Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 194

If you are hit by this thing, your bones will be broken, or you will die on the spot.

Almost killed by a hammer, Nine-headed Dragon Bayi, while sweating his head, pointed at the direction where the hammer was flying.

"go with!"

Behind him, a fireball rushed towards an office like a soldier who had been ordered.


The fireball caused an explosion in the office, and its intensity was no less than a grenade.A huge sound echoed in this corridor, causing Poison Island Kongzi, Winnett and Nine-headed Dragon to frown.

But then, there was a noise from the exploded office, and a tall man with flames all over came out of it.

He is more than two meters tall, wears a hockey cap commonly seen in the United States, wears a tattered sky-blue overalls burned by flames, and holds a huge machete in his hand.

"It's Jason!"

The nine-headed dragon Bayi immediately recognized this classic murderer image.At the same time, with the identity bathed in flames, he lifted the big sword in his hand and launched a charge at the three of them in strides.


In the next moment, it was not Drug Island Tooko who stopped Jason, but Winnett.

She transformed into a demon form, holding a common devil triangle fork in her hand, easily blocking Jason’s attack

"Don't hurt my friend!"

Vignette, who was touched to the bottom line, was angry!

She used her right hand hard, exerting a monster-like power in her petite body, and she even picked up the big knife in Jason's hand directly.

Then, with a wave of the devil's triangle fork in Winnett's hand, a cloud of purple-black energy formed in it, forming three energy arrows, which rushed towards Jason.

This energy arrow penetrated Jason's chest, abdomen and heart, but no blood came out.

Like a monster defeated in the game, Jason's body disappeared like fragments.

Compared with the demon lady who has received compulsory education in the demon world, Jason is still far behind!


The other team also encountered obstacles.

"Good boy, come to Uncle Freddy quickly!"

Freddy, with a face burnt by flames and iron claws on his hands, gave Ilia a cruel smile.

He was about to play a game with the three children he faced, only to find that he suddenly hit a wall.

Freddy raised his head, looked at Hercules' face that was even scarier than him, and swallowed silently.

"You are not the child I am looking for."

Hercules: Roar!

He picked up his axe and sword, and slashed at Freddy who dared to do something to his loli.

The scene is extremely bloody, and the entire screen is mosaic.

Chapter 291 The Monster Runs Away

It wasn't just Jason and Freddy who greeted the two teams.

After killing Freddy, there was a lot of kicks and taps from high heels in the corridor where the three of Ilia turned left.

Before long, a group of nurses dressed in miniskirt uniforms, with big waists and long legs, also holding various hand(S) surgery(M) props such as tweezers, scalpels, and syringes. Miss nurse with her bandaged face a little too swollen appeared from the corridor.

Illya, who had been fighting with the heroic spirits all the time, had never met this type of monster, and her hair was frightened.

"I don't want an injection! Berserker!"


Hearing Ilia's scream, Hercules turned around, raised the huge sword in his hand, and roared into the nurses.

In the face of a large group of young ladies with incomparably attractive figures, Hercules, who only liked Ilia, turned into a killer of Mody feelings, with the knife in his hand and the knife down, without blinking his eyes.

The poor nurses with swollen faces are not the opponents of Hercules, whose arms are thicker than their waists.Although they used tweezers, scalpels, and syringes to attack without fear, they couldn't even hurt Hercules' muscles that were as hard as marble.

I saw the huge stone axe and sword pierced through the crowd, each time it was able to bring up a handful of solidified blood.

At the same time, there are heads wrapped in bandages, and various arms and legs flying around.

I always say that when I see nurses with swollen faces without a head, some bold people will even have a bold idea!

But soon, even the most savvy doctor couldn't tell which arm was which arm and which leg was from the broken arm in this place.

Hercules entered the flock like a tiger, invincible between the opening and closing of the axe and the sword.

"It won't work if Hercules kills and clears the level!"

Therefore, as the GM of this trial, Ye Nan felt that the difficulty of the game should be raised again.

Let us welcome a friend of a famous horror game star, a nurse with a swollen face (***, a good neighbor in Silent Hill, a good helper for monsters: three, horns, heads!

A black-brown big knife nearly two meters long and half a meter wide, with blood on its body and dried up, slashed towards Hercules from the darkness.


Hercules' crimson beast-like eyes flashed, and with the incredible sensitivity of that huge figure, he carried out micro-manipulations, and raised the axe and sword to block the big knife.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a leather skirt, his skin was pale as death, his height was almost the same as Hercules, but a monster with a huge iron triangular tower appeared on his head.

After the attack was blocked by Hercules, he retracted his broadsword, turned around and cantilevered, and slashed again simply and roughly.


This time, Hercules was actually repelled!

Looking down at the huge footprints that appeared because of his retreat, Hercules was stunned for nearly half a second.

Immediately after--

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

Feeling ashamed, Hercules roared.It feels like someone blasts the subwoofer in your ears.

He strode forward, and his right hand axe and sword fell heavily toward the triangular head, and the upper half of the axe and sword drew a violent spark on the ceiling of the corridor.


A huge metal collision sounded.The triangular-headed sword dangled downward, hitting the triangular tower above his head, and retreated several steps.

Hercules was unforgiving, with a powerful sword and axe, sending out super-high-speed combos.

Compared with him, the slightly sluggish triangular head had no resistance, and Hercules' huge body was violently beaten against the wall by Hercules.

That huge force caused cracks in the wall behind him.

Until Hercules launched the final blow, the wall behind the Triangle head crashed.

But then, Triangular Head actually let go of his big knife, allowing his chest to be pierced by the axe and sword, pulling Hercules down from the broken wall.

This is obviously only the second floor, but there is a thick black mist around the building, and it is difficult to see the situation outside.

A few seconds later, without hearing Hercules' roar, Ilia looked a little anxious.

She raised her right hand, which was full of Lingshu, and drew the magic in her body.

"With a spell, Berserker comes to me!"

Soon, two red lights emerged from the hole in the building.


Iliya looked outside the building hopefully, but found that these two red lights suddenly appeared on her forehead.

"Be careful!"

Kato Megumi suddenly threw out and threw Ilya down.

The next moment, a plasma cannon was suddenly shot out from the direction of the red light and exploded in the corridor.



In the explosion of the shelling, masonry and concrete fragments shot everywhere.Some fragments splashed on Nan Xiaoniao, making her exhale in pain.

Immediately afterwards, the two red lights began to scan the corridor again.


Before considering where Berserker was going, the three girls ran into the corridor.


Another plasma cannon exploded behind the three.

When the smoke dissipated and it was discovered that Eliya had fled away, the attacker also showed his own figure.

It was a hunter wearing iron armor, with tentacled hair on his face, holding a seemingly primitive metal spear, and a microcomputer on his armour, and a shoulder cannon on his shoulder.

"You are not Berserker at all!"

In the splashing gravel, Nan Xiaoniao's arm was torn, and at this moment, blood was flowing down.


Looking at the wound on Nan Xiaoniao's arm, Ilia squeezed her magic wand and took out a job card.

"Saber, transform!"

She clenched the sworn victory sword in her hand and sprang out from the hiding place.

"Wind King Hammer!"

However, her figure had already been discovered by the predator because of her body temperature.

A plasma cannon fired head-on and hit the Fengwang hammer directly.


In the corridor doomed to be plagued by disasters today, another explosion sounded.

The confrontation between magic power and modern technology set off a gust of wind, and Illiya squinted her eyes and held the holy sword high.


The light is gathering, the light is burning, the light is roaring.

In the high temperature condensed by the endless light, the predator and the armor on his body were instantly evaporated.

Panting, Illiya put away the curry sticks and turned to Nan Xiaoniao.

"Sister Qinli, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Xiaoniaochan smiled and shook her head.

Just now Megumi Kato uploaded it with Ye Nan, and with a light spray of the hemostatic spray produced in the God Space, the wound on her arm stopped the blood.

Then, the same medical bandage produced by the main god space was put on the arm.

Nan Xiaoniao only felt cool in his arm, and the pain all flew away!

However, now is not the time to rest!

Iliya's light cannon made another hole outside the building.Then, from the hole, several black figures jumped into the building.

They have a streamlined figure, sharp claws, a pointed and thin tail, and a tongue that is hidden in the mouth and can pop out like a sleeve arrow.

They are the enemies of the predators, sometimes as prey, sometimes as night hunters of hunters-aliens!

Chapter 292 Horror All-Star

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