Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 165

that's the truth.


While shouting the night elves, Marshall transformed into a giant bear form in mid-air and charged towards the orcs.

Bang bang bang!

The orc was attracted by Marshall's changing brown bear, and just about to raise the axe, he saw Serena coldly raising the double spear and firing a series of bullets.

Each of these bullets shot in from the orcs' eyeballs, penetrated their brains, and instantly wiped out this orc scout team.

The human team and the night elves team were also taken aback by the sudden emergence of the team.

But after seeing Marshall who jumped out first, the night elves squad breathed a sigh of relief, but the human squad took a few steps back solemnly, making a guard posture while retreating.

The night elves ignored their human'allies' and watched them disappear into the jungle.

The night elf who should be the leader of the scout squad approached and asked Marshall who was restored to his original form.

"Thank you for your help, my people. I'm the scout captain of the 35th squadron of Freedom Wings Second Brigade, Kendall Brambles. Are these your adventure squadmates?"

Chapter 248 The Jackal Camp

The age of Marshall was twenty years after the Battle of Mount Hyjal.If he was just an ordinary sixteen-year-old night elf, he would definitely be a little flustered in this situation.

But in the main god space, this young man has been well tempered.

He smiled at Kendall with a pure smile peculiar to a teenager.

"I’m Marshall from Songhu Village. Don’t look at me, I’ve been an adventurer two years ago! It’s just that I haven’t been home for two years. I miss the grilled pine pepper fish there, so I just brought my teammates to our night elves. Look at the country."

"They are my teammates on the adventure team. This is my head, a human being blessed by the forest of nature."

"Hello, Kendall. May the moonlight watch you."

Nidalee nodded at Kendall.Her paw prints on the center of her brows shone green, revealing a natural breath that made Kendall feel cordial.

"Hello Stranger."

Kendall also smiled at Nidalee for the sake of Marshall and their help just now.

Then, looking at the dead orc on the ground, he showed an expression of anger and disgust.

"These damn green skins have invaded our homeland and brought in those damn undead! It's not safe here anymore. Come with me."

Kendall led his men to quickly clean the battlefield.They cut off the ears of the orcs, burned the corpse to avoid being transformed into undead, and then returned to the barracks with the corpses of their companions who died in previous battles and the spoils.

In the barracks, only Nidalee and Marshall were allowed to see the commander.Ye Nan and the others waited in a remote place.

Not the same as Kendall.In the face of strangers, even though there was a member of his own clan, the commander of the barracks did not even say his own name, nor did he conceal his doubts about this team of adventurers in his eyes.

"I am the commander here, a strange adventurer."

He spoke to the two in an icy voice in an impatient tone.

"I don't care where you come from. As a reward for helping my men, you can get a tent in the northwest corner of the camp for a temporary rest. But if you want to get my employment, do something useful! "

As soon as his voice fell, the task of the Lord God appeared.

[Main task 1 is completed, main task 2 is being generated...]

[Secondary task: clean up the camp.

Twenty kilometers northwest of the camp, there is a jackal camp, destroy it.

Task reward: one thousand reward points.

Looking at the main god task prompt in front of him, this gave Ye Nan the feeling of playing a holographic simulation game.

So, when we come to the new map, we have to do a few tasks first to brush the reputation to friendly or respect?


After receiving the task, the group ignored the rest and set off directly.

Kendall became their guide and gave instructions to the commander's behavior.

"Sorry, but the commander's actions were not directed at you. It is a time of war and he is just too nervous."

"It's okay, it should be."

Nidalee nodded very understandingly, making the smile on Kendall's face more sincere.

In the jungle, everyone spent half a day on their way.

When the sunset came, they entered the range of the Jackal camp.

Nidalee turned into a jaguar and went to explore.

About half an hour, she came back to tell everyone the information.

"This is a tribe of jackals. There is one leader, one sacrifice, and thirteen warriors."

"Thank you for your help, friends."

Kendall thanked several people.

"This was originally a task for our team, but I didn't expect to encounter an orc scout halfway through. Are you sure about this group of jackals?"

"Look at it, Brother Kendall, it's just a trifle!"

In just half a day, the'innocent' boy Marshall called Big Brother.

He transformed into a brown bear and roared.


Suddenly, Ye Nan felt that a mysterious power was attached to him, increasing his strength and agility.

Immediately afterwards, Marshall fell on all fours, transformed into an angry brown bear, and rushed towards the jackal camp.

The bear roared not far away, immediately alarmed the Jackal leader.

Holding a flail in his hand, he walked out of the cave and was shocked when he saw the giant bear, then cruelly and happily raised his weapon.

"Kill it! (Jackal Talk)"

Such a big bear is enough for everyone to eat for a day!


However, at this moment, a silver arrow spanned several tens of meters and slammed at the Jackal leader.

Had it not been for him to hide quickly, the arrow would hit his wide-opened throat instead of the left shoulder.

That was the standard night elf arrow shot by Kendall.He didn't choose to watch from the wall, but bent his bow and set an arrow, and one arrow hit the shoulder of the Jackal leader.

"It's long ears! (Jackal Talk)"

After a cry of pain, the jackal howl of hatred.

He pulled out the arrow on his shoulder, letting the blood sprinkle on the ground, and howled angrily.

"Kill them! (Jackal Talk)"



From the cave, more than a dozen jackals came out.

They uttered a howling similar to the leader, and their weapons included rusty arrows, wooden sticks, and even sharpened thigh bones of certain animals.

Among them, a jackal in animal skins is obviously different from other jackals.

He took the potion from the small back basket around his waist, applied it to the wound on the shoulder of the gnoll leader, and chanted a spell.

Soon, with a green light, the wound on the shoulder of the Jackal leader no longer bleeds, and the left arm that was implicated by the shoulder also regained the ability to move.

Standing beside Kendall, Serena was about to raise her gun, but Nidalee stopped her.

"This is a war mission, save ammunition!"

Nidalee took out a silver-white spear, and the Blue Rabbit pulled out the Ice Soul Sword at his waist.Ralph turned into a werewolf, Serena also took out a Western sword with a big red hilt and rushed into the battlefield.

Ye Nan took out A Fei's iron sword from the watch and stood beside Kendall as a protection.

As a strength test, these gnolls were obviously unqualified.

Marshall, who was the first to bear the brunt, lifted his paw with a big fan, slapped it with one paw, and knocked a jackal into the air.

The jackal vomited blood in mid-air, his ribs were obviously sunken inward, and he had lost his combat effectiveness.

Ralph, who became a werewolf, stopped the gnoll leader.Nidalee squeezed the very familiar spear in her hand, and shot a spear through the sacrificial chest of the jackal man with healing ability.

A big hole was shot from the chest of the sacrifice, and he died on the spot.

The blue rabbit is dexterous, dancing like a rabbit.After avoiding the attack, a sword can penetrate the throat of the jackal.

Although Serena was holding a sword, she also displayed superb swordsmanship skills, killing a jackal in a few strokes.

In the end, several people joined forces and easily killed the Jackal leader, but the battle was resolved in ten minutes.

Chapter 249, God of Hunting, Gar

When the Jackal leader fell to the ground, Kendall breathed a sigh of relief and carried the longbow behind him.

But when he was about to step forward, Nidalee said suddenly.

"Wait! It's not that simple!"


Kendall was puzzled, but Marshall said immediately.

"Shaman offering sacrifices! This is just a camp of more than a dozen gnolls, why are there holocaust shaman offerings!"

What he didn't say was that the main god space would not be so kind and give them reward points for free.

Although 1,000 bonus points are not many, their team has six people.Sending out six thousand reward points in one go is not the style of the main god at all!

really.Almost immediately, a roar came from the cave.

"Who killed my sacrifice?!"

Along with the roar, there was still a fishy wind.Then, a huge figure walked out of it.

It was a giant tiger with a height of nearly two meters and a body length of more than five meters.It has a pair of saber-tooth-like fangs, the word'king' on its forehead is mighty, and the fangs and claws are shining with extraordinary cold light.

Seeing this giant tiger, Kendal's expression was immediately difficult to look.

"Gal, God of Hunting!"

Gar, the hunting god, is one of the famous wilderness demigods on the continent of Kalimdor.It is not the same as the demigod of the pure wild boar god and furbolg god.All races that love hunting and enjoy hunting have the possibility of offering sacrifices to him and getting a response.

But Kendal did not expect that the Jackal could also be its sacrifice!

This is the same as the tree demon meeting up the tree!

"Night Elf?"

Seeing Kendall, Gar squinted his ferocious eyes, and a whip-like tail was raised high, showing that its owner was not in a good mood.

His low, roaring voice came from deep in his throat.

"Long ears, why kill my sacrifice?"

"I'm sorry, the hunting god, I didn't know that it was your sacrifice!"

While apologizing, Kendall complained in his heart.

Garr, the hunting god, has a bad relationship with the night elves.

Some night elves are good at hunting, such as the famous night huntress.But because their mount and partner are Nightsaber, they have a very good relationship with the God of Nightsaber.

It just so happened that the God of Nightsaber and the God of Hunting were quite inconsistent because of the territorial dispute.

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