March time was originally the time when Su Mo planned to attack Aunt the most, but in fact… Do I need to prepare to attack Aunt?

All he wants is to create momentum, the more people in the world know, the better, the greater the scope of the spread of war, the better, only in this way, after some operation to beat the kneeling aunt, he can brush out the most prestige,

According to Su Mo’s thoughts, it is roughly estimated that attacking Aunt, when the time comes, the Navy, the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, the Seven Wuhai, the Four Emperors and all the vassals under Auntie will definitely be waiting for the battle, or looking forward to it, and when the prestige brushed out by the end of the war is not to say whether the fourth star map can be unlocked, even if it cannot be unlocked, it is estimated that it can be brushed almost,

So in order to brush these prestige, he is not in a hurry, the more the war this thing precipitates, the better the effect will be then,

And putting all this aside, the scenery he wanted to see in the pirate world has not yet been seen, so with Robin and the three, Su Mo wandered in the sea area of the new world,

When encountering an eye-opening pirate, a sword in the past ship wrecked and people died, how many pirates in the new world can come for adventure? He killed without psychological burden,

It’s a bit of trouble for the navy and the world government.

It’s not that I can’t get over this hurdle in my heart, I’m embarrassed to make a move against the Navy and the like, but in the new world, although there are many people who know him, there are few who know his ship, and I can’t meet many people from the Navy and the world government.

It’s no wonder that after finishing the world at the headquarters of the Navy, he went directly to the Nine Snakes and the East China Sea, and it was only then that he was defined as a pirate, unlike the pirates who had their own pirate flag as soon as they went out to sea, his pirate banner was not done until he left Alabastan, and it was made by Nami, and the people in the new world did not recognize ~ at all,

And…… The flag made by Nami, every time I see it, Su Mo can’t help but want to complain-,

An orange and a windmill, exactly the same as the tattoo on Nami’s arm, how does this look like a pirate flag? Is it okay to get off a tour?

Most of the pirates who come to attack them also come with this mentality!

I don’t know if Kobra was in a complicated mood when he got it…

In addition to these, Su Mo also took time to go around the floating island, four thousand people and horses, more or less have to give a quasi-er, otherwise if he doesn’t even know when to fight, his boss is also blind,

Just wandering in the new world, three months, soon passed,

On this day, it is finally time for war!

Floating Island, looking at the excited pirates in front of him, Su Mo smiled casually, and took out Hancock’s phone worm from his pocket,

It has been three months since the last call with the Warring States, during which although the Warring States called several times, Su Mo did not answer, ,

The elderly, generally think more than ordinary people, especially curiosity, after time fermentation, will rise to affect people’s judgment ability,

I pressed a few numbers casually, and after a while, the voice of the Warring States came from the phone worm,

“Hey, I’m Sengoku.”

The voice is heavy and complicated, you don’t need to guess, the time Warring States definitely didn’t sleep well,

Su Mo smiled, “I am Su Mo.” ”


The other party was silent for a few seconds,

A moment later, the voice of the Warring States sounded again, “”

Hearing this voice, Su Mo couldn’t help but be happy, “Sorry sorry, I didn’t communicate for so long, I thought you forgot me, haha…”

Hearing this, the Warring States was suddenly angry, and after thinking about it, as soon as he was about to speak, Su Mo said, “Okay, don’t talk nonsense, I’m going to kill Aunt, your navy and world government are ready to prepare.” ”

After speaking, Su Mo directly hung up the communication, and after stretching his waist casually, he slowly stood up,

With his movements, the eyes of the surrounding pirates slowly converged,

Under everyone’s gaze, he took a deep breath and slowly spoke,

“Three months, ready, right? The war, began. ”

With a low sound, the surrounding pirates suddenly cheered up!



Finally, I can get rid of it!

God knows how they survived this time!

Most pirates think so, after all, Su Mo this guy, they don’t often contact, who knows what the personality is?

·0 Ask for flowers···

This time is also, escape and dare not escape, fight and fight, can only force themselves to train every day, so that the strength strengthens by one point, after all, this is so, the chance of surviving in the face of the war of the four emperors is a little greater!

Looking at the pirates who were really excited in front of him, Su Mo smiled with satisfaction, just have this kind of momentum, when the time comes, who will care about these tools after brushing the reputation?

With a dry cough, he raised his palm and suppressed the atmosphere, “Before the final battle, remind you that those who flee from the battle, those who do not fight with all their strength, and those who defect on the spot, I will cut you on the spot without mercy, and the kind that Auntie can’t stop.” ”

The pirates were stunned, and then after a short silence, it was explosive excitement!

… 0

“Don’t worry, Boss Su Mo! I have decided to follow you to the death! ”

“Isn’t it the Four Emperors Bigmom? Leave it to us! ”

“The Air Thief Group will never say die!”

“We will definitely win!”

One by one, the shouts of cracking lungs came out, hearing these sounds, the corners of Su Mo’s mouth twitched slightly, this reaction of the pirates, living like a creature in the previous life, licking…

After shaking his head lightly and retracting the thoughts in his mind, Su Mo’s heart moved, and the floating island suddenly began to shake, and then, the target was directed at the cake island!

While controlling the flight trajectory of the island, Su Mo sat back on the chair and leisurely cocked Erlang’s legs,

He has to think about how to appear in a while… Bah, it’s more eye-catching,

As a boss, he definitely can’t go directly, but he can’t be too far back, otherwise it doesn’t feel right, and there are so many islands and pirates, you have to think of a great appearance screen,

Remember…… At the time of the top war, Whitebeard appeared unexpectedly from the bottom of the sea, and now on his side, he fell from the sky unexpectedly ??

It’s okay to think about it,

Then there is his own appearance, since he is going to fall from the sky, to his side must not simply float down slowly, the pressure is too low, you have to think of a way, after all, the golden lion’s ability special effects are insufficient…

… Factory…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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