Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 205

"When I was very young, my parents had passed away, and I was abandoned in the Star Dou Forest. It was Daming and Erming who met me, took care of me hard, and raised me."

"When I was six years old, they figured out a way to help me get a work-study qualification at Notting City Soul Master Academy, and then they met the third brother."

Well, although a part of it is hidden, what I said is the truth, so it should be fine... right?

Seeing that Ye Nan and Naiyazi are both in the same way, "You say, I will listen seriously", the bunny ears on the top of Xiao Wu's head trembled as if they had seen everything through.

Isn't this completely unbelieving!

However, looking at the seven blood-colored spirit rings at Ye Nan's feet, thinking about how she was always molested by Niyazi with a rabbit spirit beast before, Xiao Wu suddenly blessed her soul and asked carefully.

"Instructor, deputy instructor, you already know my identity, right?"

"Isn't this of course!"

Naiazi touched the head of Xiao Wu, who was a 100,000-year soul beast, a soft-bone rabbit, especially the pink bunny ears on top of her head.

"Your true identity, in fact, we know when we see you the first time."

Beside her, Ye Nan continued.

"However, you are the sister admitted by Xiaosan, and you may become our younger sister-in-law in the future, so we didn't say anything. As long as the relationship between you and Xiaosan comes, in our family, your identity does not matter."

The three of them were originally the children of A Yin who had been transformed into a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor.Xiao San married Xiao Wu, is it a son to inherit his father's business?

Seeing Ye Nan and Naiyazi's jokes, Tang San and Xiao Wu both blushed.

They looked at each other subconsciously, and at the same time found the shyness and surprise in each other's eyes, and then they turned around immediately as if they were electrocuted.

Xiao Wu lowered her head, playing with her twist braids; Tang San looked up at the leaves above her head, as if a flower had grown on it.

However, at this time, the Titan Great Ape, who was caught off guard and ate dog food, was the most embarrassed.

Wait!What did I hear!

Its eyes immediately turned red, and the breathing in its mouth increased.

Xiao Wu, actually want to marry this weak human being?

What's more sad is that seeing Xiao Wu's expression, is it not a rejection?

The Titan Great Ape felt that his heart was breaking.For this painful reality, it simply cannot accept it!

No, I don’t believe it!The reason Xiao Wu didn't refute, it must be because the two humans forced her!

That kid and Xiao Wu have only been together for six years, how can they compare to our tens of thousands of years of friendship!

Under the anger of losing love, the sanity of the Titan Great Ape began to disappear.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

From the mouth of this great ape, a roar of lust and madness was emitted, and the figure suddenly soared. From the original height of 15 meters, it quickly grew to 30 meters, which doubled directly.

"Power of Titan!"

Holding his pair of fists that had turned into pitch black, the Titan Great Ape launched a charge towards Tang San.

Today, I am going to hammer to death this little white face who dares to seduce my Xiao Wu!

Facing Er Ming who was rushing, Naiya Zisong opened her hand on Xiao Wu's head, and a silver hair danced behind her head.

Under her feet, seven bloody spirit rings were also lit up.

"Three thousand troubles!"

The silver hair on the back of her head grew tens of meters, intertwined with each other, turned into super long silver whips, and drew towards the Titan Great Ape with a sharp wind.




Facing several long whips, the great ape let out a roar full of anger.

He originally planned to directly carry it with his body that became extremely tough under the blessing of the Titan's power.

However, when he was struck by several long whips, strange power came from all directions, and Er Ming seemed to be drunk. He was staggered, unable to stand firm.

After waiting for a while, the body of the Titan Great Ape turned like a spinning top while constantly swinging.

Xiao Wu: (─.─--)

Tang San:(??_?)

However, Xiao Wu discovered something was wrong.

Obviously, when he fought (bao) against (da) Zao Wou-ki before, Nai Yazi used a kind of weapon Wuhun, how come now, Wuhun has turned into hair again?

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who also noticed this point exclaimed.

"A twin spirit?!"

However, although the two were surprised, they were not surprised.

After all, compared to the ability to turn the Titan Giant Ape into a top, the Twin Martial Spirit is just a younger brother!

Before Er Ming fainted, Daming finally appeared.

Looking at the titan giant ape, which is embarrassed, but in fact not dangerous, it has a buffalo head about five meters in diameter and a body that is hundreds of meters long.

"Human strong man, I am sorry for Er Ming's impulse, I hope you can forgive his unreasonable behavior."

"After all, even me, now I still have an idea to teach this stinky kid hard."

"Then you probably have no chance."

Ye Nan stepped forward and patted Naiyazi on the shoulder, letting her let go of the poor little monkey.

At the same time, he was holding the Ruyi Golden Hoop in his right hand, and his left hand was showing flames.Naiyazi's head was dumb, holding a crowbar.

Under the feet of the two, each of the seven martial souls, a total of twenty-eight bloody spirit rings appeared.

"After all, the'smelly boy' in your mouth, but my dear brother!"

Looking at the twenty-eight blood-colored spirit rings, he could not help but breathe in the spirit of the blue sky cow python.

found it!The culprit who made the soul beast of hundreds of thousands of years panicked before, even hiding at home and dare not go out, has finally been found!

Looking at the number of spirit rings on the opponent, the compatriots who have suffered misfortune are obviously more than the ones counted by these 100,000-year spirit beasts!

Chapter Three and Seven

After seeing these twenty-eight hundred thousand-year spirit rings, Daming, who was a blue sky cow python, and Erming, who was a giant giant ape, panicked to death.

Damn it!Twenty-eight compatriots have already died in the hands of the other party before, so are they the 29th and 30th?

Tang San also guessed that the blood-colored spirit ring was the one of a hundred thousand year spirit beast, and his eyes looked at Xiao Wu with a look of worry.

He also knew about the transformation of a hundred thousand year soul beast from the master.

He had guessed that Xiao Wu's identity might not be simple before, but he didn't expect it to be so simple!

However, at this time, Ye Nan was still very close.

If he really did something to Daming Erming, the good-tempered three big brothers of Tang would definitely not bear it anymore and would definitely teach him a lesson.

Therefore, facing the two anxious hundred thousand year soul beasts, he took out a scroll blankly.

"For Xiao Wu's sake, I can forgive Er Ming's recklessness. But only if you sign this contract."


The blue sky cow python squinted his eyes.

In order to avoid being misunderstood by Ye Nan, his huge bull head slowly moved forward, intending to read the text on the scroll clearly.

But for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, facing the approach of a giant python that is hundreds of meters away is not a beautiful experience.

Up to now, they have only shook the tree, without crying or urinating. They have performed very well!

The contract content on the scroll is simple:

Party A: (blank)

Party B: (blank)

After signing the contract, Party B has the right to summon Party A to fight.When Party A is on the verge of death, it has the right to cancel the call by itself.


The content of this contract is quite harsh. Party A wants to fight for Party B, but only the most basic life guarantee is maintained, almost comparable to a slave contract.

But in the eyes of two hundred thousand year spirit beasts, compared to becoming part of Ye Nan or Naiyazi, this condition was not unacceptable.

At the beginning, Qing Tian Niu Python also planned to talk about the conditions.

But when Ye Nan said that Xiao Wu could also sign the name on Party B, the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts quickly agreed.

After all, this doesn't just mean that Xiao Wu will be in danger in the future and can ask them for help.At the same time, it also means that Xiao Wu may also sign a name on Party A.

This is a subtle threat.

Seeing that after Ming Erming had signed the contract, even though the contract was very unfair, Xiao Wu was relieved.

Among the spirit beasts, it is the weak and the strong, and there is no unfair argument.

If a weak soul beast provokes a powerful soul beast, but is not killed, it is enough to show the benevolence of that powerful soul beast.

After signing the contract, the two hundred thousand-year soul beasts are their own.

Ye Nan's spiritual thoughts swept around and waved to Si Xiao.

"Look for it nearby. Er Ming's roars just now stunned a lot of soul beasts. Look around, you should get some unexpected gains."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, and she embraced Tang San's arm very skillfully.

"Brother San, let's go look for it! Maybe, these soul beasts are suitable for us!"


Tang San nodded, and Xiao Wu gradually disappeared into the dense forest.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing walked into the forest with red faces.

Their level has not reached the current limit, they don't need to absorb spirit ring, but it is necessary to release water.

Before long, the blue sky cow python seemed to notice something, and slowly turned his head.

"Strange breath."

As soon as it finished speaking, it found that Ye Nan and Naiyazi were standing on its two huge horns, one by one.

Nayazi patted its horns and urged.

"Hurry up, let's go and see!"

Blue sky cow python:...

Has it become someone else’s mount from the overlord of the Star Dou Lake in the Star Dou Great Forest?

But under the eaves, the python had to bow its head.

It twisted its body in an S shape, and its huge figure quickly slashed across the ground and the mountains, heading in the direction of the strange breath.

The Titan Great Ape scratched his head, his eyes flashed with a remorse that had affected his eldest brother, and followed him.


Behind him, the behemoth was approaching quickly.

It was as if a flood peak passed by, and the whole land was shaking.

The threat from life became clearer and clearer, and the head of Dragon Duke Meng Shu, who was Contra, was sweating more and more.

He was running away with his wife and granddaughter, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, turned around, and faced the huge unknown threat.

"Old lady, take it and leave!"

His words were full of determination, and the snake woman who had felt uneasy from the very beginning trembled and quickly took his hand.

"Old man, what do you want to do?"

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