Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 173

Several people smiled at the same time, and in the order of force, the dull hair on top of Nayazi's head jumped.

"Smiling and sneaking to the chaos by your side, Nyarlatotepu, go!"


This name makes Nihui Sixteen Nights a little bit hard to laugh.He just came to the box court, why did he meet such a big man?

"Could it be that you are the Lord of the Outer Gods who cannot look directly, cannot describe, or describe?"


Nayazi nodded proudly, and the dull hair on the top of her head also jumped with the master's mood.

Then, there is Penglai Mountain Huiye.

In the princess's perfect manner, she gently nodded to several people, a natural noble air permeated.

"The Story of Bamboo, Penglai Mountain Huiye."

"I know this!"

A girl from the Showa era, Jiuyuan Asuka has gleaming eyes and looks at Penglai Mountain Huiye with gleaming eyes.

"It's the Kaguya who was born from bamboo and has a beautiful face!"

Under Ye Nan's persuasion, Hela removed the heavy makeup on his face because he was too beautiful and would be laughed at by the enemy.At this moment, she was rarely dressed in a white dress and transformed into a kind of goddess.

So, judging people by their appearance is not a good idea.

"Death goddess Hela."

"Godkiller, Marquis of Vauban."

"The goddess of death in Norse mythology?"

After listening to the introductions of several people, Nihui Shizuye felt that his knowledge of Hakata was still too shallow.

Moreover, the combination of God and God Killer?Will these two people get together really not fight?

"Okay, I will provide the venue for this gift game."

As he said, Bai Yasha took out a card with the flags of the two goddesses from under the skirt and shook it lightly.

Suddenly, everyone's vision changed, and they came to a world with white snowfields and icy lakes, and the sun running horizontally.

"this is?!"

Watching this scene, the three problem children gasped.

There was a lot of cold sweat shed on their backs-they wanted to challenge Bai Yasha before losing the three of them. There was no chance of winning at all!

Chapter 260 is in the box court, what is the difference between improper demon king and salted fish (repair)

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yasha clapped his hands again.

She left Ye Nan and Nihui Sixteen Nights in place, while the others came to the space with only one star, that is, the huge white sun.

At the same time, a piece of parchment fell and floated in front of Nihui Sixteen Nights.

"Bonus Game Name: Recognition of the Strong!

Organizer: Nantiandi

Participants: Back to Sixteen Nights

Breaking conditions: Obtain the approval of the Southern Heavenly Emperor in battle

Losing conditions: surrender, or when the contestant fails to meet the above winning conditions.

Oath: Respect the above content and hold a gift game based on the double goddess banner.

[Thousand Eyes] Seal"

Ye Nanchao returned to Sixteen Nights and beckoned.

"In order not to let others say that I am bullying the small by the big, I will control my power to just enough to break the stars, and at the same time only use ground skills. Just attack it!"

Back to Shizuye, put down the parchment in his hand, and bend his body slightly.

"Then I'm welcome!"


His right foot stomped heavily on the ground, crushing the ground several meters in radius, and his whole person instantly disappeared from the place.

A huge sound rang behind him, and a sonic cloud like ring-shaped wings exploded behind him.

At the same time, Ye Nan smiled slightly, and his body also disappeared.


There was a loud noise in the air, and a faint shadow appeared.

Where, Ye Nan's fist and Nihui Shiliuye's fist collided, knocking the opponent back.

But in less than half a second, the phantom slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, on the ground and mid-air, more than a dozen phantoms of Ye Nan and Reverse Sixteen Nights suddenly appeared.

The two may face each other, or they may face each other, or they may pass by, and there is a constant explosion of noise.

Then, one after another huge potholes appeared strangely on the earth, as if invisible power raged on it.

"Are you kidding?"

Jiuyuan Asuka felt like she was dreaming, and her heart sank to the bottom.

"Their speed is so fast that I can only see the Phantom at the moment the two fight each other? I can't even see the opponent, how can I fight this!"

Kasugabe is slightly better than Kuon Asuka.She has become friends with some animals with good dynamic vision, and can increase her dynamic vision to the same level as them, but it is also limited.

Only in the eyes of Bai Yasha, Naiyazi, Penglai Mountain Huiye, Hela, Marquis Vauban, and Black Rabbit, can the real situation of the battle be seen clearly.

After catching Nihui Shiliuye's punch again, holding it, and pulling him, Ye Nan said to Nihui Shiliye that the whole person was serious and threw him away.

"Unorganized fighting depends entirely on instinct. Little devil, your previous opponent is either a dead thing or a weak one who makes you completely unable to take it seriously?"

This is so much like Saitama!

However, looking at the golden hair on this side of Ikuya Ikuya, Saitama might be pissed off.

"Be careful, kid. I'm going to be a little more serious."

Ye Nan stepped on the ground, and although he did not use his body's divine power, he condensed the dragon head on his right fist with his blood alone.

"Six Reincarnation Fists!"

Seeing that Ye Nan used a new thing, he rushed up excitedly when he saw Lie Xinxi return to Sixteen Nights.

He also stretched out his right fist, trying to smash the dragon to pieces like a water god.

However, he overestimated his own strength.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Even though this dragon is not a physical entity, at the moment when he touched it, Reverse Sixteen Nights seemed to hear a mighty and extraordinary sound in his ears, which made people tremble, and the majesty did not dare to look directly at the dragon.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came from his right fist.

Not good, can't stop it!


With a punch, Ye Nan was repelled by Ye Nan.

His legs plowed two deep marks on the ground, his shoes became ragged, and he could even see the socks and toes inside.

For the first time, Ikuya Ikuya met an opponent who could repel him head-on.

However, before returning to Shiliuye to stand firm, Ye Nan's figure seemed to teleport, coming to him like lightning.

Go back to Sixteen Nights with a fright.


"Boy, coming here."

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

With a trajectory that was difficult to capture like a myth, Ye Nan quickly attacked with both fists.

Before he had time to stand firm, I went back to Sixteen Nights like a sandbag, and was hit with six or seven punches in an instant.


Feeling the severe pain in the abdomen, I turned back to Shizuye and coughed up a mouthful of blood, clutching his stomach and knelt on the ground, relieving the pain.

Ye Nan stopped.

He waited aside for several minutes, watching Nihui Sixteen Ye finally get up and wiped the blood stains on his face, said.

"Boy, do you want to continue?"


Seeing that there was no damage to his clothes, Ye Nan, who completely caught his attack with his hands and legs during the period, turned back to Shiliuye with a bitter smile and gave up.

"Lord Tiandi, you are not serious at all, are you? It's my fault, you are too underestimating the box court."

In space, Shiroyasha, who could predict the result from the beginning of the game, announced immediately.

"I declare that the game is over! The Southern Heavenly Emperor wins!"

As a result, the parchment at the beginning of the game turned into a power that could order the reversal of the sixteen nights once and fell into Ye Nan's hands.

Seeing this, Shizuye's expression became even more bitter.

"Then Lord Tiandi, what do you want me to do?"

"I'll talk about this later."

Ye Nan put away the parchment and looked at the black rabbit on the side.

His eyes made Bai Yasha immediately alert, and stretched out his hand to block in front of the black rabbit.

"Black Rabbit, whether it is rabbit ears with good feel, lustrous chest or charming thighs, these are all my things! Even the group owner will not let it!"

Ye Nan frowned slightly.

"Really can not?"

Bai Yasha looked firm.

"Really can not!"

Then Ye Nan took a step back a little.

"Then I can use it occasionally, right?"

After thinking about it for nearly half a minute, Bai Yacha nodded in dismay.

"As long as you don't get some suspicious white liquid, it doesn't hurt to let the host use it."

"Black rabbit, I am not the thing of Lord Bai Yasha! Don't use the black rabbit, I have guarded the chastity for two hundred years, joking!"

He didn't know where he took out the paper fan, and slapped Bai Yacha on the head.Seeing that Bai Yasha's indifferent and cheerful appearance was obviously not the first time he was hit by a humiliated rabbit.

After going back to Sixteen Nights and being persuaded by physics, Ye Nan smiled at Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasuga's partner.

"You two, do you want to try to challenge me?"

Immediately, the two girls shook their heads in unison, and the cold sweat came down.

Just kidding, even the monster like Nihui Sixteen Nights easily lost. What can they two weak, poor and helpless girls do?

After molesting the problem child, Ye Nan said to Naiyazi, Penglai Shan Huiye, Hela and the Marquis of Vauban.

"I am going to form a community of demon kings, do you want to be together?"

Behind Ye Nan, Bai Yasha was full of black lines.

"Hey, hello, in front of me, the Eastern District class dominator, that I want to form a community of demon kings, are you serious?"

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