Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 227

"Since the ancient heavenly court came to an end and the religion fell apart, the monsters under the world have been like a pile of scattered sand, no longer converging. In the long run, the monsters are in danger of getting tired of eggs, and the souls are in danger of hanging upside down."

"I heard that Emperor Jun, the demon emperor of the ancient heavenly court, cleared Liuhe and swept the eight wastes; ten thousand demons are in love, and all directions are upholding virtue. Since it is not taken by power, it is actually the destiny."

"There is also the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the sacred martial arts, the gods and the people, and the Eastern Emperor Bell suppresses countless people. Isn't it the heavens?"

"Today's public possesses great talents, holds great weapons, compares itself to Emperor Jun and Taiyi, does not gather the monsters, does the responsibility of the monsters, and opens the way for the enlightenment of thousands of monsters. Waiting for joy, and suppressing it arbitrarily, to make a head start for the Heavenly Buddhism? Today, if you defy your armor and surrender with li, you will still not lose your position as a demon master. It is not beautiful to make me a demon court, peace and happiness!"

"The bastard is rude!"

After Ye Nan gave a BB, Kun Pengqi's blood pressure rose, pointing at Ye Nan and cursed.

"I am the demon master of the ancient heavenly court, living in the North Sea for the first time, blessing the North Sea side, and then instructing the ten thousand demons to practice, day and night, diligently farming! Perseverance, the fate is hard to violate, the Lich battle, the death of Emperor Jun, the fall of Taiyi, the demon There is no one in ten of the Holy Power! I hold on to the remnant body, protect the remnant monster race from retreating to Beihai, and work hard, the sun and the moon are clear.

"Today, if children stand on their own in the demon garden, don’t you hear that the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it; when piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent; if you walk higher than people, everyone will not. It is not easy for my demon clan to rest and live. The Demon Court will fight against the Heavenly Court Buddhism. At that time, my demon clan will flow in blood from everywhere, and the common people will be suffering from charcoal. It will be a mistake!"

"Shut up! You shameless old thief! Don't you know that the demon of the world is willing to give birth to your meat! Dare to rap here!"

Ye Nan screamed and interrupted Kun Peng directly, making him startled and angry.

"Fortunately, the demon race is endless. My Nantian Emperor and the Qitian Demon Emperor established a demon court here to protect all the demon. You are afraid of the great power of the heavenly Buddhism, but you can only hide and shrink your head, and dare to be with me. Claiming the number of days before the demon court!"

"The ancient heavenly court is not destroyed, you have not made an inch of merit, indulge in pleasure, self-righteous! The ancient heavenly court is destroyed, you bow and kneel, linger and panting to this day, will only shake your lips and tongue, help the heavenly Buddhism in abuse! A dog with a broken spine, dare to be with me The army was barking snarly! I have never seen such a brazen person!!!"

"Ah ah ah!!!"

When Ye Nan had these words today, Kun Peng was almost crazy.

He can foresee how badly his reputation will be after today!

Gu Tianting collapsed, Emperor Jun died, Tai Yi died, a large group of demon saints died, you are still alive, this is greedy for life and fear of death!

The Nantian Emperor and the Demon Emperor established the Demon Court, but you are afraid of being attacked by the Heaven and Buddhism. As a demon master, you ran to the Demon Court to trouble you. This is a courageous rat!

You are a courageous rat who is greedy for life and fear of death, what qualifications do you have to call yourself the teacher of ten thousand demons?It is simply to be cast aside by the demons!

"The concubine is looking for death!"

Kunpeng's golden eyes were blood red, and he wanted to eat Ye Nan raw.

But he hasn't finished it yet.

"There is a fish in Beiming, whose name is Kun. Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot."

"It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. Peng is big and needs two grills, one cumin and one slightly spicy."

With a flick of Ye Nan's right hand, the power of the world condensed, and a super big pot appeared in the Huaguo Mountain, plus two super large barbecue grills.

"Today, are you Kunpeng planning to become cumin or slightly spicy?"


With sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, Kunpeng who suffered a big loss decided to do it directly.

The cloak unfolded behind him, turned into a bird, and went straight into the sky.

The Kunpeng who turned into a big Peng has thousands of miles away from his back.When the two wings spread, there are more than thousands of miles away.

Even the sun in the sky was covered by him, and the Huaguo Mountain was suddenly dark.

"Fuck, what a big bird!"

Monkey King exclaimed.

Even if he went to many dungeon worlds, he hadn't seen many creatures larger than Kunpeng!

Then, his next sentence is.

"How many days can such a big bird eat?"

Kun Peng became even more embarrassed when he said this.

His two golden peng claws opened, forming two almost solid golden claw prints, which rushed towards Ye Nan and Monkey King respectively. At the same time, the huge bird, as a solid body, rushed towards Huaguo Mountain with anger.

In order to wash away this humiliation, he plans to flatten the two reckless Daluo Jinxian, even this mountain of flowers and fruits!

Facing the bird's claws, Monkey King waved the fighting fairy stick.

The fighting word secretly circulates in his body, originating from the fighting holy emperor's fighting holy emperor scripture, and a steady stream of golden mana gushes out.

At the same time, the fighting fairy cudgel in his hand stretched into the wind, and instantly turned into a ten thousand li Tianzhu, slamming heavily on the Kunpeng falling towards Huaguo Mountain.

"Get out of here!"

Chapter 34 How to put Kunpeng in the refrigerator

The big black fighting fairy stick brutally smashed Kunpeng's golden claw marks, and worked hard to come to Kunpeng again.

Kunpeng, with a wingspan of thousands of miles, was hit and flew thousands of meters by this powerful stick.

Although compared to its body, this is only a few steps away from ordinary people, but in Kunpeng's eyes, it is another shame.


Kunpeng, who felt that he had lost his face again, uttered incompetent rage from a beak.

The wrath of each husband, blood splattered five steps; the wrath of the emperor, a million dead bodies

The wrath of the quasi-sage is even more discolored.

The killing intent on Kunpeng's body rushed straight into the sky, staining the auspicious clouds above Huaguo Mountain with blood red.

"Junior, mystery, I have a lot of Kunpeng!"

He sounded like thunder, if it weren't for Huaguoshan to be protected by Ye Nan's mental power, I'm afraid this roar alone would be able to smash a lot of little demon.

I don't know what spell was used, Kunpeng's momentum skyrocketed by several points, and his body was covered with a layer of quiet black light.

He seemed to realize that his huge size of thousands of miles was useless in this kind of battle. He changed his body into a three-footed giant eagle and rushed towards Ye Nan.

Compared to Monkey King who didn't say a few words, he obviously hated Ye Nan, who had lost his wise man forever.

Ye Nan is naturally not afraid of fighting in the same level.

Facing Kunpeng's tempered body, the golden blood on his body, like bright sunlight, rose to the sky, turning into a shining golden light, illuminating the entire Huaguo Mountain.

"Six Reincarnation Fists!"

He shouted angrily, and his figure soared into Zhang Xu.Then stretched out both fists, a stream of chaotic air flowing on the fist.


The golden heavy fist slammed into the pitch-black claws, making a crisp sound of gold and stone.The sound waves were extremely harsh, causing the weaker macaque monkey king lion camel king Qiqiao to bleed, flying hundreds of meters across the body, screaming.

The Demon King Peng who relied on his speed to stay away, and the Demon King Jiao who descended into the sea also turned pale, with a stream of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth.

In a battle at the Daluo Jinxian level, the aftermath alone can seriously damage the Jinxian.

Seeing this, the Bull Demon King quickly retreated with the Macaque King, the Lion King, and the Peng Demon King and the Flood Demon King quickly away from the battlefield.

At the place where Ye Nan and Kunpeng met, a faint black slit appeared, and a spatial crack appeared.

At the time when the saints fought, the entire wilderness was almost shattered.Under Hongjun's order, the saints stopped their hands, collected the fragments of the wild, and reopened the earth, water, wind and fire, and only then has the current Three Realms.

If it were the original famine, the war of quasi-sages would also have a great impact.In the case of the Three Realms, it is very possible to destroy the four continents.

Foreseeing that as the time spent in the fight with Kunpeng is longer, the more likely it is for other Da Luo Jinxians to intervene in, Ye Nan turned his head and said to Monkey King.

"Brother Monkey, go together! There is no need to pay so much attention to the battle of life and death."

"it is good!"

A fierce light flashed in Monkey King's eyes, and ten percent of his mana exploded.

He also transformed into Zhang Er's body, lifted the Dou Zhan Celestial Cudgel that had grown to Zhang Ba, and aimed at Kun Peng in a sweep.

"Junior! Even with one enemy and two, I can kill you!"

Kunpeng's fist-big bird eyes opened vigorously, and Chi Guoguo's killing intent was permeated.

He raised his wings like a black sword, and greeted Monkey King's fighting fairy cudgel, making the sound of steel. Then the other wing turned into a black light blade and slashed down towards Ye Nan.

Around the black light blade, there are dense space cracks, which obviously cannot be underestimated.

Before Kunpeng turned into black blade wings, Ye Nan's figure suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of flame.The black light blade passed through the flame, like a knife cutting off water, and it was useless.

Immediately afterwards, the flame formed by Ye Nan passed through the space, condensing the human form, and appeared directly beside Kunpeng.

As a bird monster, Kunpeng's head is quite hard.Birds have their own stabilizers in their brains, so heading is not a good choice before you are sure that they can be fatal.

Therefore, Ye Nanyang was able to burn out the mysterious fire of the three real fires, and slapped Kunpeng's tail wing, further disturbing his reason, and laughed.

"Kunpeng, how does this barbecue taste?"


Kunpeng didn't even bother to put out the fire and let out a sharp bird song.

His pair of bird claws turned into black light and flashed across Ye Nan's body.

However, just as before, Ye Nan, who had been cut into several segments, joined in the flames and looked unscathed.

But thick black smoke came out of Kunpeng's buttocks, amid a strong burnt smell.There is even a hint of meat.

Under the powerful gaze of almost the entire Three Realms, Kun Peng whose ass was made into a roast chicken was ashamed and angered and completely lost his reason.

Kunpeng has become very face-saving since he lost his holy position by Yuanshi Tianzun's saying, "Wet-born eggs, those with hair and horns".

Now, this old face who had heard the Dao in the Zixiao Palace has been repeatedly trampled in the sewer by two juniors, and Kun Peng has gone crazy!

He rushed into the sea and turned into a giant kun.With a flick of that thick tail, the whole body like a mainland rose into the sky, falling like a meteorite, and hitting Huaguo Mountain.

If it were compacted by him, the entire Huaguo Mountain would collapse.

In extreme anger, Kunpeng found the weaknesses of Ye Nan and Monkey King-well, aren't you going to build a demon court?Then I will smash your demon court and the mountain together, and see if you can block it!

I have to say that Kunpeng immediately took the two men's deadly spots.

With a huge body and profound mana, Kun Peng, let alone the mere Huaguo Mountain, even the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou will be shaken.

Seeing Kunpeng's move, many three realms frowned.

Monkey King's eyes were about to split, the fighting fairy cudgel soared tens of thousands of meters, and he patted the giant Kun's body sideways.


He wanted to shoot Kunpeng away, but the quality difference between the two was too great, and he could only make a few obstacles, and could not really block Kunpeng.

Up and down Huaguo Mountain, countless big demon little demon looked at Kunpeng's body that covered the sky and sun, and was extremely desperate, sitting on the ground waiting to die.

At this moment, Ye Nan used his immortal power to release his immortal kingdom and earn Kunpeng.

Subsequently, he himself rushed into the kingdom of God.

Within the Immortal God, countless temples, mountains, and rivers were destroyed and turned into the most basic divine power, rushing into Ye Nan's body.

Mastering almost endless divine power, Ye Nan secretly said that this time he bleeds, he must let the Great Sage write an IOU to explode his true strength.

"The empty flame secret method, give me an explosion!"

Ye Nan's breath soared, and instantly turned into the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, watching the giant Kun sweat all over his body.

"You are not Da Luo Jinxian at all!"

"You know it's too late!"

Driven by Ye Nan, the law of flames turned into ninety-nine eighty-one flame spears, rotating and cutting Kunpeng's body.

The quasi-sage's power exploded ten thousand times, and Kunpeng's body was cut to pieces in an instant.

He wanted to escape in a panic, but this place was Ye Nan Divine Kingdom, and there was no way to go to heaven and earth!

An hour later, Kunpeng's meat, bones and internal organs were sorted out, and Ye Nan left the kingdom of God and returned to Huaguo Mountain.

Chapter Three and Two, I'm relieved to see that the group members are still like sand sculptures

Kunpeng's initial collision, even though Ye Nan moved him into the ocean in the kingdom of God, still caused some damage to the kingdom of God.

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