Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 208

Even in the Spirit Hall, Contra is an absolute high-level.Let's not mention whether the manpower is really so rich.As a Contra, his pride does not allow him to watch the door!

As for Meng Shu-after learning that there are 100,000-year soul beasts in the food that these people eat every day, and that those who don't work can't eat, he took the initiative to assume the duties of the concierge.

The snake woman took on the cleaning work.

As the granddaughter of Contra, Meng still cooked good food, and became a cook, responsible for cooking other than the 100,000-year soul beast.

Not to mention, after eating the 100,000-year soul beast for two days, Meng Shu felt that he seemed to see the hope of upgrading.

If there is a supply of 100,000-year soul beast meat every day, maybe the Road to Title Douluo that he has given up long ago is no longer just a dream!

After some greetings, Tang San looked at Ye Nan and Naiyazi with expectant eyes before waiting for the master to explain his intention.

"Brother and sister, do you have a way to solve the master's mutant Martial Spirit?"

Solve my mutant Martial Soul?

For an instant, the master was a little moved.

As a disciple, Tang San actually kept thinking about his inability to break through the 30th level because of the vicious mutation of his martial soul.

However, if you pin your hopes on the two children, do you want to go to the hospital for some diseases?


In Tang San's look forward to, Ye Nan nodded.

"Since the master's martial arts cannot break through level 30 because of vicious mutation. Then, just let it mutate again."

"Mutation again? Wuhun mutation is not a simple matter!"

As soon as he mentioned the problem of Wuhun, the master immediately entered the state of a desperate, straight-forward scientist, and said to Ye Nan.

"Could it be that you have mastered the method of Wuhun mutation?"

"Is it difficult? I think it's easy. If you don't believe me, look at it."

Ye Nan reached out and pointed at the master.

A golden light shot into the master's body, causing his whole body to tremble.

In the next second, his mutant Martial Spirit Luo San Pao unexpectedly jumped out of his body without being summoned by himself.


But at this time, Luo Sanpao's condition seemed not very good.

It lay on the ground, his tongue out hissing feebly, just like a salesman who is still running outside forty degrees.

"Master, which aspect do you think the mutated spirit should be more inclined to?"

Ye Nan gave an example.

"Is it a long-range system based on the mage turret, or the most common possessed melee system among beast spirits, or a control system dominated by lightning?"

"Can you control the direction of Wuhun's mutation?"

Just looking at the other party not to summon Luo Sanpao with his consent, the master knew that this young man was not talking casually, but had real materials.

When I thought that I might ask for the "theory first, actual combat rubbish" situation, the master became excited.

He clenched his fist hard, trying not to let the excitement affect his thinking.

After several minutes, he raised his vicissitudes of life, facing Ye Nan.

"I choose the long-range mage turret! Luo Sanpao and I have been training with long-range spirit masters before. And I am getting older now, and my body cannot keep up with melee combat. The long-range mage turret is the most suitable for me. !"

"Okay, then the long-range battery system!"

Ye Nan nodded to express his understanding, and said to Tang San.

"Little San, go get a towel for the master to bite. When Wuhun mutates, it may be a little painful."

Hearing this, the master hesitated for a while, and did not reject Ye Nan's kindness.

He has been pampered for so many years, and his body is indeed not as good as when he was adventurous on the mainland.If you scream and roll on the ground in pain in front of these children later, that would be a shame.

The third chapter of the eleventh chapter is the lolicon

(The last chapter revealed the facts of my teaching of mathematics and physical education... I changed the eight soul bones for Tang San to six, which just happened to be less.)

Wuhun mutation is quite rare on the road.Yu Xiaogang was generous and didn't care about the embarrassment he might be seen by others later, allowing others to watch the process of Wuhun mutation.

Biting the wet towel that Tang San handed over, the master nodded to Ye Nan, making a vague sound.

"let's start."


With four short legs, a chubby body, and a small unicorn on top of his head, Luo San Pao, who looked more like a pug than the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, also stood up.

It seemed to know that it was good for itself, and screamed affectionately towards Ye Nan, and shook the tail behind it.

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Nan took out a small bottle of blue liquid from the Space Horcrux, opened Luo Sanpao's mouth, and poured it in.

Feeling the breath of a hundred thousand year soul beast, Xiao Wu's tail vertebra trembled, and Ning Rongrong asked him curiously.

"Instructor, what is this?"

"This is the spinal fluid of a hundred thousand year soul beast, a violent triangle bull."

Ye Nan poured all the viscous liquid into Luo Sanpao's mouth, threw the bottle aside and replied.

"When I met it with Naiazi, we miscalculated its bone strength and accidentally broke its spine. In order to prevent this thunderous spinal fluid from leaking into the body and affecting the taste of beef, I It was all taken out. I didn't expect it to be used today."

"The spinal fluid of a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

Ning Rongrong stuck out his tongue.

After learning that he and others had eaten several hundred thousand-year soul beasts before, Ning Rongrong, who was young and had not yet fully developed the Three Views, was able to face such things peacefully.

However, feeding Wuhun this kind of thing can really make it mutate?

Just when she thought so, Luo San Pao, who had just been fed a bottle of unknown liquid, suddenly changed.


After drinking, Luo Sanpao, who subconsciously licked his lips, felt that it tasted good, but at this moment he began to roll all over the floor in pain.

The roots of the hair on its body stand up, as if it had been ionized.

At the same time, the master snorted, his body trembling subconsciously in severe pain.

Luo Sanpao is his martial soul, which is part of his soul.The pain felt on the soul is more intense than the pain on the body.

Within a few seconds, big drops of sweat began to condense on the master's forehead.His hand was called, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and the towel in his mouth was immediately killed.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

In Luo Sanpao's intense pain, its body gradually became transparent.Everyone can see that a cloud of dark blue liquid is rolling around in its body, flowing into the limbs for a while, and into the internal organs for a while.

With the flow of the dark blue liquid, the pain caused to the master became more intense.Tang San clenched his fists in worry.

This dark blue liquid ran through Luo Sanpao's whole body, but he still couldn't find a place suitable for him, feeling dissatisfied everywhere.

At this moment, Ye Nan stretched out his hand and slapped the dark blue liquid into the spine of Luo Sanpao.

Suddenly he was locked in a small black room. Before the thunder triangle cow's spinal fluid resisted, Ye Nan stretched out his hand again, and evenly penetrated the spinal fluid into Luo Sanpao's spine, digesting it instantly.

Spinal fluid:...

As the saying goes: Since there is no way to resist, then start enjoying.

The spinal fluid from the heart began to transform Luo Sanpao's body.

This spine is not good, change it!

This short unicorn will not work, change it!

This energy storage doesn't work, change it!

This hair... is okay, keep it.

In a short period of time, although Luo Sanpao's body shape has not changed, only the horns on the top of his head have become much longer, but his body has undergone a large-scale transformation.

It was as if he was performing a non-anaesthetic operation on Wuhun.The master rolled his eyes several times and almost passed out in pain, but he resisted it with his perseverance.

At the same time, the sweat on his body was flowing out one by one, and he soon wetted his clothes, turning into a'water man' from the inside out.

After more than ten minutes of changes, Luo Sanpao finally completed the transformation and returned to the master.

The intense pain disappeared, the master loosened his whole body and finally fainted.

Tang San quickly stepped forward, helped Yu Xiaogang who had fallen on the ground up, and turned his head to look at Ye Nan.

"Brother, how is it?"

"The mutation has been very successful. He is fine, as long as he sleeps."

Ye Nan nodded.

"Although this mutation did not completely solve the problem, it was enough to raise the upper limit of the master's level to level 80."

"Level eighty?"

Hearing this, Tang San's face showed a smile.

The age of the master is not young.Even if it were to be made up from now, it would be unrealistic to want to become a ninety-level titled Douluo, or an eighty-level Contra.

If you can become a soul saint, it is enough for the master!

Master Tang Sanfu went down to rest.Meng Shu stroked his beard and said with emotion.

"I didn't expect that the spinal fluid of the 100,000-year soul beast could actually cause the spirit to mutate, which is really amazing!"

Snake Po, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng still nodded again and again.


The next day, the master woke up in bed.

"A strange ceiling..."

He blinked, recalling the situation yesterday.

"Yes, my martial soul has mutated again!"

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed his excitement, put on his shoes and walked out the door.

At the door, he heard Tang San, Xiao Wu and another girl talking and laughing.

"Third brother, I saw it when I got up this morning! You came out of Xiao Wu's room! Say, what did you do to Xiao Wu?"

Ning Rongrong's implicitly smiling voice spread throughout the courtyard, causing Tang San and Xiao Wu to make a red face.

Zhu Zhuqing and Meng were still blushing, but their eyes couldn't stop looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Especially Meng still.

Among the seven children here, Ye Nan and Naiyazi didn't mention anything other than the specifications.Although she was already a great soul master at the age of sixteen, the genius of the other four children was no less than hers, and Tang San and Xiao Wu were even more geniuses than her.

This made Meng, who thought he was a genius and beautiful girl, still lost a lot.

Especially since she is already sixteen years old and hasn't given it to her boyfriend, but these two twelve-year-olds have already done such a bold thing as living together, which is really gossip!

"What's this?"

Xiao Wu, who didn't know much about this aspect, said nonchalantly before Tang San had time to stop it.

"When I was at Notting College, I slept with my third brother."

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng still looked at Tang San's eyes changed.

"Anyway, I started with six-year-old Xiao Wu? Scum!"



Tang San: (╥﹏╥)

He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how he should refute, who really liked Xiao Wu, but fortunately, he saw the master when he turned around.

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