Navy headquarters, looking at the phone worm in the palm of his hand, the Warring States opened his mouth for a long time, and finally returned to his senses with a twitching face,

“You’re going to attack Cake Island?!”

On the other side of the phone worm, Su Mo smiled and nodded, “How is it?” Cooperation? ”

Hearing this, Sengoku was stunned, thought about it, and said solemnly, “You want to attack Cake Island, what does it have to do with our navy?” Don’t forget, you destroyed the Holy Land and stood on the opposite side of our navy…”

Su Mo snorted, “I know I know, and your navy is an enemy, what about Auntie?” Isn’t she also your naval enemy? Isn’t there a saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend…”

“You messed with Bigmom? But your strength should not be afraid of her, right? Warring States raised his eyebrows, a little curious,

Su Mo’s ability, he and Karp did not take it, a bigmom. should not be considered a threat,

“It’s not that I’m afraid of her, Auntie has what my navigator needs, if she can’t get it, so I grab it.” Saying that, Su Mo changed his position in his position, although he didn’t know how the phone worm was on the Warring States side, but he was uncomfortable sitting all the time,

“How, cooperative? Let’s 143 pull out this marine cancer together and restore justice to the world. He said,

Hearing this, the corners of Warring States’ mouth twitched slightly, these words … As if you are with some kind of righteous partner, and pull out the marine tumor, if it is not for the general understanding that Su Mo is a person, he will believe it,

He thought for a while, and said thoughtfully, “I want to use the power of the navy to help you kill bigmom and eliminate the threat, am I that stupid?” ”

No, you’re not stupid, you’re just a little dumbfounded,

At this thought, Su Mo almost said, “Cough… So what, you see, I asked my aunt for something, by the way, I can also cooperate with the Navy to pull out this marine tumor, the important thing is that I will not make a move against the Justice Navy, for you, how to look at it has earned, right? Still hesitate about what? ”

At this time, Su Mo suddenly regretted a little, why didn’t he learn ventriloquism from the village head who sold counterfeit medicine… Ah, how about learning the art of fooling people?

If the person who sold counterfeit medicine came, maybe the Warring States had already agreed, and he was racking his brains here to think of a reason?

And the Warring States, after hearing Su Mo’s (babb) words, his eyelids twitched unconsciously,

He would not make a move against the navy, which he would like to believe, after all, last time this guy Su Mo trespassed into the navy headquarters, even when he was besieged by many strong people, he did not kill the navy, but worked together to pull out the marine tumor… Why does it sound full of discord?

Are you Su Mo such a righteous person?

With a dry cough, he said slowly, “Pull out the marine tumor… Huh, you just said that bigmom has what you need, right? And it sounds like it’s important… So, even if the Navy doesn’t make a move, don’t you still want to attack Bigmom.Now tell us this news, aren’t you afraid that we will take you all while you and Bigmom are both defeated? ”

After saying this, a serious look appeared on the Sengoku’s face,

Su Mo called him directly to discuss the purpose of attacking Bigmom, then he, the marshal of the navy, simply abdicated, and there was still the west in the hands of the aunt… He was really curious, what kind of thing could make Su Mo so attentive that he would not hesitate to fight with bigmom…

He wants to gamble and see Su Mo make a choice,

Knowing that the navy is a threat to him, is it for the mysterious thing to fight with bigmom, or to give up the so-called important thing to save himself…

He originally thought so, but the next second, he smoked again,

In the serious gaze of the Warring States Phone Worm in front of him, Su Mo smiled, “Take them all?” That’s great! I’ll tell you the exact date, you must come then! Remember to send more troops…”

Sengoku, “??? ”

He began to frighten,

Su Mo, this guy… Don’t even care about the threat of the Navy, you have to get that thing?

What the hell is that?

He just wanted to ask again, Su Mo had already hung up the phone worm here, looking at the phone worm in front of him, the whole person of the Warring States began to doubt life,

What kind of stuff can make Su Mo so attentive???

On the other side, the phone worm hung up, and Su Mo’s whole person was happy,

At this moment, when the time comes, I don’t believe that the Warring States can still bear not sending troops,

Seeing his reaction, Robin couldn’t help but frown, “Su Mo… Are you really ready to face the siege of all three forces at the same time? ”

“There is no talk of a siege, at least Auntie will definitely not unite with the Navy.” Su Mo said with a smile

Robin still frowned, “So what’s next?” Our plan for the attack … And the four thousand centaurs of the floating island, what should we do? ”

“It’s also… The navy has almost dealt with it, and we should think about how to create momentum…” Saying that, Su Mo’s eyes suddenly lit up,

Next, Aunt Fang, it is definitely indispensable to go to the New World, when the time comes, catch a few pirates to release the news of their attack on Aunt, and then try to spread it as loudly as possible, so that everyone in the New World knows that when the final war starts, there are definitely many people who pay attention!

At that time, the prestige brush will not fly directly?

Then the prestige brush brush increases, and the trend directly unlocks the fourth star map… Oops, it’s still beautiful to think about,

Seeing Su Mo stunned, Hancock was a little curious,

Why is there suddenly no response?

“Su Mo, you… You okay? ”

Hearing the voice, Su Mo reacted, looking at Han Cook’s almost perfect beautiful face, he grinned, “It’s okay, it’s just… I’m sorry to spare you for so long…”

“Uh oh.” Hancock nodded and shook his head again, “It’s okay, you can live as long as you want, concubine here… It’s okay. ”

Su Mo sighed, “I also want to, but the time doesn’t seem to be allowed, so you have to prepare in advance…”

Saying that, he looked at Robin and Nami, and said, “Although the new world is dangerous, it is nothing to have me, but after a while, I will fight with Auntie… At that time, you will stay on the floating island, I will bring all the troops down, and when the solution is solved, in a short time, the world government and the navy should not have time to pay attention to us, and then we will think about something else…”

Like Ain, like Perebecca, like baby5, Monet…


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