Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 503.

"Is it a system that belongs to this world alone?"

Not to take a step closer.

She who had invaded this world satellite was naturally aware of what the bits said.


Angel Hiko reported in his heart and quickly incited his wings to take a step back.

In the next moment, in its original place, a subspace spear viciously exploded in place.

"Please stay away from Ling Yu, thank you." Celine's golden eyes were emotionless.

"Ara, a jealous little jar."

Angel Hiko slapped his chest in the back of his mind and looked at Celine ridiculously.

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you."

Celine tilted her head, pulling the Spear of Subspace out of the Imaginary Number Space with one hand, and looked at Angel Hiko with ice coldness.

"Don't be so violent, boys still prefer gentle girls."

Celine was slightly stunned, and cut a disdainful cry at Ling Yu's helpless gaze.

It was also the case that she put the Spear of the Air into the imaginary number space.

But the next moment her hand was stuck.

That's right, it was stuck.

When Celine looked into the imaginary number space, she noticed that Bella was holding her hand.

On its head was even a magical item called a cat's ear.


Three question marks appeared over Celine's head.

"My Queen! Help me, please! Lord Ling Wei is terrible!"

Bella said in surprise.

That look was like the darkness seeing the light.

As pitiful as it needed to be.

"Huh? Bella, are you done with the dress? Still playing there."

"The Queen!"

"Don't shout, your queen has been spirited away."

Lynette's voice rang out, reeling Bella back in as she looked pleading.

Looking at the closed imaginary space.

Celine: "------"

Heartache Bella for a second.

When Celine turned her head she froze.

Why was everyone looking at her?

"Ahem, all right all right. Just take a casual look around."

"Tsk, poor such a beautiful girl to be spoiled by a lesbian."

"Lily's infinitely better, just can't have it."

The crowd saw Celine's eyes momentarily skimming and talking to each other.

A black "#" word appeared on Ling Yu's forehead.

Looks like we need to find a chance to talk to Vivian.

At least the orientation can't be crooked.

"Hey, hey, hey, how can you not join Master Ben for something this exciting?"

An untamed voice suddenly sounded out, breaking through the air.

A silhouette exploded down from the sky, driving the impacting air currents like a meteorite crashing into the ground.

It smashed the playground in pieces.

"Let me see the power of this world."

As the dust cleared, a blond man with headphones held his chest towards Ling Yu's twin life, an arrogant and unforgiving gesture.

"Reverse sixteen nights?"

"God! And this god is even here! What is this world coming to? There are so many secondary powerhouses descending!"

"Could it be that aura revival is real?"

"No way, I feel more like opening a dimensional channel."

"So then, I'll get to see all those secondary girls?!"

"Shocked! The happiest thing in the world is about to be born."

"Can you guys stop thinking so nicely? What if some villains descended, would the world be in ruin all the time? Not to mention all those strange forces do we want to live with? Is it any wonder you have to worry every day about the house exploding and disaster falling from the sky?"

"Ah, this-"

The words were so strong that people stopped talking.

Indeed, although they liked the anime characters, it didn't mean that they were willing to joke with their own lives.

There were a lot of powerful forces in anime, destroying the heavens and the earth at every turn, and no one could guarantee that they would not be affected.

Angel Hiko, Masked Rider and Reverse Sixteen Nights were fine, but Killing Maru, he wouldn't care about the lives of humans, other than Suzu, other humans were just like ants in front of him.

"Well, why did it suddenly become deadly?"

Reverse back to the sixteenth night.

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