanobird: "Hey, it's okay."

Queen of Ice: "@Salamandini, just like when you invaded my world, if there was no group master then there would be no me now, you, me and everyone else are actually the same, the group master will be the first to go there when he learns there is danger. (Except for Long Ao Tian)"

Queen of Ice: "And you don't want us all to stand by indifferently the next time your world is invaded, do you."

Salamantini is silent.

Salamantini: "If you're going to go, take one of me with you, the convergence time cannon can still kill at range."

Whitebeard's lips quirked up in a smile: another group member was one step closer to actually being part of the group chat.

Green Tor: "Well, what about the different worlds, I just saved up a few points, so let's treat it as a trip, I'm also interested to see what the world that can train strong people like the group leader is like."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "Of course the powerful existences need the help of the first echelon of big brothers in the group chat, and that fierce beast world can't be full of high level battle power, there are always some small soldiers and captains and so on, and this doesn't need the help of stalwarts like me? Wouldn't it be beautiful to go and help relieve the group master's burden and grind in the meantime?" Akatsuki Ally: "No, this, you're just going to put your lives in the hands of the group?"

No wonder Avery Akatsuki wasn't shocked, this kind of thing was too unbelievable for someone like her who was starred at school. It's too late for ordinary people to avoid it, but you guys still make it to the top?

The eyes of the screen peeping tempting night Meijiu twinkled: willing to put her life on the line for a stranger, maybe the people in this group chat really weren't like the ones she knew.

Chapter 303 - Inheriting Divine Right, Binding Pandora

The closed-eyed Voban opened his eyes, and a flash of turquoise light flashed from those wolf eyes.

Woban looked at Ling Yu who was playing with his phone in front of him with a slight twitch of his mouth, but still said, "Group Master, I've been granted divine rights."

Then he looked at Ling Yu with an odd face: "Group Master, Pandora said that she was very angry, and if you don't go to comfort her, you won't be able to complete the ritual."

Hearing Woban's words Ling Yu head's hand, pressed the pause button of the Crash Hand Tour, and gently flung it behind him and flew directly into the system space.

"That's just going to go well, more monkey than me." Ling Yu laughed.

After eating dinner with Woban Ling Yu let Woban inherit the divine right first, although the strength of the two reached a very terrifying point, but the vigilance is not to be missed, leaving a person to let off steam is necessary.

After saying that, Ling Yu slowly you closed his eyes.

In an instant, it was as if his consciousness had penetrated the world and arrived at a black and white space.

This time, Ling Yu didn't fall asleep, his strength was already enough for him not to have to pass through the dimensional barrier through slumber.

"Long time no see, my most misbehaved child." As soon as Ling Yu appeared, he heard a very familiar loli sound.

When Ling Yu looked up, he spotted a young girl who was very much out of place in the black and white world, simply because she had color!

The cute girl with the purple twin pony, a pair of smart purple eyes blinking, said something very inconsistent with her size, her mouth pursed, her tone a little angry but how it looked like she was being petulant.

Ling Yu casually walked over under Pandora's gaze, reached out and rubbed her little head hard.

The everlasting ponytail became messy all of a sudden.

Pandora was very dissatisfied and pushed Ling Yu's salty hand away.

"Child, you're very bad oh, how dare you tease mommy like that, I don't believe I won't let you inherit the divine right!"

Who has such an unconvincing mother as you, said Ling Yu, looking at Pandora's tiny figure with disdain.

"Ho ho ho, with a child-like - toddler-sized bloodless godmother like me, on the ground is the feeling of "cute", right? The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newborn's face," she said.

Ling Yu smiled slightly and mentioned with both hands.

"Oi! What are you doing?!" At Pandora's scream Ling Yu lifted her petite body straight up, then sat directly where Pandora had been sitting and pulled her into his arms, staring with his own jaws at the blushing Pandora's tiny head.

"Very cute indeed, so cute I don't want to let go." Ling Yu said with a smirk, then looked away, "Stop watching the show and come out quickly."

"Huo, terrible terrible, I actually like this witch." Exclamations rang out and Veleslana clapped her hands out of the fog.

"Cut the crap and hand over the power, you might as well give it to me at your place."

"How arrogant." Not only was there not a bit of anger in Vereslana but he was smiling.

"Take it, you who can slay that fellow Ra is enough to control my power!" The corner of Vereslana's mouth curled up into a smile, and in the next moment, his entire body transformed into golden light and flew towards Ling Yu.

Ling Yu didn't resist, allowing Vereslana's divine power to embrace into his body.

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