Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 207

Chapter 309, this is all the love of brother and sister for you

"Dad is Title Douluo?"

Tang San widened his eyes, feeling even more surprised than Xiao Wu's transformation into a 100,000-year soul beast.

He has a decent iron-strike technique, so the father who sleeps every day except for drinking, is actually a titled Douluo with less than a hundred on the Douluo Continent?

Moreover, it is still as high as level 97?!

His immediate reaction was his brother and sister, did he make fun of him again?

But then, he seemed to remember something.

"Haotian Douluo?"

Tang San raised his left hand, soul power poured in, embodying the Haotian hammer.

"Is it because of this? This is Dad's Martial Spirit?"

Then, Tang San looked at the blue silver grass on his right hand again.

"So, this is, mother?"

"Yes, but not really."

Nai Yazi nodded first, and then shook his head, making Tang San a little confused.

"This martial soul is one of the three sects on the Douluo Continent, the symbol of the Clear Sky School, the Clear Sky Hammer!"

Nai Yazi took the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand casually, and put it in his hand in his speechless expressions.

"The Haotian Sect, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family are combined together, and they are called the Upper Three Sects. What's interesting is that your master, Master Yu Xiaogang, is from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family. The daughter of Sect Master Qibao Liuli."

Tang San was slightly surprised: Is it such a coincidence?

Holding the small hammer that he didn't have, Naiazi continued.

"When we were born, our mother was no longer able to hide her identity, and was discovered by the people in the Spirit Hall. Soon after, three titled Douluos in the Spirit Hall, including the former Hall Master, raided our home. My father fought desperately. The titled Douluo was all wounded, but his fists were still hard to beat with six hands."

"In the end, it was the mother who volunteered to sacrifice herself, turning it into a spirit bone and one hundred thousand year spirit ring, which increased the strength of my father, and he took us to escape.

"However, shortly after returning to the Spirit Hall, the Hallmaster of the Spirit Hall was seriously injured and died. It was also because of this that the Hall of Spirit Spirit had assembled a manpower to fight the Clear Sky School."

"At that time, our grandfather, the 99th-level Title Douluo, one of the strongest in the mainland, was missing, and the 99th-level Title Douluo of the Spirit Hall was still there. In desperation, my father could only announce his withdrawal from the Clear Sky School. At the same time, the Clear Sky School also gave up the power on the mainland and announced the closure of the mountain."

The whole process was thrilling and ups and downs under Naiyazi's narration.Let Tang San clenched his fists sometimes, and sometimes his breathing accelerated.

At the end, he let out a sigh of relief, his expression a bit complicated and dazed.

"So, first the mother died to save us, and then the sect was forced to proclaim himself because his father was forced to make his father so decadent as he is now?"


At the same time, Ye Nan and Naiyazi showed 28 bloody spirit rings under their feet.

Nai Yazi returned the small hammer to Tang San, speaking earnestly.

"Little San, do you know. Actually, if we don’t hesitate to pay, we can avenge our mother now. Even in a few years, when we all become Title Douluo, after we have thirty-six hundred thousand-year spirit rings, we will kill that The title Douluo of level ninety-nine is nothing to say!"

Immediately afterwards, her voice changed.

"However, they are obviously triplets. For some reason, we have neither inherited the Clear Sky Hammer of our father nor the Blue Silver Grass of our mother."

(Why is there no inheritance, don't you have any points in your heart?)

Speaking of this, she and Ye Nan showed a somewhat lost look at the same time.

True movie king jpg

Tang San opened his mouth, trying to comfort his brother and sister, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, his martial spirit also has Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass.

Naiyazi and Ye Nan looked at each other, nodded each other, and continued.

"So, after discussing with your brother, I decided to train you up and let Xiao San you come and avenge your mother yourself!"

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she suspended eight spirit bones shining in various colors in front of Tang San.

"These are the soul bones we obtained after hunting the 100,000-year soul beast. Your brother and I will have eight left after filling them up. These are all for you."

Looking at the eight soul bones in front of him that were shining brightly, Tang San was a little startled.

This surprise came so suddenly, it turned into a fright!

Soul bone is an extremely rare treasure, and it has a certain chance to drop after killing the soul beast.

After absorbing the soul bone, it can give the soul master the promotion of additional skills and attributes. The skills obtained are related to the type of soul beast and the length of training.

As a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, after being killed, it will definitely drop a soul bone according to the needs of the hunter.The eight soul bones in front of them are exactly a set of six left leg bones, right leg bones, left arm bones, right arm bones, skull and sternum, as well as the two extra left leg bones and right leg bones.

Feeling the breath of the soul bone, the blue sky cow python, the giant giant ape and Xiao Wu trembled at the same time.

Weak, poor and helpless, and a little scared.

However, the twenty-eight hundred thousand year soul beasts should not have twenty-eight soul bones?

Twenty-eight minus twelve, and then minus eight equals ten.So, brother and sister should still have ten soul bones, right?

Seeing Tang San's somewhat puzzled expression, Ye Nan and Naiyazi smiled at the same time.

Suddenly a few things appeared on them.

Behind Ye Nan was a pair of external soul bones like dragon wings, a pair of dragon horns stretched out from the top of his head, and a golden monkey-like tail stretched out from behind his buttocks.

Moreover, there was a silver pattern like vertical eyes in the center of his eyebrows, and his spine exuded golden light like a dragon.

These are four consecutive external spirit bones, and they are very rare in spirit bones. Only a mammalian 100,000-year-old spirit beast has a chance to explode the spine!

The situation is similar for Naiyako.

Behind her are a pair of golden wings, and the top of her head is a devilish spiral horn.

Her spine was pulled out by herself, and I was in my hand like a long sword.Above her left arm, a shovel-shaped soul bone emerged, clinging to her arm, like a shield.

At the same time, Nayazi's face was also covered with a black spirit bone that looked like a knight armor.

Tang San:……

He doesn't know what to say now.

Not to mention the soul bones of 100,000-year soul beasts, even ordinary soul bones can attract countless soul masters in the world, throwing blood on them.

But looking at the appearance of my brothers and sisters, the soul bones of these 100,000-year-old soul beasts are just like sweet potatoes on the roadside. Pick them if you want!

The two people with spirit bones outside patted Tang San on the shoulder in unison.

"So Xiao San, starting today, help my mother get revenge, let my father return to the Clear Sky School, defeat the evil forces in the Spirit Hall, and leave the heavy task of maintaining world peace to you! Don't let me and your brother down!"

Facing the ardent hopes of his brother and sister, Tang San took a deep breath.

He stretched out his hand to put away the eight heavy soul bones that represented the trust of his brother and sister in him, and nodded his head.

"Don't worry, brother and sister. I will definitely practice hard and avenge my mother!"

Chapter 310 Martial Soul Variation

Ye Nan was still very satisfied with this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest.

First of all, Tang San obtained the spirit ring of the human face demon spider and the attached spirit bone, which was basically achieved.

Secondly, let the four small insights into the adult soul master world that has no emotions, the weak and the strong.

It was an unexpected joy to be able to contract to Daming and Erming.

As for Long Gong and Snake Po, and Meng still...... emmmm, this can only be regarded as incidental.

On the way back to Soto City, through exchanges, the Dragon, Snake and Meng trio also knew the identity of Ye Nan and Naiyazi.

Tang Nan and Tang Ya, seventy-ninth and seventy-eighth-level soul sages, Tang San's twin brother and sister, twelve years old this year.

Regarding this kind of news that can't be faked anymore, the three said:

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!


On the second day after returning to Soto City, the master who had received information from the guards came to the door after the Shrek Academy took care of it.

Meng Shu, who had fallen from Duke Long to an old master, opened the door and said in a rather rude tone.

"Who are you looking for?"

Let a soul sage open the door for you, feel honored, mortal!This is the only glory in your life!

This old concierge has such a big temper!

The master frowned, his tone a little blunt.

"I'm looking for Tang San, I am his master."

"Tang San's master?"

Meng Shu raised his eyebrows.

It seemed that I had heard before that Tang San had a master.

His face suddenly became more kind, and he let the door open.

"Come in. Tang San is training."

Entering the gate, following Meng Shu's steps, the master saw Tang San.

At this time, Tang San took off his upper body clothes, revealing a body with streamlined muscles.But the most striking thing was the spirit bones attached to the eight spider legs behind him.

"External spirit bone?"

The master is worthy of being a master. He recognized what was behind Tang San at a glance, and couldn't help being surprised by his apprentice's luck.

This is the external soul bone of the soul master's most coveted ranking, second only to the 100,000-year soul ring!

Hearing this very familiar voice, it was precisely because he had absorbed two thousand years of spirit ring that his spirit power increased too fast, Tang San, who was undergoing spirit power control training, suddenly turned his head.


For Tang San, this was a real surprise.

He put away the soul bone behind him, and greeted him very happily.

"Little San."

Seeing the smile on Tang San's face, the master couldn't help showing a smile on the always indifferent face, and hugged him.

Seeing the master, Xiao Wu who was cultivating on the side also stopped and shouted suddenly.


Suddenly, Meng Shu was surprised.

"This master of Tang San turned out to be the master with the strongest theory."

For his previous rudeness, he clasped his fist.

"It was so rude before. The old man Meng Shu."

"It turns out to be the famous Duke Long!"

The master was surprised and hurriedly returned the gift, but also a little surprised.

How could a dignified eighty-level Contra watch the door here?

It should be something coming, I happened to meet it!

With the thinking of a master, Rao couldn't imagine that there are people in this world who are so extravagant to use Contra to watch the door!

Even on the Douluo Continent, the most powerful Spirit Hall could not do this!

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