Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 204

A few hundred meters away, a roar came.

It was a hill-like existence, far away, only a few black hairs could be seen.

Where this beast passed, the earth trembled.The trees on both sides separated quickly.

It's just an existence between an ape and a chimpanzee.It has the appearance of an ape, but its strong muscles bulge like an apes.

When it got closer, its big orange eyes stared at the gloomy man and the mercenaries behind him, full of anger.

Don't think it is a 100,000-year soul beast, it can't understand human words!

Those who dare to bully Xiao Wu, and those who want to bully Xiao Wu, will have to die!

Chapter Three and Five: Big Brother Daming, Second Brother Erming, Third Sister Xiaowu

Real title: Ask, among the three brothers and sisters, the eldest brother is called Daming, the second brother is called Erming, and what is the name of the third sister?

Wrong answer: Xiao Ming

Correct answer: Xiao Wu


The Titan Great Ape is the overlord among the soul beasts.

That powerful body and majestic muscles allowed him to fight against most thousand-year spirit beasts in a hundred years, and even fight against ten thousand-year spirit beasts.

And the giant giant ape in front of everyone was seven meters even on all fours.Waiting for it to stand up, I am afraid it is not 15 meters high!


The Titan Great Ape lowered his head, looking at the dark man, frowning, his nostrils enlarged:

Just now, he said he wanted to bully Xiao Wu?

Feeling the scorching hot nose with a strong fishy smell, the shadowy man's legs were shaking.

Titan Great Ape, two meters in a hundred years, four meters in a thousand years, and eight meters in ten thousand years!

This fifteen-meter Titan Great Ape has been alive for at least tens of thousands of years, and even the Soul Saint is not an opponent!

As for one hundred thousand years...emmmm, ten thousand years is enough for him to die, and he doesn't dare to think any more.

Looking down at the shadowy man, the Titan Great Ape suddenly got up, beating his chest and roaring.


He picked up his right arm that was thicker than the man's whole body, and threw it on the opponent.


For an instant, the Yin-Ying man couldn't even use his spirit power as a defense, as if he was knocked into the air with a rags.

There was a crackling bone cracking sound from his body, and he vomited blood in mid-air with a gloomy expression.


The blood seems to have inspired the fierceness of the Titan Great Ape.Next, it punched one by one, using its feet when it got interested, killing all the fourteen-man mercenary group, leaving no one alive.

Immediately afterwards, it focused on the remaining few people.

Meeting the Yin Yi man, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's situation is not much better.

Staring at the giant giant ape's eyes that were as big as a lantern, they fought each other, and there was even a vaguely uncontrollable wetness.



At this time, the two of them were desperate, and their hearts were cold.

Encountering the forest overlord on the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest is like hitting a person on the street, but the other person turns into a Hulk.

This is not a soul master at all!

Fortunately, before the two collapsed, Ye Nan took a step forward, blocking the ferocious eyes of the Titan Great Ape and the overbearing coercion.

A wishful golden hoop was condensed in his hand, and he yelled "Wishful stick, stretch!", and then stabbed the Titan Great Ape in the nose.

"Hey, little monkey, you scared my students."

Titan Great Ape: (●●)

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing: (ΩДΩ)

Tang San: Σ⊙▽⊙”a

Xiao Wu: ⊙﹏⊙‖

After being stabbed in the nose by an annoying human, Er Ming was on the spot!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

It raised its big fist and slammed it from top to bottom, trying to provoke Ye Nan into a small cake.

But its actions scared Xiao Wu half to death.


Encountering these two terrifying perverts that feed on 100,000-year soul beasts, it is too late to escape, so Er Ming dare to take the lead?

This is simply seeking a dead end!

Sure enough, seeing Er Ming's hands, Ye Nan waved a golden hoop that was like a small branch compared to the giant Titan Great Ape.

Before Er Ming's fist hit him, the golden cudgel hit Er Ming first.


At this moment, the Titan Great Ape experienced the same flying feeling as the mercenary group just now.


A strong force struck from the chest, and the Titan Great Ape soared into the air, flew over a distance of kilometers, and then fell heavily to the ground.

In the smoke and dust, Er Ming held his aching chest, his eyes a little blank.

who am I?Where am i?What just happened?

That human holding a small stick, actually knocked me off?

A shameful red flashed across the dark monkey face of the Titan Great Ape.

Fortunately, my eldest brother didn't see me such a shameful look.Otherwise, it must be preached again!


The Titan Great Ape stood upright and let out a louder and terrifying roar than before.

Within a radius of more than ten miles, all the hundred-year-old, thousand-year or even ten-thousand-year soul beasts were crawling on the ground, shivering.

Ruined!Who made the forest overlord angry again!

The Titan Great Ape ran wildly on both feet, just like a human being.On it, a dazzling black light emerged, obviously it was going to use spirit abilities!

However, before this spirit ability was released, the Titan Great Ape made an emergency brake first.


Because Xiao Wu opened her hands and stood in front of Ye Nan.

Staring Ye Nan fiercely, the Titan Great Ape stretched out his huge palm and grabbed it to Xiao Wu.

Hmph, it seems that this human and Xiao Wu should have a good relationship.For Xiao Wu's sake, I will let you go this time!

"Xiao Wu!"

Looking at the movements of the Titan Great Ape, Tang San's eyes were splitting.

He raised his hands, and the sleeve arrows on both sides immediately shot into the eyes of the Titan Great Ape like lightning.

However, in the face of this mosquito-like attack, the Titan Great Ape just closed his eyes contemptuously, and blocked the two sleeve arrows with his indestructible eyelids like a city wall.

Then, he found that he had no physical touch at all in his hand and grabbed a blank.

The Titan Great Ape opened his eyes a little puzzled, and watched a silver-haired woman pull Xiao Wu behind him, and the human who had just shot him off said with an unkind expression.

"The ingredients delivered to the door, kill them!"

With the same posture and movement as just now, under Ye Nan's feet, seven blood-red spirit rings lit up.

For an instant, Xiao Wu and the Titan Giant Ape both held their breath.

Most people don't know what the scarlet spirit ring represents, don't they know that as a hundred thousand year spirit beast?

After hunting the soul beast, the ten-year spirit ring obtained is white, a hundred years of royal color, a thousand years of purple, and ten thousand years of black.

And the spirit ring obtained after killing one hundred thousand year spirit beast is red!

These seven spirit rings mean that there are already seven hundred thousand-year-old spirit beasts like them, dead in Ye Nan's hands!

However, at this moment, Xiao Wu had other thoughts in her mind.

It seems that the 100,000-year soul beast meal that I have eaten is already in double digits?

"Wishful golden hoop!"

The third spirit ring under Ye Nan lighted up, and the other end of the iron rod quickly enlarged, making the iron rod deformed like an iron cone.

Immediately afterwards, the three-meter thick stick was heavily pasted by Ye Nan on the face of the Titan Great Ape, which forced it to soar into the clouds.

who am I?Where am i?What just happened?

Why are there birds spinning in front of my eyes?

Seeing that Ye Nan was about to rush out, Xiao Wu rushed forward, hugged his waist tightly, and shouted anxiously.

"Don't kill him! Er Ming is my brother!"


Ye Nan lowered his head, touched Xiao Wu's forehead, sighed and shook his head.

"A good boy, how can I scare this Titan Great Ape?"

"Don't worry, I will get rid of it, and let your sister Tang Ya stew it for you!"

Chapter Three and Six

Xiao Wu:...

Seeing that Ye Nan was about to rush out again, Xiao Wu's hands on his waist quickly increased.

"Really! Er Ming is really my brother!"


At this time, the Titan Great Ape who climbed up from the pit he fell out of the hole gave a low growl and looked at Ye Nan with great fear.

The seven scarlet spirit rings under Ye Nan's body gave it a great shock.

It originally wanted to escape, but Xiao Wu was in the opponent's hands, making it impossible to let it go.

And, hearing such a loud noise, the eldest brother should also be here.

"Xiao Wu, what's going on?"

Seeing Xiao Wu's six-year intimate relationship, he knew that he was not lying, and Tang San had a headache.

She is a twelve-year-old girl, who was just like her before, but a work-student at the Notting City Soul Master Academy, why suddenly there was a Titan Great Ape brother?

Seeing that the Titan Giant Ape was actually treated by Ye Nan as a poor, weak and helpless monkey, only a very big monkey, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing finally broke free from their fear, and at this moment they looked at Xiao Wu with big curious eyes.

"It's like this."

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Wu let go of her arm that was holding Ye Nan, and began to rack her brains, adapting the story according to her real experience.

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