Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 504

"You said your name was Sixteen Nights?" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.

Demon power exploded, and his eyes were gradually covered in red.

The great demon blood in his body began to boil.

"Holy shit, bull, Killing Pill vs. Reverse Sixteen Nights? That's something to look at. I don't know if it's Enchanting Strength or Demon Strength."

"Nonsense, it's definitely Enchantment Strong, no matter how strong the Killing Pill is, it's just a demon, who is the Reverse Sixteen Nights? That's a ruthless man with two ungodly gifts, [Shattering Heaven and Earth] and [Shattering Grace], who would be afraid of a mere killing pill? And the Box Court is a higher plane, and Gods and Buddhas are flying all over the place."

"Ah, that's- I don't understand it, but it's unexplainable."

"Uh, I remember that Kashimaru's father, King Do-tooth, died because of Princess Sixteen Nights, right?"

"Seeing someone with the same name awakens a deep inner memory?"

"No way, if these two get into a fight, the entire Yanghe City would probably sink, right?"

Unlike online, the students and teachers on the scene only felt afraid, trembling under the bursting demonic energy.

For a time, people couldn't help but look at Ling Yu.

After all, all the others were outsiders, only Ling Yu was the one who truly belonged to this school, the one who belonged to this dimension.

"Don't be pushy, come together, I want to pick five of them!"






Five exclamation marks were erected on the heads of the five Angel Hiko.

Numerous question ha erected on the heads of the others.

Together, they looked at Ling Yu in silence.

I'm afraid this product is not an idiot, right?

"Beat me and I'll tell you what you want to know."

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth lifted and he hooked his finger at the five of them.

"Let me see if your strength is worthy of entering this world."


"Fuck, what's he trying to do? Single out the four worlds?"

"Mask, Inuyasha, Supersoul Academy, Box Court!"

"This live broadcast is awesome! I'm totally cool with him hacking my computer about it."

"Tell me when this movie is going to be released, I'm booking it in advance!"

capital of a country

Number A and a few elders stared at Ling Yu on the screen.

One of the elders was holding a file.

"We've got information on three of them."

"Killing Pill, a supporting character in the island anime Inuyasha, is so powerful that his demonization can destroy a province ......"

"Sixteen Nights in Reverse, the male protagonist of the island anime `Problem Children All Come from Different Worlds', who has a great power called the power to penetrate heaven and earth and shatter gifts, and is described in the setting as the `third perpetual motion level' of humanity." ...... "

Said this elder, this elder was also amazed.

This Nima was simply more dangerous than that killing pill.


"Angel Hiko, the left wing guard of the Angel King Kaisha in the country's Supergod Academy, a 7000 year old angel, with a second generation divine body, with a weapon that is the Sword of Flame, I heard that it is a weapon that can kill gods, it has the power to unleash flaming judgment, comparable to a nuclear bomb!"

"As for these last two Masked Knights, sorry, I can't really find any information."

This elder said decadently.

"At the very least, do they both have nuclear-like combat power?" Number A silently looked at Ling Yu in the picture.

"So, what exactly is the strength of you who challenged them?"

Wise janitor, you really are handsome!

Chapter 27: The Headmaster expresses his distress

"Silence, does that mean consent?" Ling Yu asked.

"Hahaha, well, I didn't expect that there were people in this world who were even crazier than me."

Reverse Sixteen Nights was stunned, then laughed.

"Get excited now."

Throwing his arms back, Reverse Sixteen Nights' lips revealed an untamed smile.


Killing Pill aimed his gaze at Ling Yu and snorted coldly, the Exploding Shattered Tooth light in his hand entwined.

The terrifying demonic power was constantly intimidating the space.

"I'm starting to get a little interested in you, little boy."

Angel Hiko was still in that cynical stance.

Lightly holding himself off duty, he raised his long legs in the air and did down in the air.

"Don't look down on people!"

The hot-tempered Ten Thousandth Dragon I was instantly upset.

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