Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 401.

This time, it was Pandora's turn to be shocked, and she opened her small mouth somewhat stunned, "That Vereslana guy actually gave you the divine power of his own body?!"

"Oh? Shocked?" Feeling the fullness of divine power inside, he gently ruffled Pandora's hair in his arms and smiled.

"Shocker! How can you not be shocked, it's unbelievable, you could be the first human since the beginning of time to have a god willing to deliver divine power, even the Voban boy got just spell power."

"Maybe I'm just too handsome." Ling Yu rubbed his chin.

Pandora rolled her eyes at Ling Yu, but didn't say much, she was indeed quite handsome.

"Nah, Pandora, will you leave with me?"

Suddenly, Ling Yu opened his mouth to ask.

"Leave? To your world?" Pandora's eyes lit up a bit.

She was well aware of the fact that Ling Yu was a guest of the otherworldly pull.

"You sure do know, it really makes me wonder if you're a mythical witch." Ling Yu seemed to smile and Pandora looked at each other.

In the face of Ling Yu's smile Pandora did not have the slightest fear, a white jade index finger gently pointing on that cherry-colored small mouth, smiling slightly, showing all the beauty of a child's face.

"I'm Pandora, where's your mother."

Ling Yu smiled slightly, taking that white jade finger away from her confused gaze and imprinting the whole thing on it.


Pandora's pretty purple eyes instantly glared.

A few minutes later, at Pandora's haunted gaze, Lynx released her and gently circled the side of her ear to whisper into that cute little ear.

"I'm sorry, I won't admit it."

"Bad boy, that's the second time you've taken advantage of me."

"It'll be more later." Ling Yu laughed and the next moment light wings spread behind him.

"So if you want to leave or not, my White Dragon Emperor's light wings are still lacking an instrument, and I think you'll fit right in."

Pandora adorably tilted her head and reached out to touch the light wings that radiated the power of the dragon, "The power of the dragon snake? No, more pure. What a strange thing, but it contains divine power as well as the power of the dragon and serpent. But I've never seen this kind of divine artifact before."

"It's the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings, one of the thirteen God Exterminating Artifacts, the God of Extermination, created by the Bible God of the other world." Ling Yu did not hide it and directly spoke.

"Ugh? Do you have a god there too? Only the gods create their own weapons to kill themselves? How odd." Pandora blinked curiously.

"I'm not sure about that, but what if that god likes to hurt himself."

Pandora: "------"

Indeed, some gods have strange fetishes.

"But aren't you afraid that I will kill and take treasure and invade your world through this?" Suddenly, Pandora's eyes were stern, unlike her previous playfulness and cuteness, as if she had turned into a goddess of the abyss, hostility then permeated the space, and her entire aura became terrifying.

"Sorry ah, you can't beat me if your strength hasn't returned to its full strength." Ling Yu cupped Pandora's petite face with both hands and rubbed it vigorously, causing the otherwise somewhat bizarre atmosphere to be broken in an instant.

"And I believe in my wings." Ling Yu smiled slightly and said a very slaggy sentence.

The White Dragon Emperor's light wings weren't just tied to him, they were also tied to the system, and no matter how awesome Pandora was, it was still this world, could it be awesome over countless dimensions?

Seeing that Ling Yu didn't fall for it, Pandora's small face fell, "Well, it's surprisingly the child you're asking, I'll have to say yes anyway."

"Grudgingly accompany you out to see it." Head turned slightly not to meet Ling Yu's eyes, very cute to Ling Yu stretched out his small hand.

"System, bind Pandora it." The corner of Ling Yu's mouth also showed a smile and grabbed that cute little hand.

Sorry ha, since I'm on the ship of thieves, how else would I let you go?

"Ding! The binding is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dragon Emperor's Light Winged Artifact: Pandora"

Chapter 304 - Ling Yu: Would you like to accompany me to save the world?

For a moment, Ling Yu felt a little more connected to Pandora, and Pandora lifted her head.

The little face fell even more, "Looks like we've been trapped."

"It's something, let's leave." Lynx already wanted to leave.

"Ugh, wait, I have to design the ritual, it'll be bad if some other kid kills a god and can't convert into a godslayer."

After waiting for an hour or so, Pandora returned.

"Alright, let's go."

Saying that, Pandora's entire body turned into light and merged into the White Dragon Emperor's light wings, and for a moment, Ling Yu noticed that the blue light on the light wings was a bit purple.

"Is it because of Pandora's hair color?" Ling Yu smiled and didn't care, the purple looked cool too.

Ling Yu, who was sitting across from Voban, suddenly opened his eyes.

Woban also greeted with a smile.

"Welcome back, Group Master."

"Yo, old boy."

Suddenly, a playful voice rang out in the void, causing Woban's old face to smack. Silently, he gave Ling Yu a thumbs up.

A purple dot of light flew out from behind Ling Yu and transformed into Pandora.

She saw her small hand reach out and touch Woban's head in the chair as Woban stiffened.

"You're the second worst child, oh."

Voban: "------"

Master, I beg you to take the Avatar away!

The other people sitting in the restaurant just continued eating and drinking as if they didn't see it.

Ling Yu silently took a picture and sent it to the group.

It instantly blew up a large group of people.

Everyone looked odd.

Lord of the Air: "Did Master Voban awaken something particularly perverted like the group master?"

Listening to Minos' words, Ling Yu's face darkened. Without saying a word, he just pulled black.

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