Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 164

With some sigh, Ye Nan set the room as his own home in his previous life, looked around with a little nostalgia, and then walked out of the room.

After receiving news from Nidalee, the deputy captain also returned from the public square with the other two players.

The deputy captain of the Beastwalker team is also a female.She has the characteristics of a typical European and American, brown hair, long legs, white skin, green eyes, wearing a navy blue leather jacket, is a standard Eastern European and American.

The only drawback is that the figure is a little bit shriveled.

The other team member was a black male who was so strong that he almost burst his shirt.

After seeing Ye Nan, he sniffed his nose subconsciously, and then smiled at him very friendly. The white teeth contrasted sharply with the dark face.

"Everyone is coming. Newcomer, let me introduce you."

Nidalee clicked one by one.

"Our team members all have the ability to transform into beasts, or are orcs themselves. I can become a leopard, the blue rabbit is a rabbit clan, and Marshall can become a brown bear."

"This is Serena, my deputy captain, the blood evolver. That is Ralph, a werewolf from the same world as Catherine."

Facing Serena who didn't talk much, Ye Nan, who was also indifferent, stood there, staring at her with big eyes like this, without blinking.

The surrounding atmosphere gradually became awkward.

Seeing this situation, Nidalee gradually got a headache: I didn't expect that the newcomer would have some trouble with Serena when he arrived.

However, at this moment, Serena blinked suddenly.

Immediately, a proud smile rose from the corner of Ye Nan's mouth.

"You blink first, you lose."


Serena rubbed her emerald eyes, turned around unwillingly and walked into her room, leaving the rest of the people speechless for a while.

Damn, you two are so grown-ups, do you want to be so naive!

After pushing Catherine back with his eyes, Ye Nan asked Nidalee a very important question.

"According to the team name, am I going to become a beast?"

"Of course not. The name of the Beastwalker team was inherited from the previous captain. The situation in the team is just a coincidence."


After spitting out a character, Ye Nan regained the handsome appearance of the person who didn't say much, which made Nidalee feel tired.

This made her even have an illusion: Did I make a mistake in my decision to expand the team this time?

Udyr, damned and really dead, why did you let me inherit the position of captain?

Secretly sighed, Nidalee said to Ye Nan.

"Rookie, how many plots and reward points do you have?"

Ye Nandao.

"Two B-level plots, 5003 bonus points."

What, is it asking him to confess?

Nidalee would certainly not do this.

"Rookie, since you still have savings, go to the public square and have a look. You have just become an intermediate reincarnation. You must have never been to the public square."

She nodded to Marshall in the form of a brown bear.

"Marshall, your chance is useless this time, take him there."

"Ok, no problem."

Marshall waved a huge bear paw and smiled at Ye Nan with an aura.

"Rookie, let's go."


Two hours later, Marshall returned with Ye Nan.

On that incredible bear's face, there was an expression of doubting life.

"How is it possible? This is too weird? This is obviously impossible..."

Seeing him like this, almost everyone was aroused by curiosity.

"Marshall, what happened?"

Nidalee jumped off a large sofa placed in the main god space.It is worth mentioning that she was lying lazily on the sofa in the form of a jaguar.

"Captain, you can't believe what happened to me! No, even if you believe it, I can't believe it myself!"

Speaking incoherently, Marshall pulled Ye Nan and briefly described the matter.

The public square is a public area that can only be entered by intermediate reincarnations in the main god space.Every time you complete a task, you have a chance to enter.

Here, there are countless people hawking in small stalls.Because there is only one chance, some people even stay in the square for several days.

The things they sell are one-third cheaper than the main god space when the goods are of the same value, but there is no main god as an'official' guarantee.

In other words, although there are conscientious sellers here, more are still black-hearted merchants.

Therefore, in the public square area, the powerful reincarnation may be pitted by the weak reincarnation, and the weak reincarnation may be lucky enough to find the treasure and ascend to the sky in one step.

This time, Ye Nan took the role of the lucky one.

Marshall, who is dominated by everyone, carries some envy and some jealous way.

"As soon as this newcomer entered the square, he was attracted by a golden fruit. Before I even had time to talk about the unspoken rules in the square, he used a B-level plot and four thousand reincarnation points to buy an introduction. After eating, the fruit that will have a buff effect is eaten in one bite! Who knows what buff effect this fruit has? In the Lord God, whether it is to increase a little strength or ten points of strength, it is called a gain! An unknown Fruit, where is so much worth!"

"This is obviously a reckless decision, but after eating the fruit, the whole body of the newcomer turned golden. Not only did he gain the indestructible body of King Kong, but also the strength and speed were all improved by a lot. The stall owner's eyes were staring. Come out, I regret to die."

Thinking of the way that the stall owner wanted to turn back time so that he could eat the fruit, Marshall's bear's face showed a gloating expression again.

The fruit has never been in his hands, even if the heart is uncomfortable, it is mostly envious.

But for the stall owner who once owned it, I'm afraid he just wants to go to the rooftop to blow the air.

"Isn't it? The newcomer's luck is so good!"

After listening to Marshall's account, Nidalee, Blue Rabbit and others were all dumbfounded.

Obviously he was pitted, and as a result, he ate a fruit casually, and he actually got the incorruptible body of King Kong?What the hell is this luck?!

Chapter 247 Defense of Mount Hyjal

In fact, this is certainly not luck.

The golden fruit cannot be said to be completely useless.It can strengthen the muscles and bones of ordinary people to a certain extent.If an ordinary person eats it, he can instantly become a strong man with twice the physical fitness of an ordinary person.

Although this effect is not worth a B-level plot and four thousand bonus points, it is similar.

The so-called King Kong indestructible body and the skyrocketing physical fitness are more of a disguise made by Ye Nan himself to confuse the Lord God.

This golden fruit has not been authenticated by the main god, and no one knows what it is for.Ye Nan used this to release a strength beyond what A Fei should have, in order to gain greater initiative in the next tasks.

After listening to Marshall, Ralph and Blue Rabbit both showed envy.

Serena frowned slightly, and Nidalee shook her head even more.

"Too reckless! The loss of plot and reward points is small, if the golden fruit is harmful to the human body, it will be big!"

"This is not recklessness, but the intuition to go through the world!"

Ye Nan slowly added the character setting of'Quick Sword Afei': a person doesn't say a lot of cruelty—intuition is amazing—poisonous tongue can complain—quiet and handsome beautiful man.


After listening to ALFY's explanation, Nidalee was startled, and the expression on her face gradually eased.

At her level, luck and intuition are both a form of strength.

Moreover, for ALFY's explanation, Blue Rabbit couldn't help but nodded.

As a swordsman, she sometimes trusts her instincts.

It just took less than half a day. For this lucky newcomer, the Beastwalker team had a certain understanding.

Except for some envy and jealousy, they all released their kindness to A Fei.For example, during dinner, many delicacies were put in front of A Fei.

King Kong's indestructible body is a physical shield skill.Who doesn't like a meat shield that can stand in front of him and endure damage for the team?


In the next few days, Ye Nan and the Beastwalker team deepened their understanding of each other.

Captain Nidalee, a beauty who is favored by the spirit of nature, can transform into a jaguar and is the attacker in the team.She is also good at making all kinds of traps and has certain healing abilities.

The deputy captain Serena, a blood clan who can walk in the sun, has a pair of demonic guns, ebony wood and white ivory.Good at gun fighting.As long as you drink blood, you can heal yourself.

Marshall, the team's No. 1 meat shield, a night elf with purple skin and narrow ears, is a druid who masters the form of a brown bear and a groundhog.Although his brown bear shape looks terrifying, his actual age is only sixteen years old.Master a certain amount of healing ability.

Team warrior and No. 2 meat shield Ralph, a typical werewolf.It seems that the limbs are well-developed and the mind is simple, but it is actually true.

It is worth mentioning that he is still Serena's licking dog, but the other party has always treated him with scorn.

Emmmm, this may have something to do with Ralph's collection of a few pieces of Serena after the battle, which was covered with her blood and sweat, and was tragically discarded.

Finally, there is the Assassin Blue Rabbit, one of the seven swords once, and the weapon is the Ice Soul Sword.

She can actually transform into a human form. The reason why she faced Ye Nan in a rabbit-like shape was actually to give him a good start, but she was ignored.

And these days, Nidalee also tested Ye Nan's strength.

Under Ye Nan's control, his King Kong indestructible body had a 105-caliber howitzer, but was repelled without injury.But he deliberately pretended to be turbulent with blood and breathed a few breaths, allowing Nidalee to judge that the defensive power of the Immortal King Kong was probably here.

This powerful move of using the body to harden the howitzer made Marshall silently give up the position of the team's first meat shield.

Even in his brown bear form, he would suffer serious injuries if hit by a howitzer.

Soon, the task time came.

There is a cubic meter of storage space in the main god watch, but that's all.So there are a lot of things that cannot be stuffed in.

Under Nidalee's suggestion, Ye Nan used 1,000 bonus points to purchase a 20 cubic meter package that could be tied around his waist.It contains food, water, and many daily necessities.

Twelve beams of light descended from the sky.At the same time, the indifferent voice of the Lord God came from inside the big ball of light.

"The mission begins: the goal'Battle of Mount Hyjal'. The countdown begins: sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight..."

"The Battle of Mount Hyjal?"

Hearing the name, Marshall shocked all over, and exclaimed uncontrollably.

"No? It's just a coincidence?"


Hearing his exclamation, the others cast their gazes.

Nidalee spoke.

"Marshall, you know this copy."

In the beam of light, Marshall nodded.

"Captain, before entering the space of the Lord God, my world had a famous battle called the Battle of Mount Hyjal twenty years ago. This is a war of tribes and alliances against the burning army... "

Before he finished speaking, the teleportation of the main god began.

When Ye Nan opened his eyes, apart from his surrounding teammates, he saw a three-way confrontation between humans, orcs and night elves.

Those are three teams with different costumes.Strong humans wearing leather armor and holding long swords; tall night elves with long bows; and fangs orcs wearing only pants and controlling giant axes.

At the same time, a line of small characters prompted by the main god appeared in the surrounding moist soil.

[Main Mission: Faction Selection (Limited Time Three Minutes)]

[Choose a camp from orcs, humans, night elves, and the Burning Legion.This choice will lead to different main tasks in the following, please choose carefully.

Ye Nan's gaze swept across Marshall's face.

There is no doubt that besides the night elf camp, it is impossible for this night elf to choose other camps.With the help of his "local", the team can be quickly accepted.

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