Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 198

After all, in history, he was unique in marrying a hundred thousand year soul beast like him.All, no one knows what is special about the 100,000-year soul beast transformation and human child.

More importantly, there is absolutely nothing he can do about the disappearance of Ye Nan and Naiyazi.

"This time, I really rested for too long, too long!"

A Yin left him three treasures, but this time he lost two of them at once!

This made Tang Hao wake up.

A Yin is no longer there, but he and A Yin's children are still there!Xiao Nan and Xiao Ya suddenly disappeared, and now he is only the mistress!

Chapter 296: Sea, Land, and Air Feast of Soul Beasts (Repair)

Counting from the day Ye Nan and Nai Yazi left home, the nightmare of the 100,000-year soul beast began.

The 100,000-year spirit beasts who could still perceive each other through their breath suddenly discovered that in their Douluo Continent, the aura of the true overlord disappeared one by one after three months, five months later.

In the first half of the year, the overlord of the ocean, the Abyssal Squid King, disappeared.

In August, the leader of the grassland, the Golden Lion King disappeared.

In the second half of the year, the king of the forest, the Golden-eyed Scarlet Fire Ape, disappeared.

In the second year, the giant jellyfish king and the golden flame condor disappeared.

In the third year, bad luck fell on the Shock Shark and King Kong Crab.

The disappearance of the Golden Flame Condor, which was the fastest in the mainland for three consecutive six hundred thousand year soul beasts, even as a 360,000 year soul beast, really scared many soul beasts.

The 100,000-year soul beasts who had dominated an area were shivering, hiding in their lairs vigilantly, for fear that they would be gone even one day.


"Well, this cold jellyfish skin is delicious! It deserves to be made of jellyfish of the 100,000-year soul beast level, just one word, fresh!"

On a beach that was not well-known, Ye Nan was eating bulging with a small mouth, and the fragrant chili oil dripped around his mouth.

Before he swallowed the food in his mouth, Niyako handed over two skewers.

"Come on, try this charcoal-grilled squid whisker! Both are tentacles creatures. I have a lot of experience in this aspect!"

Naiyako, what do you usually do with your tentacles!

Ye Nan took the grilled skewers handed over by Nai Yazi with a black line, and dared to take the skewer after he determined that it was a hundred thousand year old squid and not Na Yazi's own meat.

I have to say that Naiyazi’s barbecue skills are truly unique.

The squid beard is about 20 centimeters long. It was provided by Ye Nan. The flame-scorched outside and tender inside of Naiyazi's operation were sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, which made people appetite when they saw it.

Take a look, your lips move slightly; smell it, your mouth produces fluid.

If you bite it down, the squid meat will be bombarded. When the teeth are broken, it can even rebound and hit your gums, just like massaging the entire mouth.


In an instant, Ye Nan's happy eyes narrowed.

"Hey, how is it? Isn't it delicious?"

It was a pity that Naiyazi picked up a glass of 10,000-year-old monkey wine.

"This is only 30,000 years of fruit wine, it is already so delicious, what about the 100,000 years of wine? What a pity!"

Immediately afterwards, the two ate simmering stewed lion thigh meat, steamed crabs in water, tender shark fin soup, and charcoal-grilled bird eggs.

In the end, both of them lay on the beach and didn't want to move.

"Ah, so comfortable!"

Touching her already bracing belly, Naiazi looked at the blue sky and felt the waves of the sea wash her feet, feeling pretty good.

"There is still a lot of meat, let's eat it next time."

Ye Nan reminded.

"Remember to keep some, and bring some for Dad and Xiaosan in the future."

"I got it!"

In the past few years, Naiyazi, who was planning to feed on the 100,000-year soul beast, tilted his head thinking.

"What should I eat next time? I heard that there is a 100,000-year-old green onion on the next continent, and it is fragrant every moment. Next year, let's eat the 100,000-year-old green onion roll cake!"


Soto City is a famous granary city, heavily guarded.

In this city, there is another Soul Master Academy, Shrek Academy, which is well-known in the surrounding cities despite not being rated.

This college has a very well-known condition, that is, to admit students, only children under the age of thirteen and with a spirit power of over 21.People who are over thirteen years old, or soul power is not up to the standard, can not be accommodating.

In Douluo Continent, all children whose spirit power exceeds the twenty-first level at the age of twelve are geniuses!Therefore, this Shrek Academy is actually an academy that specializes in geniuses!

Tang San, who had been in the Noordin Junior Soul Master Academy for six years, brought his god-sister Xiao Wu to sign up under the guidance of Master Master.

The lively city of Soto is different from the small town of Notting.After playing with Xiao Wu for a long time, Tang San decided to stay in a luxurious and beautiful hotel.

Here, they met Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger who brought two beautiful twin girls to open the room.

Because of the room ownership, Tang San and Dai Mubai fought.

If the two only competed for the first two spirit rings, then Tang San would win.

But compared to Dai Mubai, who was a thirty-seventh-level battle soul, Tang San, a twenty-ninth-level spirit master, had only two spirit rings.When Dai Mubai used the third spirit ability, the White Tiger King Kong Transformation broke Tang San's first two spirit abilities.

Originally, Dai Mubai was going to give up.

Tang San was obviously younger than him.When he was this age, his strength was not as good as him.In the proud of him, he has actually lost.


"Oh, hey Mistress. Why didn't you see me in six years, you were beaten as soon as you met? My brothers and sisters are all showing, only Mistress is being beaten?"

Hearing this familiar ridicule that hadn't been heard for three years, Tang San turned his head subconsciously.

What caught his eyes were two teenagers who were about his age.

One of them was black-haired and black-eyed, wearing a blue luxurious brocade gown, the other was silver-haired and green-eyed, and there was a girl with three inches of dull hair on his head.

"Brother? Sister?"

After seeing the two, Tang San was stunned.

Isn't this his strange brother and sister who ran away from home six years ago?

"Not bad, Xiaosan, haven't seen me in six years, do you have a girlfriend?"

Naiyazi squeezed his eyes at Tang San narrowly, Ye Nan called out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel with a move with his right hand, and pointed at Dai Mubai.

"Little San stood aside and watched my brother help you find face in front of your little girlfriend!"

"Huh, Soto has a strong wind, don't let your tongue out!"

Not being treated as a dish, Dai Mubai was quite unhappy.

Maintaining the White Tiger King Kong change, he stepped on his foot and took the lead to attack.

He wants to let this asshole know why the pot is made of iron!

In the face of Dai Mubai's attack, Ye Nan arbitrarily swung the Ruyi golden hoop, slightly blocked, and stopped him on the only way.

Dai Mubai slapped the Ruyi Golden Hoop with a claw containing soul power. He thought he would slap it away, but unexpectedly, the Ruyi Golden Hoop did not move. The action he had already prepared staggered and hit the stick with a loud noise on.

In the eyes of others, it was as if he took the initiative to hit the stick with his leg.



Seeing this, the twin beautiful girls brought by Dai Mubai exclaimed, which made him feel greatly lost.

"Sorry, forgot to say."

At this time, Ye Nan put the Ruyi Golden Cudgel on his shoulder easily and smiled.

"My stick is called the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, and it weighs 13,500 catties!"

Chapter 297 The Scared Xiao Wu

Thirteen thousand five hundred catties?You lied!

Not only Dai Mubai who was repelled, but the two beautiful twin girls, Xiao Wu, and even Tang San all showed a distrustful expression.

If it were really a thirteen thousand five hundred jin weapon, Dai Mubai would now have become a white tiger sauce with evil eyes.

And, brother, are you only twelve years old like me?Is the 13,500 jin weapons surely a joke?

Your weapon spirit still awakened with me, how could it be 13500 catties!

However, regardless of whether Ye Nan was bragging or not, it was obvious to all that Dai Mubai was repelled.

His face was cloudy for a while, and finally put away the White Tiger King Kong, and said coldly.

"This time I lost, so I will give you this room, and the room rate will still be charged to my account!"

But he had already given in, but Nai Yazi spit out his tongue and said to Dai Mubai despisingly.

"We won't live in your room! Look at the two twins, you know, you must do something indescribable in the room every night! This kind of room, if you ask me to live, I won't live?"

I hadn't expected that Dai Mubai at this level would suddenly feel a little bit responsive.

It would be fine if Xiao Wu or this silver-haired girl moved in.If Tang San or Ye Nan lived in, he would probably feel uncomfortable when he brought his sisters back in the future.

Dai Mubai was about to speak, but saw Nai Yazi pulling Xiao San and Xiao Wu, and Ye Nan, who had put away the wishful golden hoop, walked outside the hotel.

"Let's go, let's go! Xiaosan, your brother and I have already bought a house in Soto City before. We haven't seen each other for so many years, we have prepared so many gifts for you!"

Seeing the four people leaving, Dai Mubai hesitated, but after all he sighed and did not continue to speak.

He knows very clearly what the four children came to Soto City for at this point in time.

So, these few questions, the little devil will soon become his junior and junior sister?

As a future brother, his dignity and majesty is really lost!

"Come here, Xiao San and Xiao San's little girlfriends, these are the delicious food we have collected from all over the Douluo Continent in recent years!"

Naiyazi took out several dishes with one hundred thousand year soul beast as the main ingredient from the Space Soul Guidance Device, scared Xiao Wu's face pale, and almost didn't change back to rabbit form.

As a 100,000-year soul beast, she clearly felt the aura of the same kind.Moreover, most of the owners of these ingredients are stronger than her!

What happened to these hundred thousand year soul beasts, and they were actually cooked?

Tang San didn't know anything about it, but started to move his chopsticks under the warm reception of Ye Nan and Nai Yazi.

Then, this movement couldn't stop.

"This is delicious, and this is delicious too! Xiao Wu, eat it too!"


Xiao Wu smiled reluctantly at Tang San, set up a 100,000-year-old green onion roll flatbread, and put it in her mouth.

Suddenly, the scent of green onions, the mellowness of wheat flour, and the just right crispy crispy rice turned into a soft song, which immediately caught her tongue.

For a moment, she showed a very enjoyable expression and couldn't help chewing the food in her mouth.

She didn't realize what she had just eaten until she swallowed this piece of scallion roll flatbread. The face that changed and changed was quite interesting.

Although these delicious dishes are delicious, they are also terrible!

Seeing Tang San chewing openly, Nai Yazi sighed suddenly.

"I heard that the spicy rabbit head is very delicious, but it's a pity that we have been searching for so many years, but we haven't found it! Otherwise, there will be one more dish if we can serve you today!

Hearing what she said, Xiao Wu was so scared that her chopsticks fell.

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