Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 197

Tang Nan said to Tang Ya.

"The plot is about to begin. Have you decided what kind of martial soul you have awakened?"

"This was decided when I was reincarnated."

Tang Ya, or Nai Yazi stretched out his hands.

Her right hand is a cosmic CQC crowbar, but her left hand is a silver dull hair.

"Twin spirits, crowbar spirits, and dumb spirits. What about you."

Looking at Nayako's choice, I am not surprised!

Resisting the urge to vomit, Ye Nan stretched out his hands.

"I also chose twin martial souls, Ruyi Golden Cudgel Martial Spirit and Flame Martial Spirit!"

In other words, this is the martial spirit formed by Ye Nan after refining the bent golden cudgel.Otherwise, I really don't know how to use the curved golden hoop.

Looking at the four martial souls in front of him, Naiyazi smiled happily.

"With three children and six martial arts, only Tang San inherited the Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass. We are neither Clear Sky Hammer nor Blue Silver Grass. Tang Hao knows that I'm afraid it's not going to vomit blood!"

"What's the cause of vomiting blood? Wuhun inheritance is just the same probability as your parents."

Ye Nan put away his martial soul and drank the water that the young Tang three big brothers helped him pour.

"Moreover, we only borrowed the body, and the soul is still our own. Of course, it is impossible to inherit the Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass."

Well, this water is so sweet!


The next day, followed Old Jack, Ye Nan, Naiyazi and Tang San to participate in the Wuhun awakening ceremony.

When Tang San tested, his innate soul power shocked everyone.

However, when he discovered that his martial spirit was only Blue Silver Grass, the spirit master who came to perform the ceremony, Su Yuntao was suddenly disappointed.

"Abandoned Martial Soul is abandoned Martial Soul. Even if you become a Soul Master, you are only a Scrapped Soul Master. It's a pity that this is inherently full of spirit power!"

But then, Nai Yazi also tested the innate full soul power!

With Tang San's background, Su Yuntao took a closer look - Nai Yazi's martial soul is actually a bunch of hair?

What the hell is this again?How can hair be used as a weapon?

"Another waste martial arts soul!"

He sighed, really wishing that he was innately full of soul power.

Why is God so unfair?I gave these two children a natural spirit power, but at the same time I gave them a waste of martial arts!

Then, he set his sights on the eldest brother of the two, Tang Nan.

Two congenital full soul power appeared earlier, when Ye Nan was also congenital full soul power, Su Yuntao not only had no fluctuations in his heart, but even wanted to cry.

However, when he discovered that Ye Nan's Wuhun was actually a long stick, he was immediately relieved.

"Okay! Although it's just an ordinary stick, it's more than enough for fighting! It's rare to have innate soul power. Kid, what's your name? Would you like to go to the Wuhun Hall with me?"

Chapter 295 Running Away From Home

The Spirit Hall is the most powerful force on the Douluo Continent.All soul masters who came from the Wuhun Palace are quite respected.

If it were an ordinary child, he would immediately agree when Su Yuntao spoke.

But Ye Nan knew that Wuhundian and Tang Hao had a feud.He and Nai Yazi's cheap mother in this life, A Yin, who was transformed into a 100,000-year-old soul beast, the Blue Silver Emperor, committed suicide because of the persecution of the Spirit Hall.

Therefore, with the intention of rejection, he blinked a pair of big black eyes and asked Su Yuntao.

"Can I take my father, sister and brother with me?"

"This one……"

Su Yuntao couldn't tell immediately.

As an ordinary spirit master of the Wuhun Hall, bringing back three innate full spirit power will of course be rewarded.However, if two of the two innate full soul powers are waste martial arts souls, it is not necessarily true.

Therefore, he was also born at the bottom of the Saint Soul Village, and he didn't know that he was born with precious soul power. Under the influence of Nai Yazi (emphasis), he could only shake his head regretfully.

"Sorry, no."

"Then I won't go!"

Ye Nan turned his hand back, stretched out his index and middle fingers to Naiyazi, and shook his head decisively.


Su Yuntao was a little disappointed, put away the gems used to awaken the martial soul, and prepared to walk to the next village.

But as soon as he left the Holy Soul Village, under the influence of Nai Yazi, Su Yuntao completely forgot about the innate soul power.

In his memory, the children in Shenghun Village were the same as in previous years, and the awakened spirits had nothing to see.


Back home, Tang San continued to whip the sledgehammer, learning the chaotic cloak hammer method in practice.Ye Nan and Naiyazi discussed how long it would be better to use the first spirit ring.

"Of course a million-year spirit ring is the best! If there is no one in a million years, a one hundred thousand-year spirit ring will do!"

Naiyazi said that he would not pick.

"Although there are not many hundred thousand year soul beasts in the land, there are many hundred thousand year soul beasts in the endless deep sea, which is more than enough for us to rise to Title Douluo."

"Well, I think so too."

Ye Nan said that Naiyazi's words caught his heart.

"Then let's leave a note for Dad and Xiao San. The Douluo Continent is a big continent, we can take a good stroll! Wait a few years, and then go to Shrek Academy."

Do what you think.Ye Nan took a sharp stone and used the words of this world on the big tree on the side to engrave it crookedly:

Papa, Xiaosan, Xiaoya and I are leaving the mainland!After a few years, we will come back to see you with gifts!

"Okay, get it done!"

Throwing away the stone, Ye Nan clapped his hands and moved away, disappearing with Naiyazi.


In the room, listening to the recurring iron strike, Tang Hao, who was looking forward to seeing A Yin in his sleep, got up from the bed.

When we came together in the morning, he drank a large bowl of wine first, and then asked Tang San.

"Little San, what kind of martial spirit did you and your brother and sister awaken today?"

Tang San put down the hammer and replied.

"Dad, it's Blue Silver Grass."


This is the sound of a wine bowl breaking to the ground.

"What are you talking about? Blue Silver Grass?"

Tang Hao's tall figure trembled, and a special light flashed through his drunken and dim eyes, and he immediately stood up from the stool.

He walked in front of Tang San, breathing slightly anxiously.

"Show me your martial soul!"


Tang San raised his right hand.With the faint blue light, a blue shining grass appeared.

"Yes, it's it, it's it!"

Tang Hao was trembling with excitement, and lightly grasped Tang San's hand, as if he was afraid, a little bit of force would destroy this grass.

At this moment, Tang San raised his left hand.

"But Dad, I think I still have a Martial Spirit!"

Immediately afterwards, a casting hammer that looked like a reduced version appeared in Tang San's left hand.

"Twin Martial Soul!"

Tang Hao's pupils shrank, and suddenly he hugged Tang San tightly, and water light appeared in his eyes.

"Sure enough, A Yin, have you seen it? This is our child!"

Looking at Tang San's mother-like blue eyes, he solemnly said.

"Little San, you must remember that in your future, you must use the hammer in your left hand to protect the grass in your right hand. Forever."


At this moment, Tang San didn't understand what Tang Hao meant, but he nodded obediently.

After the excitement, Tang Hao remembered that he still had two cubs, and asked Tang San.

"Mistress, where are your brother and sister? Where are they going?"

"Brother and sister are playing outside."

Tang San answered honestly.

"The elder brother awakens the long-stick martial arts soul, and the elder sister awakens the hair martial soul. But like me, they are all innately full of soul power! My brother was invited by the soul master of the martial arts hall to join the martial arts hall. The soul master said that he could not take his father, and I went with my sister, but my brother refused."

"Bong stick and hair?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Tang Hao's eyes.

Is it neither Clear Sky Hammer nor Blue Silver Grass?

He felt that he could not draw conclusions so quickly for the time being, and decided to take a look with his own eyes.

What if they were twin spirits like Tang San?

Thinking of this, Tang Hao shouted to the outside.

"Xiao Nan! Xiao Ya! Come in quickly!"

He waited for a while without responding.


Tang Hao frowned slightly, and told Tang San to put away his martial soul and walk outside to check.

Soon, he saw Ye Nan's words carved on the tree.

Tang Hao:...

Tang San:……

Tang Hao's face turned dark, and said to Tang San.

"Little San, you are waiting in your room, I will get your brother and sister back."


Tang San nodded silently.

With these two questions, brothers and sisters, they run away from home?

More importantly, even running away from home didn't bring me?!

More than ten minutes later, Tang Hao returned to the door with a solemn expression on his face.

"Not actually?!"

In his mind, how far can two children run?But when he strolled around Saint Soul Village, there were no traces of them?

He thought at first that his two children were being taken away, but then he shook his head.

"No, no. I didn't notice any spirit power fluctuations around me at all. Even if I have been decadent for the past few years, unless a Title Douluo who is good at hiding appears nearby, I definitely can't hide it from me!"

"Is it a gift from Ah Yin?"

Tang Hao can only think so.

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