Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 195

"Wow, there are so many monsters out there! The owner has mistaken me! Where is this building with only some ordinary ghosts!"

(Ye Nan: Huh~? I wrote down this grudge!)

A big cold sweat broke out on Iliya's head.

"Oops, the curry stick was cool just now, but it also consumes a lot of magic power!"

"Look at me!"

At this time, Nan Xiaoniao stood up.

She took out a magic wand inlaid with gorgeous gems and pointed at the corridor in front of her.

"The fossil is mud!"

Suddenly, the concrete floor began to melt as if it had been burned by high temperatures.The aliens who were halfway through the rush fell into the swampy mud, and subconsciously began to struggle.

But this kind of muddy land, the more struggling it is, the more it will fall.

Soon, most of the aliens sank into the floor.

At this time, the alien teamwork was revealed.

Some of the aliens who had fallen deep began to sacrifice themselves to help those aliens who had fallen into the shallower escape.Even if it makes oneself sink deeper, even if only one head is exposed, it doesn't matter if other aliens step on them as stepping stones.

But Nan Xiaoniao didn't let the teamwork of aliens be established.

"Turn mud into stone!"

Holding the magic wand, she waved again, and the corridor that was still muddy just now became extremely hard.




Most of the aliens, as well as the holes in the walls of the building, were blocked.They couldn't struggle, they could only make a hoarse growl at Ilia, Minami Kotori, and Kato Megumi.

"Go, go!"


After releasing the magic, Nan Xiaoniao didn't dare to look at the alien with a hideous appearance, and hurriedly pulled Ilia and Kato Megumi away.

Having lost the strongest combat power and Illya had consumed too much magic power, they no longer continued up, but chose to change their way down, planning to leave this building first.


On the other side, the poison island Kongzi, the nine-headed dragon Bayi, and Vignite encountered ghosts that were completely different from aliens, predators, and triangle-head creatures (barely being creatures).

Countless Kayako dressed in white are chasing the three escaped in this building.Even if the poison island Kongzi could kill a few kayako with a knife, there will be multiples soon, and more and more kayakos without money will pounce on them.

"It would be great if Xiaojia were here!"

While running away, Winnett said aggrievedly.

"Xiaojia's holy light is the most restrained of things like ghosts!"

"Then summon her quickly!"

Dudao Kongzi leaped forward and pulled the collar of the nine-headed dragon Bayi to make him avoid Junxiong's little hand that suddenly emerged from the ground.

"The group owner didn't say that you can't hire foreign aid!"

"Is this really okay?"

Winnett hesitated.

"But the group owner didn't say that he could invite foreign aid!"

"When is it, are you still thinking about this?"

The nine-headed dragon Bayi crawled and stood firm, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

"Even a lazy angel is an angel. Call to get rid of ghosts quickly!"

"Well, then I will call myself!"

Vignette took out the phone and snapped it.

At the same time, the world of Gabriel.Gabriel, who was saving the game character, suddenly received a notification in her mind.

Hey, Weinet asks for your help. Do you agree?

"Hey, Vinay?"

Gabriel, who had just finished the plot, put down the computer and scratched her hair that had not been washed for almost a week.

"Hmm, forget it. Although I don't know what it is, Vinay rarely asks me, let's go."

She turned off the computer, changed her clothes, put on sneakers, and shouted from the room.

"Hey, you don't know what the sound is, send me to Wei Nai quickly!"

In an instant, a dazzling white light appeared around Jiabaili's body.

The next moment, she opened the eyes that were closed because of the light that suddenly became bright, and what she saw was the terrifying face full of blood and tears of several Jia coconuts.


While screaming, Jiabaili subconsciously passed a holy light.

The Holy Light, which was almost completely opposite to the resentment, hit the target, as if the flood met a flame, instantly turning the clone of the coconut into flying ash.

From the holy light, Jia coconut felt a great threat.

All the Jia coconut avatars stopped at the same time, looked at Jia Baili fearfully, and turned and left.

When Gaya coconut receded, Gabriel held her chest, which was almost scared of a heart attack, and said to Winnett with an exaggerated expression.

"Vina, what the hell is going on! Why did I meet such a fierce ghost as soon as I came? I don't care, you quickly send me back! (#?Д?)"

"Xiaojia, don't worry, listen to me."

Venetra explained to Gabriel, who was about to collapse as soon as she arrived.

"This is a trial given to us by the group owner to help others adapt to the fight."

Gabriel stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, unhappy.

"Group owner, who is it? Why should he give me a trial?!"

Vignette scratched her face embarrassedly.

"The group leader is Ye Nan."

"Ye Nan?"

Gabriel blinked, looked up at the sky, and shouted.

"Hey! Ye Nan, can you hear me? How did you break the trial? Are there any secrets to pass the level! You give Vinette a trial, and what did you pull me over?"

"That Xiaojia, I brought you here."

Vignette pulled Gabriel's arm again.

"This trial is too difficult, I can't figure it out. I can only ask you!"


Gabriel sighed helplessly.

"Well, since it's Vinay, then forget it."

She took it out of her arms and pulled out a horn to destroy the world.

"Little Jia!"

Vignette screamed, and quickly snatched the horn from Gabriel, nervously.

"It's just a trial, it won't destroy the world, right?"

"I said Wei Na, your reaction is so big!"

Gabriel took out some of her squeezed ears, then took a cross from her pocket.

"I just got the wrong thing, what are you doing so making a fuss?"

Winnett:? (????Ω????)?


With a reddened face, she pretended that nothing happened and returned the horn to Gabriel.

Gabriel put away the horn, holding the cross in both hands.

Behind her, a pair of white wings spread out.At the same time, a bright golden halo emerged from Gabriel's head and began to pray.

"Lord, I am the best graduate of Heaven Middle School, innocent Gabriel White! I am in trouble now, I am calling you here, hurry up and send a large wave of damn light down! Waiting online, it's very urgent of!"


Nine Dragons Bayi:...

Toxic Island Suiko:...

Ye Nan:...


"what is this?"

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"Is this really an angel's prayer? The angel dare to speak to the Lord in this tone?"

However, as soon as his voice fell, a reply came from the sky.

"right away!"

Nine Dragons Bayi: (ΩДΩ)

Poison Island: Σ (⊙▽⊙"a

Seeing that the three views of the two of them were about to be subverted, Vinette said quickly.

"The biggest light contractor in the heavens is Lafite, and the customer service on the cross communicator that Xiaojia took out is also from Lafite. So Gabriel was talking to Lafite just now, not the Lord! If you really dare Speak to the Lord in this tone, Xiao Jia will definitely be confined!"

"With this tone, the consequence is actually confinement?"

Nine-headed dragon Bayi said that he could not understand.

However, as long as the Lord is regarded as the parent and Gabriel is regarded as the bear child, this is easy to explain.

It's impossible for a bear kid to do something wrong. You don't punish him first, teach him, but just kill him and play ball, right?

Chapter 293 The person you called is not in the service area (repair)

However, there is something Winnett forgot to tell Gabriel.

This is not the world they are in.Of course, the signal from the heavens is also not connected.

"Sorry, the person you called is not in the service area, please call again later. Sorry, you..."


Hearing this sound, Gabriel opened her mouth wide, shook her hands holding the cross vigorously, and shouted loudly.

"What kind of broken thing! Hey! Even the Demon World got the signal? I'm telling you, I'm the daughter of your boss, Rafael's best friend Gabriel! Quickly give me ten thousand The holy light of the unit! It's not enough for three thousand units!"

"Forget it, Gabriel."

Seeing the lazy angel who was ashamed and thrown into another world, Vinnet felt very ashamed to hold her.

"I'll take you back."

However, Gabriel’s reaction exceeded her expectations.

"Well, it's not good, leave you few here."

She glanced at Vignette hesitantly, as if worried about the other side's situation after she left.

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