Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 172

"Masters, I have deeply realized my mistakes, can you let me go?"

Now it seems that Bai Yacha is really easy to change, but his nature is hard to change.She is definitely not doing good deeds with so many demon kings at once!

However, how could this unlucky thing happen to me!

If he can travel through time and space, he must go back to the past and beat himself up half an hour ago.

You can’t listen to what people say, can’t you not come today?

Was it because the beauties who paid tribute the other day were not fun, or the wine was not good?

Is it bad to be alive?

"Of course not."

Ye Nan's "little request" was rejected by Ye Nan.

He looked at Bai Yasha who was already quite cold and said.

"White Yasha, this is your world, what are you going to do?"

"Not much."

After staring at Luos a few times, Bai Yasha finally sighed deeply, looking tired.

She was rather helpless.

"He's right. Although I am the dominant class in the Eastern District, I still don't trust the gods, even if I put my godhood in Buddhism. If I kill this kid here, the boss will come the next day. I talk."

"It's not easy for the boss to help me block the pressure of the gods. I can't mess with her anymore."

The boss here refers to the leader of [Thousand Eyes], which is the double goddess of the flag-Goddess of Luck and Goddess of Doom.

With these two goddesses who are unwilling to provoke no matter which god group, and the community [Thousand Eyes] is just a large-scale business alliance, the god group can only open eyes to Bai Yacha and allow her to be a double digit. The strongest demon's activities in the lower level.

"Yes, yes!"

When Bai Yasha said that, Luos nodded as if he had found a straw.

"If I die here, Bai Yasha will definitely be in trouble! Are you friends? I promise, I won't talk nonsense after I go out!"

"To shut up!"

Ye Nan looked at this coldly and was washed white afterwards. Maybe it wouldn't be enough to kill, but he beat the descendant of the frivolous god who was absolutely right, and said.

"Since Bai Yasha said so, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape. As the price of offending us, I will accept Argel!"

"What? No..."

Argel is his own assassin, a trump card that can fight the devil.Yenan wanted Alger, Luos was shocked and refused on the spot.

However, noticing the cold light in the eyes of the surrounding demon kings, he immediately realized.He has no right to refuse at all.

Whether to choose to die or to lose a powerful gift is a very simple choice.



After surrendering Alger's ownership, Lucius stumbled out of the Baiyasha shop.

Looking at his back, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Marquis of Vauban.

"Group leader, don't you need to seal it up? With his character, he will definitely tell us out?"

"It doesn't matter."

After washing the Argel necklace with supernatural power, hung it on his wrist, Ye Nan smiled.

"If you meet an alliance of five demon kings, based on the strength of Lucius, you also want to leave alive? In addition, he is originally a'distrustful', even if you really say it, no one will believe it. ."

"Not to mention that he himself understands. Even if someone really believes, let the gods come to crusade us, but before that, [Perseus] and him must have died first."

Suddenly, through the opened door, at the door, the female salesperson who had just been bullied by Lucius sounded cold and resisting.

"Sorry, our shop is closing, and we refuse to provide services outside the opening hours."

Then, there was a complaint from a young girl.

"Even if you drove out the guests five minutes before closing time?! What an unfriendly shop!"

"If you are dissatisfied, please go to other stores. As for our store, several people will be banned from entering and exiting, which means it will be blacklisted."

"Blacklist! Just being blacklisted like this is really despising the guests!"

No matter how he protested, the clerk just responded to the angry black rabbit with indifferent eyes and insulting tone.


Hearing this familiar voice, Bai Yasha showed a wretched smile on his face.

She closed the fan in her hand and rushed out of the room.

"Yeah~~Drink~~! It's been a long time since I saw the black rabbit~~!"

She slammed into the heavy weight of the black rabbit with a wrestling flying impact, and the two of them turned around in mid-air together for four and a half times, and finally fell into the shallow waterway beside the road.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of the water stains on his body, Bai Yasha's head rubbed hard against the black rabbit.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ye Nan shook his head speechlessly, and walked out of the store with the others.

At this moment, Bai Yasha's color harassment was unbearable, and the black rabbit threw her hard.

Before returning to Sixteen Nights, Ye Nan stretched out his hand like a cat, grabbed Bai Yasha's collar to catch her, and then put it down.

Standing still, Bai Yasha smiled at Ye Nan.

"Thank you, the host."

"You're welcome."

Ye Nan smiled, and then looked towards Nihui Sixteen Nights.

"Boy, did you just want to lift your foot? It's rude."

Go back to Sixteen Nights and responded with a laugh.

"I'm sorry! But I am savage, violent, and hedonistic Uncle Sixteen Nights humbly accepts it and will not change it!"

Chapter 259 Problem Children Get Together

When watching anime, I found Ikuyoga very interesting.But if it's me who is being ashamed, it makes people unhappy.

However, before Ye Nan spoke, the black rabbit bowed sharply at him.

The chest was wrapped in tight-fitting clothing, and it shook very loudly, which greatly attracted the attention of gentlemen such as Bai Yasha and Ye Nan.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that by Sixteen Nights!"

Seeing that Nihui Sixteen Nights was about to clash with people again, the black rabbit was about to cry.

Only half a day after she summoned three problem children, she confronted the God of Water and the community [Fores Garo], and now she has to grudge against the strangers who met Pingshui. Did she summon three helpers or three uncles? !

"Let's talk about it first."

Paying attention to Ye Nan's gaze, Bai Yacha showed a smile of a fellow man, and walked into the store with a group of people.

Seeing Heitu's face, Bai Yasha gave an introduction to Hakoki to the three people.

At the same time, she also expressed the fact that she is the'dominant of the Eastern District', that is, the strongest organizer of the Eastern District.

For Bai Yasha who read the original, this is almost like fishing law enforcement.The three problem children were attracted at once.

The eyes of Sixteen Nights, Asuka and Yao burst out together.

The name of this light is "interesting".

"Really..., that is to say, as long as we defeat you, our community will become the strongest organization in the Eastern District?"

"of course."

Seeing the unabashedly eager gazes of the three, Bai Yasha smiled and closed the folding fan in his hand.

"Wait, Lord Baiyasha..."

The black rabbit panicked to stop it.These three newcomers don't know the strength of Bai Yasha, does she still know?

As soon as he came to Hakatai, he challenged this'former demon king' who even the upper community did not want to provoke. Does this think that his death is not gorgeous enough?!

"It doesn't matter, Black Rabbit. Actually, I really want to play with them too."

Bai Yasha reached out his hand to stop the panicked black rabbit, then glanced at Ye Nan, and sighed with regret.

"However, it doesn't seem to work this time."


Huihui Shiliuye keenly discovered that something was wrong, and turned his attention to Ye Nan.

"Want to try it, kid?"

Ye Nan was the most provocative, the upper one looked down at the lower one and looked back towards Sixteen Nights.

"Hakatai is different from other worlds. Here, even if I dare not die too much, let alone you."


Although he seemed to be a reckless person, in fact, the unexpectedly clever Izayoi caught some information.

"It sounds like you know me?"

"Of course, Xixiang Sixteen Nights Lord."

What Ye Nan likes to see most is the expressions of the characters in the story that change rapidly during spoilers.

"Your mind should have guessed it a long time ago? You didn't appear by accident. Your foster mother was once quite a famous figure in Hakata."

He didn't seem surprised to find that Nihui Sixteen Nights, Ye Nan was a little disappointed not to see Yan Yi of this blond kid, and said to Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasuga Beya.

"It's the same for you two. After all, being able to be summoned by the black rabbit to come to the box court, of course you have something to do with her community."


"me too?"

On the faces of the two girls, Ye Nan saw the unexpected change.

"Hey? Lord Sixteen Nights, Asuka and Yao are actually related to the community?"

However, even the black rabbit had a surprised expression of "I don't know there is such a thing at all", so Bai Yasha couldn't help covering his face.

Speaking of the summoning card found in your own community warehouse, of course it is related to the community?Anyway, [Acadia] almost rushed into the upper community back then, otherwise, do you really think that these three extraordinary problem children can be summoned randomly?

"Hey, this unknown big brother. Hakatai's gift game seems to require a bet, right?"

It was related to the past of his adoptive mother, and the look in Shizuya's eyes became serious.

He gave up Bai Yasha and challenged Ye Nan.

"If I win, you can tell me everything you know about my mother and the black rabbit community; if I lose, how about promise you a condition?"

"Big brother?"

Ye Nan laughed at it when he heard the call back to Sixteen Nights.

"Do you know how much advantage your words take?"

Go back to Sixteen Nights with a hearty smile.

"Then what should I call?"

"You can call me, Emperor Nantian."

"Emperor Nantian? Emperor Tian?"

The smile on Shikuye's face changed slightly.

"Hey, this is not a name that ordinary people can call."

Looking at Nai Yazi, who was obviously with Ye Nan, they returned to Sixteen Nights and started to gather information.

"To be able to be with the Nantian Emperor, several people must also be famous people?"

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